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  • Leon Trotsky
  1. 20世纪最了不起的辩论家非列昂·托洛茨基莫属。

    The greatest polemicist of the 20th century must be Leon Trotsky .

  2. 该党开除了托洛茨基主义的激进派。

    The party threw out the Trotskyist Militant Tendency .

  3. 套用托洛茨基(Trotsky)关于战争的名言来说,尽管现代德国人可能对权力不感兴趣,但权力对他们感兴趣。

    To paraphrase Trotsky on war , while modern Germans may not be interested in power , power is interested in them .

  4. 更不用说列宁(Lenin)、菲利克斯·捷尔任斯基(FelixDzerzhinsky)、托洛茨基(Trotsky)这些主角,还有那些年轻的布尔什维克热心分子们,他们在沙皇俄国与战争的废墟中跋涉,缔造出一个革命的国家,但最终却落入斯大林之手。

    Trotsky and the other young Bolshevik zealots who somehow navigated through the rubble of czarism and war to create a revolutionary state , only to hand it in the end to Stalin .

  5. 在上世纪20年代,俄国革命家托洛茨基(Trotsky)提出过一个类似的观点。他认为,讲粗口是阶级压迫的产物,随着资本主义的消亡,粗口也会随之消亡。

    Trotsky came up with a similar idea in the 1920s . He thought that swearing was a product of class oppression , and that as capitalism withered away , so would swearing .

  6. 在托洛茨基被放逐之后,他的支持者不久也遭到了驱逐。

    After his banishment trotsky 's supporters were soon also expelled .

  7. 托洛茨基到远东,不战不和逞英雄。

    Showing off his heroism with neither war nor reconciliation .

  8. 托洛茨基关于苏联与世界经济关系思想研究

    On Trotsky 's Thought about the Relation Between Soviet and World in Economy

  9. 在英国出现的最新的托洛茨基集团。

    The newest Trotskyist group to appear in britain .

  10. 国际主义是托洛茨基主义的基本原则。

    A internationalism was a fundamental canon of trotskyism .

  11. 托洛茨基曾先后在土耳其、法国和挪威住过,最后住在墨西哥。

    Trotsky lived in turn in Turkey , France , Norway and finally Mexico .

  12. 托洛茨基、斯大林和社会主义

    " Trotsky , Stalin & Socialism "

  13. 斯大林和托洛茨基彼此是敌人。

    Stalin and Trotsky were mutual enemies .

  14. 她的思想是仿效托洛茨基的。

    Her ideas are patterned on Trotsky 's.

  15. 并非所有成员都是托洛茨基分子。

    Not all the members were trotskyites .

  16. 而在1924年以前,布尔什维克的国际观一直由托洛茨基的立场所左右。

    Prior to1924 , the Bolshevik 's international perspective had been guided by Trotsky 's position .

  17. 托洛茨基与新经济政策

    Trotsky and New Economic Policy

  18. 最后,也是最具实质意义的一点是,科特金驳斥了托洛茨基关于斯大林背叛了革命的理论。

    Finally , and most substantively , Kotkin dismisses the Trotskyite theory that Stalin betrayed the revolution .

  19. 第一个被外部人所利用,这些人不是机会主义者就是笨头笨脑。他们希望复兴托洛茨基主义(主张通过革命在全球实现社会主义)或打垮美国。

    One is capture by outsiders , either opportunistic or batty , who wish to revive Trotskyism or bash America .

  20. 人们指责新保守主义犯了许多错误:帝国主义、列宁主义、托洛茨基主义(纽约学派)和军国主义。

    The neo-cons stand accused of many errors : imperialism , Leninism , Trotskyism ( New York school ), militarism .

  21. 所谓的托派是指托洛茨基反对派,包括苏联托洛茨基反对派和中国托派。

    The so-called " Tuopai " refers to Trotsky opposition , including the Soviet Trotsky and Chinese " Tuopai " .

  22. 托洛茨基的新经济政策思想既有一些真知灼见,又有明显的矛盾甚至错误之处。

    Trotsky 's thought on New Economic Policy was endowed with penetrating judgement as well as the obvious contradictions , even erros .

  23. 也许斯大林确实无法对抗列宁,但更确定的是他无法对抗列宁加托洛茨基。

    Probably true about Stalin being no match for Lenin , but even more true that he would have been no match for Lenin plus Trotsky .

  24. 托洛茨基曾解释自己不想谋求高位,因为担心人们会觉得苏联是在受犹太人统治,科特金斥之为“官样文章”。

    He dismisses as " gobbledygook " Trotsky 's explanation that he did not want a senior post because people would say the Soviet Union was being ruled by a Jew .

  25. 1927年中国大革命失败是其政治思想变化的分界点,大革命失败前郑超麟信仰马克思主义,大革命失败后畈依托洛茨基主义。

    The Failure of the Great Revolution in 1927 was the boundary of his political ideology evolution . Before the failure of the great revolution , Zheng accepted Marxism , after then he relied on Trotskyism .

  26. 研究托洛茨基的世界历史理论,对于我们正确认识和判断当今世界的时代特征、世界社会主义形势和中国社会主义历史方位等具有重要的思想价值和启迪意义。

    The research of Trotsky 's world-history theory has certain ideological value and enlightenment in terms of the right understanding and judgment of today 's world characteristics , world socialist situation and the historical orientation of China socialism .

  27. 文章的第三部分主要针对托洛茨基和列宁在文艺问题上的分歧,分析它们之间产生的分歧的原因,并得出政治理念的分歧导致文艺思想的差异的结论。

    Chapter three mainly aim at the divergence between Trotsky and Lenin in literature . So by analyzing the reasons of their divergences , this part will gain the conclusion that their different political principles that caused the differences of their literature thoughts .

  28. 陈独秀在走向托洛茨基主义后,就开始以不断革命论即托洛茨基主义理论来解释中国社会性质和中国革命的一系列问题。

    After CHEN Du xiu adopted Trotskyism , he commenced to justify a series of issues such as the nature of Chinese society and Chinese revolution with the theory of " Non end Revolution ", or in other words , with the theory of Trotskyism .