
  • 网络marketed
  1. 中行平台的营销对象,极可能也包括高净价值的个人。

    BoC 's platform is also likely to be marketed to hellogh net worth individuals .

  2. 对于从事进口流体系统控制产品代理的JC公司来说,主要的营销对象也正从几年前的外企客户转变为国企客户。

    For JC which engages in fluid system control products , the main object of marketing is also changed from foreign customers to SOE customer a few years ago .

  3. 具体分析了本文营销对象的政策环境、经济环境、文化环境和竞争环境。

    Marketing in this article analyses policy the environmental , economic , and cultural environment of the object and the competitive environment .

  4. 基金管理公司首先要确定重点营销对象,动员他们积极申购,这是能否成功的关键。

    Finally , Fund-managing company should determine the key objects of marketing and mobilize them to buy funds positively , which is key to success .

  5. 本文从分析市场需求、确立营销对象、做好招生宣传工作、树立品牌意识等几方面详细论述高校招生工作在市场经济条件下的应对策略。

    From the following aspects : market demand , establishment of marketing target , enrolment , image sense etc , the paper discusses the corresponding strategies of enrolment under the conditions of market-oriented economy .

  6. 网上营销活动对象的选择及功能架构

    Selection of Customers in Internet-based Marketing Activities and Its Functional Framework

  7. 第四,创造性地使用模糊综合评价法,将定性指标转化成定量数据,对合作营销的对象和绩效进行了较为科学和合理的评价。

    Fourth , creatively use the Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment to change the qualitative indicators into quantitative data so that makes the evaluation results more scientific and rational .

  8. 首先分析了网上营销活动对象的构成,提出了一个网上系列营销活动对象选择与评估的循环过程。

    On the basis of the objective customer groups in internet-based marketing activities , a circulation processes model of selection and evaluation of customers in internet-based marketing activities was constructed .

  9. 在此基础上,设计过程中各项功能的基本原理及相互作用关系,这些功能构成了可以持续改进和提高网上营销活动对象选择成效的多路闭环架构。

    Furthermore , the principle of the functions and their interaction in that processes were designed . Of these functions , a closed multi-loops framework was composed , which can continually improve the performance of customer selection in internet-based marketing activities .

  10. 这些顾客恰好是Keurig营销的目标对象。

    These happen to be the consumers to whom Keurig markets . '

  11. 他是水花兄弟的一员,他信仰上帝,他在NBA有亲情纽带而且有个弟弟也即将来到NBA,他是NBA和新闻营销梦寐以求的对象和噱头。

    He was part of the Splash Bros , he was big on God , he had family ties to the NBA and a brother who was on the come up . He was a marketing and media dream for the NBA and the news outlets .

  12. 本文选择商业银行个人金融产品的市场营销作为研究对象,其目的在于:(1)对营销理论与金融产品营销的发展进行融合贯穿。

    This paper is to the research of customer banking marketing of commercial banks . Its purpose lies in : ( 1 ) Combining with marketing theory to introduce development of banking marketing .

  13. 旅游线路是旅行社销售的主要产品,也是目的地旅游开发和市场营销的重要对象,其中游时是旅游线路设计中的核心要素之一。

    Travel itinerary , which is important for destination development and tourism marketing , is a major kind of products of travel agencies . Tour time , as a joint name for travel time and visiting time , is a significant factor for itinerary design .

  14. 本文以SCI集团核岛主设备中国市场的营销策略为研究对象。

    This paper has SCI Group as the research object for NI main equipments marketing strategy in China .

  15. 航空客运作为重要的服务领域,历来是服务营销研究的重要对象。

    As an important means of service field , air passenger has always been an important research object by service marketing researchers .

  16. 以企业营销人员作为研究对象,说明了其静止状态的特徵,以及可能刺激这种状态的因素。

    The sales-force of enterprise was taken as an example to illustrate the characteristic of the quiescence and the potential influencing factors .

  17. 本研究选取了寿险业个险营销人员为研究对象进行了实证性的探索研究,采用问卷调查法探讨了中国文化背景下寿险营销人员的组织公民行为表现及其表现对绩效产生的影响。

    This research employs the questionnaire method to explore the organizational citizenship behavior of the salespersons in life insurance industry of China empirically .

  18. 本文研究正是在此背景下提出,以汉鑫软木装饰材料市场进入营销活动为研究对象,从市场进入的角度,对营销策略的制定过程进行了深入、系统的研究。

    This thesis is exactly based on this background , According to promotive activity , the course of setting the marketing strategy has been studied deeply in system from the angle of stepping into the market .

  19. 本文正是以这些中小化妆品企业的营销战略为研究对象,对化妆品营销市场进行全面分析,提出了适合中小化妆品企业资源条件的营销战略和策略。

    The author of this article proceeded overall analysis to the macro-environment and competition states in cosmetic industry , then give the marketing strategy and tactics that fit for the resources of small cosmetic enterprises . This article is associated with practical work tightly .

  20. 目的:本研究尝试从实证的角度,以新疆寿险营销人员为研究对象,分析新疆寿险营销队伍现状,探索新疆寿险营销人员胜任特征要素。

    Objective : This research attempt from real diagnosis angle , Take the Xinjiang life insurance marketing people as the object of study , It analyzes the present situation of the life insurance marketing team in Xinjiang and explores factors of the Xinjiang life insurance marketing people to be competent .

  21. 现代营销学认为:营销的对象不仅是市场需要的产品、劳务或服务,而且还包括思想、观念的营销。

    According to modern marketing theory , the objects by market not only product and service but also idea .

  22. 第一章是关于市场营销的理论。市场营销的研究对象、市场营销的概念、市场营销的传统理念与现代理念、市场营销策略的演进;

    At Chapter One viz such marketing theories as marketing research object , marketing concept , traditional and modern notion of marketing and evolutional process of marketing strategy ;

  23. 网络社区营销传播的信息要素是与营销对象相关的话题、传受双方是同一社区的网民,传播媒介是社会化网络软件,与传统营销方式的传播要素相比具有明显的特征。

    Transmission elements of the Internet community marketing include topics related to marketing object , netizens amassed under the flag of community and socialized internet software , which is obviously different from traditional marketing ; 3 .

  24. 与第三产业中一般行业的营销活动相比,会展营销的主体和对象更加广泛,内容更加复杂。

    Compared to the marketing activities of general industry of the tertiary industry , the Convention & Exhibition marketing has broader target and more complex content .

  25. 高校营销在产品属性、营销目标、服务对象、受公众监督程度等方面呈现出与企业营销不同的特征。

    Marketing in colleges and universities is quite different from that in enterprises in nature of products , marketing objects , service objects and supervising procedure .

  26. 从公司治理视角分析资本市场公司营销的内涵,详细阐述了公司营销的对象、渠道、内容、作用效果及影响因素,在此基础上提出了资本市场公司营销战略模型。

    This paper analyses the connotations of corporate marketing in capital market from the view of corporate governance , and explains its objects , channels , contains , results and effecting factors .

  27. 与普通企业的营销活动相比较,银行营销在环境、对象、产品特性、计划和预测、劳动力数量等方面都存在显著的不同。

    Comparing with the marketing activities of common enterprises , the bank marketing is different in condition , targets , the characters of the product , plans , predicts and the numbers of the laborers dramatically .

  28. 人是构成市场营销的根本要素,是市场营销活动的最终对象。

    Consumer is the elemental factor of marketing , as well as the ultimate object of it .

  29. 以公共关系的基本理论为基础,对企业关系营销的理论与实践,尤其是企业关系营销的对象、原则和策略等,进行了较为深入的探讨。

    Based on the basic theory of public relations . this article takes deeply studies on the theory and practice of marketing , and the objects . principles and strategies of relative marketing of the enterprise in particular .

  30. 同时,在现行的旅游目的地营销中还存在以下主要问题,如营销主体不清、营销目标盲目、营销对象不明、营销方式雷同等。

    Meanwhile , in the current marketing of tourist destinations there are the following major problems , such as marketing the main body is unclear , marketing target is blind , marketing objectives are not defined , marketing objectives is not defined , and marketing pattern is duplicate .