
  • 网络Enterprise restructuring;Split-Up of Corporations;neorganzition
  1. 结合本人参与的工程总承包企业改组方案项目,提出了基于MIES的工程总承包企业组织系统模式。

    And then presents a new organization system pattern of general contractor on MIES according to the practice which the author involved in designing the enterprises reorganization project .

  2. 广东省国有建筑业企业改组上市研究

    Research on the Restructuring of Listed State-owned Construction Enterprises in Guangdong

  3. 国有企业改组为股份制公司的若干会计问题

    Some Accounting Questions about state Enterprise Restructured to Joint-stock Company

  4. 国有企业改组是提升竞争力的关键。

    State-owned enterprise restructuring is the key to enhance competitiveness .

  5. 我们将把这个企业改组成为两个独立的公司。

    We 'll organize this business into two separate companies .

  6. 国有小型企业改组为股份合作制就可以一劳永逸吗

    Is it a Permanent Solution to Reorganize in the Small State-owned Enterprises

  7. 二是加快国有企业改组改制是技术改造的先决条件,否则,体制和机制的疏漏难以遏制投入效益的流失;

    Second , to speed up the restructuring and reorganization of enterprises ;

  8. 国有企业改组为股份有限公司的治理机构初探

    Elemental Study on the Governing Organization After Reorganizing State-Owned Enterprises into Limited Companies

  9. 企业改组与会计研究的问题

    On Enterprise Reorganization and Accounting Research Problem

  10. 第二,积极吸收外资参与国有企业改组改造。

    Second , actively absorbing foreign investment in the reorganization and renovation of State-owned enterprises .

  11. 励国内投资者参与本市国有企业改组改造。

    III. Encourage domestically funded enterprises to take part in the city 's SOE reorganization and transformation .

  12. 国有企业改组上市中资产剥离财务问题的研究

    The Research of Financial Problems of Assets Exfoliation as the State-owned Enterprises Reorganizing to Come into the Market

  13. 合伙企业改组为股份公司

    Incorporation of a partnership

  14. 在产业结构调整和企业改组、改制过程及激烈的市场竞争过程中,出现了一些特殊就业弱势群体。

    In the enterprise restructuring and intense market competition process , there have been some special employments of vulnerable groups .

  15. 该法规定了设立公司和现有国有企业改组为公司必须具备的条件和法定程序。

    The law stipulates essential conditions and legal procedures for setting up corporations and reorganize current state-owned enterprises into corporations .

  16. 组建若干国有资本运营公司,支持有条件的国有企业改组为国有资本投资公司。

    Establish a number of State-owned capital operating companies and back the transformation of qualified State-owned enterprises into State-owned investment companies .

  17. 财务管理、会计审计、效益分析股份制企业改组、上市策划、资产重组、经济效益预测等。

    Financial management , general audit , benefits analysis , reconstruction of share holding company , design of list company , forcast of economic benefits etc.

  18. 股份制改造还必须同企业改组、强化企业管理和促进企业技术进步结合起来。

    The transformation of share system must combine with the reorganization of enterprise , enforce the management of enterprise and promote the technical progress of enterprose .

  19. 它不仅可以参与企业改组、并购的咨询,还可以通过对企业的参股或控股,参与企业创业和投资。

    Investment bank not only participates in consultation of organization restructuring and merger , but also participates in helping enterprises to set up business and to invest .

  20. 通过多种方式利用中长期国外投资,把利用外资与国内经济结构调整,国有企业改组改造结合起来。

    We will utilize medium-and long-term foreign investment in many ways , combining it with the domestic economic restructuring and the reorganization and transformation of state-owned enterprises .

  21. 八、励外商参与国有企业改组、造。能利用我国现有企业进行技术改造的;

    VIII . Encourage foreign investors to take part in SOE reorganization and transformation . Which can make use of our enterprises and carry out technical innovation .

  22. 办理企业改组、合并、分立、整顿、解散、破产清算的审计业务,出具有关报告;

    To conduct the auditing operation on the reorganization , amalgamation , separation , rectification , dissolution and bankrupt liquidation events of an enterprise , and issue relevant report ;

  23. 其二,中国鼓励外商参与国有企业改组改造的政策走势,给全球企业跨国购并潮以无限吸引力。

    Second , China 's policy of encouraging foreign investors to participate in the reorganization and renovation of State-owned enterprises has attracted worldwide businesses involved in the trend of transnational purchasing and merging .

  24. 这首先要看实行职工持股的目的是什么。我们认为,国家在国有企业改组为股份公司时推行职工持股制度是为了实现职工当家作主,提高职工福利,提高劳动生产率和改善公司治理结构的目的。

    It 's believed that in practicing the system the Chinese government aims at staff 's becoming the owner of the enterprise , raising staff 's welfare , improving efficiency and the company 's structure .

  25. 从我国经济体制的变迁,国有企业改组,城市化进程加快,城乡收入差距拉大等方面,全面地分析了城市流动摊贩形成的原因。

    From our country economic system changes , the restructuring of state-owned enterprises , the city changes a process to accelerate , urban and rural income gap , a comprehensive analysis of the causes of formation of the city peddlers .

  26. 我国新兴的证券市场的特点是:以政府主导的监管模式、以国有企业改组上市为主的群体分布、以审计客户为主导的审计服务需求方市场。

    The securities market of our country is a newly arisen market , which have its unique characteristics : the government oriented supervising mode ; the group of the listed company consists mainly of state-owned enterprises ; the audit service market dominated by audit consumers .

  27. 但是我国的证券市场作为一个新兴市场,除了有新兴市场的共性以外,更有着其自身独特的特点:以政府为主导的监管模式,以国有企业改组上市为主的上市公司群体;

    But the securities market of the our country is a newly arisen market , which has its unique characteristics , in addition to having the commonness of all newly arisen market : the government oriented supervising mode , the group of the listed company consists mainly of state-owned enterprises ;

  28. 近年来,我国也出现了许多MBO案例,MBO作为国有企业战略性改组、国有资本退出一般性竞争领域的有效途径得到了广泛关注。

    In China , MBO has sprung up in recent years , which has been taken highly consideration as a valid way of strategic restructure of state-owned enterprises and state-owned capital retreating from competitive fields .

  29. 关于国有企业战略性改组的若干问题

    Several issues about the strategic restructuring of state-owned firms

  30. 该企业的改组使得其产量和市场需求达到一致。

    The restructuring of the business has brought output and demand into line .