
  • 网络expert registered ticket
  1. 护士:好的。恐怕星期一和星期二的专家号都已经被预约满了。

    Nurse : Well , let 's see . I 'm afraid the specialists are fully booked on Monday and Tuesday .

  2. 病人:是的,我想本周预约一个神经内科的专家号。

    Patient : Yes , I 'd like to make an appointment to see a specialist in Neurological Department this week .

  3. 他膝盖伤了,我们让他回葡萄牙挂专家号。上次就是那个医生给他做的膝盖手术。

    He 's got this knee injury and we 've sent him back to Portugal to see the specialist who operated on his knee last time .

  4. 所以正确的策略是花一点门诊费挂个专家号,相信专家,让专家给你诊断。

    So right strategy is to spend cost of a bit outpatient service to register an expert name , believe an expert , let an expert be diagnosed to you .

  5. 结果:成都市居民看病难综合指数为43.17,44.5%的居民认为挂专家号难,59.6%的居民认为看病手续繁琐,60.3%的居民认为候诊时间长。

    Results : The aggregative index number of difficulties in medical care was percent of the residents in Chengdu thought registration of experts was difficult . 59.6 percent thought the procedure to see a doctor was tedious . 60.3 percent thought the waiting time was long .

  6. 要知道,孤单一人造了平底船,一群专家造出泰坦尼克号。

    Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark . A large group of professionals built the Titanic .

  7. 该公司列举了参与设计的专家的名字,包括空气动力学专家和参与Ariane-5号火箭工作的专家。

    The company enlisted the help of experts in the aerodynamics and carbon technology sectors , including several who 've worked on the Ariane-5 space rocket program .