
  • 网络value-free;value free;value-freedom
  1. 按照韦伯的说法,科学在本质上是一种价值无涉的活动。

    Science , on Weber 's account , is an essentially value-free activity .

  2. 科学是价值无涉的,这一思想在哲学上的正式表述来自休谟。

    The formal expression in philosophy about that science is value-free is from Hume .

  3. 客观、中立、价值无涉成为遴选知识的标准。

    Objectivity , neutrality and loss of value become the criteria of selecting knowledge .

  4. 科学与价值无涉何以可能?

    How is the possibility of value-free science ?

  5. 价值无涉原则的突破&大学社会角色发展的必然选择

    Breaking Through the Value Non-interference Principle : An Inevitable Alternative for the Development of Social R

  6. 以这所为,我们经常确信,类似的各种工具它们本身是,中立或价值无涉的。

    In so doing we often assume that such tools are , in themselves , neutral or value-free .

  7. 但是,唯物史观却不是道德中立或价值无涉的纯科学体系。

    However , the materialist conception of history is not morally neutral or value-free system of pure science .

  8. 这与法官司法认知时应是理性的、情感排斥的、价值无涉的状态不相适应。

    This is in contradiction with the requirement that judges shall be rational , feeling exclusive and value free when they take judicial notice .

  9. 重程序的法理学是结合形式与内容的枢纽,但片面的重程序也会导致价值无涉。

    The jurisprudence of emphasizing on procedure is the key of combining form with the content , but unilateral emphasizing on procedure would result in non-value .

  10. 因此,笔者尝试在研究中保持价值无涉,并对已有的刻板印象进行策略性悬置来克服刻板印象;采用个案研究法,通过开放式深度访谈和参与观察来收集资料。

    So the author try to respect the value neutrality and suspend the given rigid impression to get rid of stereotype . the author also adopted individual cases alone study .

  11. 首先,应该尽量减少社会成本或者外部成本应该内部化的说法不是站在技术的或价值无涉的立场。

    In the first place , to say that social costs should be minimized , or that external costs should be internalized , is not a technical or a value-free position .

  12. 后实证主义解决了经验环境与形而上学环境联结的问题,理解主义和批判主义提供了解决价值无涉与价值关涉矛盾的可能,而三大主义又都要求以经验实证为基础。

    While post-positivism accounts for the connection between empirical environment and metaphysical environment , comprehensiveness and criticism make it possible to solve the contradiction between " value free " and " reference to values " . But all of the three isms call for the basis of empirical evidence .

  13. 价值关联与价值无涉&马克斯·韦伯社会学之研究方法准则

    Value Linkage and Value Neutrality & The Principle of Sociological Research Method of Max · Weber

  14. 女性主义者认为,科学并不是价值中立和性别无涉的,科学史中蕴含着性别密码,近现代科学负载着男性价值和男性品质,这导致了千百年来女性在科学中的相对缺席。

    The feminists hold that the modern science has been loading the masculine value and masculinity , both of which have led to the relative absence of women in the field of science for hundreds of years .