
  • 网络Information;enterprise information;company information
  1. 基于WEBService和元数据的虚拟企业信息集成框架

    Integration Framework of Virtual Enterprise Information Based on Web Service and Metadata

  2. Internet环境下的企业信息管理模型研究

    The Research on the Model of Enterprise Information Management in the Environment of Internet

  3. 我们坚持有一个能增强我们企业信息的节目广播环境

    We insist on a program environment that reinforces our corporate messages .

  4. 基于实时数据库和XML的企业信息共享平台的研究

    The Research of Industry Information Platform Based On Real-Time Database and XML

  5. 企业信息管理系统对CAD图纸中BOM信息的再利用

    Reuse of BOM out of the CAD in MIS System

  6. SCM模式下我国企业信息共享研究

    Research on Internal Enterprises ' Supply Chain Information Sharing under SCM Pattern

  7. Web服务是发布到Internet/Intranet上的应用程序模块,可用来建立分布式应用系统和进行企业信息系统集成。

    A Web service is an application module published on Internet / Intranet , which can be used to build distributed applications and integrate information systems of enterprises .

  8. 针对Java和XML技术的优点,作者提出了一种基于Java和XML的企业信息发布模型。

    According to the advantages of Java and XML technologies , the author proposes a enterprise information publishing model based on Java and XML .

  9. 他尤其关注异构环境中的企业信息集成,这也包括SAP应用程序。

    He is particularly focused on enterprise information integration in heterogeneous environments also containing SAP applications .

  10. Web企业信息挖掘是Web数据挖掘的一个具体应用,主要针对用户所关心的大量企业信息进行数据挖掘的过程。

    Enterprise Web data mining , which is a concrete application of Web data mining , is a course of the data mining for the mass enterprise information concerned by the users .

  11. 请求执行程序(Requesthandlers):请求执行程序完成具体请求的活动,比如与服务交互,向不同的企业信息系统(enterpriseinformationsystems,EIS)增加或检索信息。

    Request handlers : Request handlers carry out specific request activities , like interacting with services for adding or retrieving information from various enterprise information systems ( EISs ) .

  12. 文章介绍了制造业远程服务系统的功能,提出了通过J2EE平台集成现有企业信息系统。

    This paper introduces the function of teleservice system of manufacturing enterprises , and puts forward the integration of existing EISs based on J2EE platform .

  13. 随着三层/多层企业信息系统结构的深度发展和下一代分布式计算模型Web服务的出现,企业应用中关于平台、框架、语言的竞争也愈演愈烈。

    With the comprehensive development of the three or more layers structure of the enterprise info system and the emergence of web services , the new generation distributed computing model , there are more and more competitions lied in the platform , architecture and language of the enterprise application .

  14. 数据对象可以自动记录它们的更改历史,然后,在将这些更改应用到企业信息系统时,DAS将使用这些更改来检测冲突。

    Data objects can automatically record their change history that can then be used by a DAS to detect collisions when applying changes back to an enterprise information system .

  15. 1998年美国美林公司正式提出了企业信息门户的概念。随着许多大企业进入企业信息门户的成功,EIP再也不是水中月、镜中花了。

    American Merrill Lynch Company put forward the concept of the enterprise information portal formally in 1998 . As a lot of big enterprises enter success of the enterprise information portal , EIP is no longer remote .

  16. 企业信息系统体系结构(ISA)是研究企业信息系统柔性的基础,除了孤立地研究ISA各子系统的柔性外,还必须从整体的高度对企业ISA进行柔性管理。

    Enterprise Information System Architecture is the base of study on enterprise information system flexibility . Besides studying separately on the flexibility of each subsystem of Enterprise Information System Architecture , flexible management of Enterprise Information System Architecture should also be done on the level as a whole .

  17. 企业信息系统框架提供了一系列可复用组件,例如采用动态VO、值列表处理器以及命令模式的持久层组件,封装了数据库访问细节,并为不同的持久层框架提供调用接口;

    Enterprise Information System Framework provides a series of reusable groupware , such as persistence layer which introduces Dynamic Value Object 、 Value List Hander and Command pattern , it encapsulates the detail of accessing database and affords the interface of different persistence layer framework ;

  18. OPCXML-DA规范是OPC家族中的最新成员,它针对跨平台通信和基于互联网的应用而开发,为从生产现场的控制系统到经营决策层的企业信息管理系统的纵向信息集成提供了实现途径。

    OPC XML-DA specification is the newest member of OPC family and it is designed for cross-platform applications on Internet . It makes the integrations of automation systems in plant floor with enterprise information management systems possible and opens a great new space for the development of OPC specifications .

  19. 企业信息科技投资管理初探

    Probe into Investment Management of Enterprises ' Information Science and Technology

  20. 电网企业信息系统上线测试的设计与实施

    Power Grid Enterprise Information System On-Line Test Design and Implementation

  21. 企业信息管理系统柔性访问控制模型

    A flexible access control model for enterprise information management systems

  22. 企业信息技术外包的风险与防范

    The Risk and Precaution of Enterpris e 's IT Outsourcing

  23. 制造企业信息集成平台安全性现状及其对策

    Security Condition and Countermeasures of the Information Integrated Platform in Manufacturing Enterprises

  24. 初探工业企业信息传递方式变革的必要性

    Discussion on Necessary of Changing Information Transmissive Way in Enterprise

  25. 国内外企业信息能力评价研究现状

    Research Status of the Evaluation of Enterprise 's Information Literacy

  26. 企业信息活动链及其基于面向对象方法的描述

    Information Activity Chain of Corporation and Its Object Oriented Methodology Based Description

  27. 企业信息欺诈及其法律防治

    Enterprise 's Information Fraud and the Preventing Measures by Law

  28. 企业信息资源的集成机制分析

    Analysis of the Integration Mechanism of Information Resources in Enterprises

  29. 企业信息系统开发的一种新型方法

    A New Method for the Development of Enterprise Information System

  30. 企业信息门户:演进机制与实证观察

    Enterprise Information Portal : Evolution Mechanism and Empirical Observations