
shì jiàn
  • event;incident;time;work;happening;do;affair;res;scene;proceeding;événement;giblets
事件 [shì jiàn]
  • (1) [incident;event]∶有一定社会意义或影响的大事情

  • 平陆事件充分体现了党对劳动人民的深切关怀。--《为了六十一个阶级弟兄》

  • (2) [work]∶泛指一般的大事情;具体事务

  • 四叔家里最重大的事件是祭祀。--《祝福》

  • (3) [giblets]∶禽、畜的可以吃的内脏

  • 杂煎事件

事件[shì jiàn]
  1. 媒体对这一事件做了连篇累牍的报道。

    There was saturation coverage of the event by the media .

  2. 这个事件一定会在各报刊广泛报道。

    The event is bound to attract wide press coverage .

  3. 我们得把两起事件区别开来。

    We need to draw a distinction between the two events .

  4. 这条新证据推翻了他对事件经过的说法。

    This new piece of evidence invalidates his version of events .

  5. 这次攻击事件使和平谈判愈加紧迫。

    The attack added a new urgency to the peace talks .

  6. 恐怖主义组织声称对这几起枪击和爆炸事件负责。

    Terrorist groups claimed responsibility for the shootings and bomb attacks .

  7. 这一事件具有恐怖袭击的所有特征。

    The incident has all the earmarks of a terrorist attack .

  8. 历史学家好像把这些事件发生的年代顺序搞混了。

    Historians seem to have confused the chronology of these events .

  9. 有未经证实的传言说在首都发生了枪击事件。

    There are unconfirmed reports of a shooting in the capital .

  10. 警方称这次袭击只是个别事件。

    The police said the attack was an isolated incident .

  11. 足球骚乱事件使我身为英国人汗颜得无地自容。

    The football riots made me ashamed to be English .

  12. 这些事件导致谈判延期。

    These events have led to the suspension of talks .

  13. 她的证据显示这些事件可能有另外一种解释。

    Her evidence suggests a different interpretation of the events .

  14. 这一事件在国际金融市场上引起了连锁反应。

    It set off a chain reaction in the international money markets .

  15. 在炸弹爆炸事件中,数千人被炸死,或成为残废。

    Thousands suffered death or mutilation in the bomb blast .

  16. 恐怖分子以更多的暴力事件来回应政府的声明。

    The terrorists replied to the government 's statement with more violence .

  17. 袭击事件已被保安摄像机拍摄下来。

    The attack was captured on film by security cameras .

  18. 昨夜这附近发生了枪击事件。

    There was a shooting incident near here last night .

  19. 这个坏消息给事件的进程蒙上了一层阴影。

    The sad news cast a shadow over the proceedings .

  20. 这些事件使该市背上了不应有的恶名。

    The events had stained the city 's reputation unfairly .

  21. 我觉得整个事件经过荒诞不经,更不用说不可信了。

    I found the whole story bizarre , not to say unbelievable .

  22. 一个极富人情味的戏剧性事件在我们的眼前上演了。

    A powerful human drama was unfolding before our eyes .

  23. 必须把这些事件同它们的历史环境联系起来看。

    You must place these events in their historical context .

  24. 她对事件的描述跟实际发生的情况有些微妙的出入。

    Her version of events is subtly different from what actually happened .

  25. 这次炸弹爆炸事件是一连串恐怖主义袭击中最近的一起。

    The bombing was the latest in a spate of terrorist attacks .

  26. 在过去的两年里,食物中毒事件增加了两倍。

    Cases of food poisoning have trebled in the last two years .

  27. 有关爆炸事件的报道很简略,未及详情。

    The reports of the explosion were brief and uninformative .

  28. 调查坠机事件的专家一直在仔细检查飞机残骸。

    Crash investigators have been sifting through the wreckage of the aircraft .

  29. 这一事件造成了严重的政治危害。

    The incident caused a great deal of political mischief .

  30. 这个事件已被新闻界广泛报道。

    The incident has received wide coverage in the press .