
  • 网络Direct reporting;Repay with Upright dealing
  1. 基于Web服务的企业直报系统

    Enterprise Data-report System Based on Web Services

  2. 直报网络导出的文本文档如何用EXCEL读取

    How to read the text documents exported from direct network report by EXCEL

  3. 应用TOPSIS法综合评价传染病网络直报工作质量

    Evaluation of network direct reporting of communicable disease by TOPSIS method

  4. 通过解决这几个关键技术难题,从而实现了一个高可用、高可扩展、高可配置的基于SaaS模式的数据直报平台。

    Through solving these problems , I implement a high-availability , high-scalability , high-configurability SaaS-based data direct report platform .

  5. 方法使用EXCEL对2004年4月1~30日甲乙类传染病网络直报统计资料进行分析。

    Methods Excel was used to analyze the filling quality of report cards related to type A and B infectious diseases for patients diagnosed in April of 2004 and network direct report system .

  6. [方法]将2005年底进行的全省县及县以上医疗机构、乡镇卫生院直报能力调查材料用Excel程序进行统计分析;

    [ Methods ] Data of an investigation developed in the end of 2005 about the direct reporting ability of medical institutions in cities , counties and towns of Shandong Province were analyzed by Microsoft Excel .

  7. [方法]用夹夜法捕鼠,用间接免疫荧光技术(IFAT)检测汉坦病毒(HV)抗原,人间疫情来自各地网络直报。

    [ Methods ] To test HV antigen in rat 's lung by indirect fluorescent antibody test ( IFAT ), and analyze the epidemic situation from internet report system .

  8. 必须进一步加强全员培训,提高传染病法律时效意识,加快卫生院网络直报建设,提升CDC网络直报管理与督导水平。

    So it is important to intensify training for all staffs to enhance the awareness of Timeliness of infectious disease law and speed the construction of direct reporting through network system for health centers and improve management and supervision of direct reporting through network system for CDC .

  9. 传染病诊断到直报7.05d,比2004年缩短5.35d,报告及时率63.27%;

    It took 7.05 days averagely to report infectious diseases after diagnosis , which was 5.35 days shorter compared with 2004 . The timeliness rate of report was 63.27 % .

  10. 结果三个疫情报告系统报告的法定甲、乙类性病中,以上海市STDs报告的性病总病例数最多,为1970例,比网络直报系统多84例,比CAPMs多206例;

    Results Among three epidemic situation report systems , STDs in Shanghai reported the most cases totaled 1970 with STD in the category of notifiable Type A and B STD , 84 cases more than that of Direct report through network system and 206 cases more than CAPMs .

  11. 医院传染病疫情网络直报中存在的问题与对策

    Infectious Disease Reporting to Epidemic Situation Net : Problems and Countermeasures

  12. 海岛县区1451例乙肝网络直报监测分析

    Direct network report surveillance of 1,451 hepatitis B in island district

  13. 浅谈医院传染病信息网络直报管理工作

    Infectious disease information network of the hospital management of direct reports

  14. 2008年云南省传染病网络直报质量分析

    Quality analysis of network reporting of communicable diseases in Yunnan , 2008

  15. 广东省病媒生物监测网络直报系统运行的效果评价

    Evaluation of Guangdong Vector Surveillance Network System After Preliminary Operation

  16. 2008年全国艾滋病疫情网络直报工作质量分析

    Quality Analysis of National HIV / AIDS Online Case Reporting in 2008

  17. 基层网络直报系统应用效果评价

    Evaluation on the application effects of direct reporting network system at basic levels

  18. 宁夏2004年法定传染病网络直报情况分析

    Analysis of Direct Network Report on Notifiable Infectious Diseases in Ningxia in 2004

  19. 十堰市2004&2008年流行性腮腺炎网络直报疫情分析

    Epidemic Analysis of Mumps through Direct Network Report in Shiyan City during 2004-2008

  20. 结果全市网络直报覆盖率70.27%;

    Results The coverage of direct network report reached 70.27 % in Baiyin City .

  21. 阳江市网络直报肺结核病人追踪效果分析

    Results of tracing of tuberculosis cases by direct online reporting system in Yangjiang City

  22. 网络直报系统在早期发现传染病暴发中的应用

    Application of National Disease Surveillance Reporting System in Early Detection of Infectious Disease Outbreaks

  23. 普宁市法定传染病疫情网络直报现状及对策

    Status of online report of legal infectious diseases in Puning City and proposed measures

  24. 2007年兖州市传染病疫情网络直报质量分析

    Quality Analysis of Network Direct Report of Infectious Diseases in Yanzhou City in 2007

  25. 网络直报工作急需规范管理;

    There is an emergent need for normative management of direct network report system ;

  26. 章丘市2004~2005年传染病疫情网络直报及时性分析

    Analysis of Internet Reporting Time of Infectious Diseases from 2004 to 2005 in Zhangqiu

  27. 网络直报3190例传染病分析及医院的应对管理措施

    Analysis of direct network reported 3190 cases of infectious diseases and hospital management measures

  28. 驻马店市传染病与突发公共卫生事件网络直报状况分析

    Evaluation on Network Report of Infectious Diseases and Public Health Emergency Events in Zhumadian

  29. 结论衢州市网络直报工作逐步完善,总体运行良好。

    Conclusion Network reporting system in Quzhou City is gradually improving and operating well overall .

  30. 279例农药中毒及网络直报工作分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of 279 Pesticide Poisoning Cases and Quality Assessment of Direct Network Report System