
jià ɡé chā bié
  • Price difference;price discrimination
  1. 火车的硬坐与硬卧是不同的产品或服务,所以硬坐与硬卧的价格差别不是价格歧视。

    Price discrimination is the practice of charging difference consumers different prices for the same product or service .

  2. 不同产地的葡萄酒价格差别很大。

    The price of wine varies enormously depending on where it comes from .

  3. 古琦说这个差别主要是因为税收、运输和汇率变化。但巴黎银行的奢侈品研究主管LucaSolca认为,这些只能解释70%的价格差别,如果销售增幅继续下滑,这个溢价很有可能缩减。

    Gucci said the price difference is mainly due to taxes , duties , transportation and currency fluctuations , but those differences explain just 70 % of the price differential , according to Luca Solca , Exane 's luxury-goods sector head .

  4. 看起来极为相似的产品其价格差别却很大。

    Prices vary widely for products that appear to be very similar .

  5. 三是通话费用高,各地价格差别大,且受到地面系统的有力挑战;

    Third , high tariff and threatened by the challenge from the terrestrial system ;

  6. 电视机的价格差别很大。

    Television sets vary widely in price .

  7. A/H股票价格差别呈现缩小的趋势。

    The difference between A share price and H share price shows a narrowing trend .

  8. 各店价格差别大吗?

    Do prices vary very much ?

  9. 今天有许多游船标准舱同样大小和随身,价格差别是地理位置。

    Many cruise ships today have standard cabins of similar size and accoutrements , with the price differential being the location .

  10. 瞄的价格差别很大,如要你要买瞄那就买个好一点的。

    Sights come in all different price ranges and if you are going to use a sight get a good one .

  11. 两种技术都在迅速降价,不过它们的主要区别还是在于不同尺寸的价格差别。

    Both technologies are rapidly becoming cheaper , but they are still mainly distinguished by how much they cost at certain sizes .

  12. 本文通过对互联网特征的分析,根据电子商务本身的特点,并列举了大量事实分析说明电子商务企业常用的几种营销策略,即版本差别化策略、忠诚度计划和检索价格差别策略。

    In this paper , I introduce three strategies in marketing , versioning , loyalty programs , and promotions , by analyzing the characteristic of E-business .

  13. 这些作者写道,虽然由于食盐在平时的杂货开销中所占比例较小,普通消费者没有感觉到价格差别,但这种利润支撑着一个规模庞大的、有害的地下市场。

    While the average consumer does not feel the price difference because salt makes up such a small portion of a typical grocery bill , the markup supports a vast and pernicious underground market , the authors wrote .

  14. 由此,这三个市场的股票价格彼此差别较大。

    As a result , the stock price of the three markets are quite different .

  15. 我们常常会碰到外形同一个产品,功能差不多,为什么价格会差别这么多呢?你要真正的了解产品价格区别在哪里,再做一个判断。

    We often encounter the same product form , function similar to why the prices differ so much ? You to really understand where the price difference , do a judge .

  16. 摘要探讨适合铁路客运的收益管理办法,建议我国铁路客运部门拓展既有的差别定价做法,采用嵌套型存量控制方法,将投标价格与差别定价结合运用。

    The essay discusses the income management method that is suitable for railway passenger transportation , and suggests domestic railway passenger transport departments to improve the existing price discrimination method , and apply the method of nested stock control to integrate the bidding price and discriminating price .

  17. 对不同的产品和不同的目标市场,价格的重要性差别很大。

    The importance of price varies a great deal for different products and different target markets .

  18. 实际上,比较优势的产生是劳动生产率的相对差别与要素价格的相对差别两者共同作用的结果。

    Actually the existence of comparative advantage is the result of relative difference between labor productivity and factor cost .

  19. 就某些商品来说,进口货在价格上的差别很大,但在质量上几乎没什么差别。

    For some goods , there is a big difference between imported ones and domestic ones in price , but almost not in quality .

  20. 这两种计算机价格没多大差别。

    There 's not much difference in price between the two computers .

  21. 一间有双人床的房间和一间有两张单人床的房间在价格上有什么差别?

    What 's the price difference between a double room and a twin room ?

  22. 基于价格歧视的区域差别电价机制

    Regional electricity pricing mechanism based on price discrimination

  23. 这相当于对质量相同的产品提供不同的保修期,从而制定不同的价格,即进行差别定价。

    This means that there should be different warranty and different prices to the same quality products .

  24. 图书定价应在不同的细分市场制定不同的图书产品策略和相应的价格策略,实行差别化的细分定价策略,以致图书产品定制化,实现图书按需出版。

    Publishing firms should differentiate their book product strategies and the relevant pricing strategies in different market segments so as to customize book products and to publish on demand .

  25. 但是,预计在豪华品牌店会有较大增长,如巴宝莉手袋,普拉达围巾和诺特领带,其价格相当高,差别很大。

    But a big increase is predicted in sales of luxury-brand products like Burberry handbags , Prada scarves and Gucci ties , with prices high enough to make a difference .

  26. 孩子现在喝金装多美资,袋装和听装价格上有一定差别,我想问问这两种奶粉质量是一样的吗?

    Baby Gold now drink more than American , bags and cans have a certain price difference , I would like to ask both the quality of milk is the same as it ?

  27. 在EUETS下,市场非对称效应非常明显,EGARCH(1,1)-t模型均适合EUA两阶段价格估计与预测,但是价格形成机制差别较大。

    In the EU ETS , market dissymmetrical effect is very obvious and EGARCH ( 1,1 ) - t is both suitable to price estimation and forecast for two phases , but price mechanism is different .

  28. 我们的藤供应商几乎没有提前告诉我们就上升了藤的价格,我们不得不吸收了这样的价格差别,使得你们并没有马上发现石油上涨对于产品价格的影响。

    Therefore , we have to accept the difference of the price , meanwhile , which lead to you not to find that the rising price of petroleum affects the one of products .