
lǎo tài tɑi
  • old lady;old girl;your (my/his/etc.) mother;old dear
老太太 [lǎo tài tài]
  • (1) [old lady]∶对老年妇女的尊称

  • (2) [your or my mother]∶尊称别人的或自己的母亲

老太太[lǎo tài tai]
  1. 老太太说话时拄着拐棍。

    The old lady leant on her stick as she talked .

  2. 他不禁感到不得不钦佩这位老太太。

    He could not help feeling a grudging admiration for the old lady .

  3. “好了,吃吧!”老太太催促道。

    ' Come , eat ! ' the old woman urged .

  4. 梅格觉得老太太那双圆溜溜的小眼睛正盯着她。

    Meg felt the old woman 's beady eyes on her .

  5. 不要在意这个老太太,她有点儿老糊涂了。

    Don 't mind the old lady . She 's getting senile .

  6. 看到引起如此大的反应,老太太高兴得咯咯笑了起来。

    The old lady cackled , pleased to have produced so dramatic a reaction

  7. 电影讲述的是一位老太太和一个待她友善的年轻护士的故事。

    The film 's about an elderly woman and a young nurse who befriends her

  8. 她是一位很和蔼的老太太。

    She 's a very sweet old lady

  9. 老太太坐在窗边的椅子上,膝盖上盖着一条小毯子。

    The old lady was seated in her chair at the window , a rug over her knees .

  10. 这位老太太脾气还是那么犟,但至少她已经同意接受此次拜访。

    The old lady was still being ornery , but at least she had consented to this visit .

  11. 已经有囚犯写信来,宣称就连他们也绝对不会殴打老太太。

    Letters have come from prisoners , declaring that they would draw the line at hitting an old lady .

  12. 我看见这位老太太正颤巍巍地下火车,就问:“嗯,我来帮您一把吗?”

    This old lady was struggling out of the train and I said , ' Oh , can I help you ? '

  13. 他骗取了老太太的钱。

    He cheated the old lady of her money .

  14. 这位老太太慢慢走下台阶。

    The old lady slowly descended the stairs .

  15. 那老太太在佛像面前顶礼膜拜。

    The old lady fell down in adoration before Buddhist images .

  16. 他用恐吓的手段使那老太太画了押。

    He frightened the old lady into signing the paper .

  17. 这老太太最想得开了。

    The old lady always looks at the bright side of things .

  18. 他是个善良和气的老太太。

    She was a very kind and amiable old woman .

  19. 一道阴影掠过老太太慈祥的面孔。

    A shadow passed over the kindly face of the old woman .

  20. 那位好心的老太太愿意收容这个贫困无家可归的陌生人。

    The kind old lady offered to take in the poor homeless stranger .

  21. 在茶话会上他们对那位老太太百般殷勤。

    They showed the old lady numerous little attentions at the tea party .

  22. 经他一解释,老太太的气也就平了。

    His explanation soothed the old woman 's anger .

  23. 这时候,一个女孩搀着一位白发苍苍的老太太走了进来。

    Just then a white-haired old woman entered , supported by a girl .

  24. 老太太手脚有点不灵了。

    The old lady has trouble moving about .

  25. 那老太太对我们叨叨个没完。

    The old woman talks our arms off .

  26. 公共汽车上除了一位老太太,没有其他人了。

    Except for one old lady , the bus was empty .

  27. 老太太吃素,从不碰肉食。

    The old lady is a vegetarian and never touches meat .

  28. 她在剧中(出)演一个老太太。

    She plays the part of an old lady in the opera .

  29. 老太太滴里嘟噜拎了好几个大包。

    The old woman dangled several cumbersome big bags in her hand .

  30. 那老太太没完没了地讲她的病情。

    The old lady kept on about her illness .