
zhuān lán
  • special column
专栏 [zhuān lán]
  • [special column] 报纸或杂志上专门登载某类稿件的一部分篇幅

专栏[zhuān lán]
  1. 这家报纸开辟专栏来讨论世界人口问题。

    The newspaper devoted a special column to a discussion of the problem of the world 's population .

  2. 开辟医学影像学期刊品牌专栏图文讲座

    Discussion about special column Lectures on Photograph and Paper in medical imaging periodicals

  3. 这个传闻会是闲谈专栏作家的又一素材。

    This story will be more fodder for the gossip columnists .

  4. 她以这个报纸专栏为讲坛,宣传她的女权主义观点。

    She used the newspaper column as a platform for her feminist views .

  5. 他的专栏文章在世界各地的报刊发表。

    His column is syndicated throughout the world .

  6. 这对穿梭于各国的富豪夫妇经常出现在八卦专栏。

    The jet-setting couple made frequent appearances in the gossip columns .

  7. 述评是从先前刊登在主要专栏的文章中提炼出来的。

    Reviews are distilled from articles previously published in the main column

  8. 我想你得承认他是个备受尊敬的专栏作家。

    I think you 'd agree he 's a very respected columnist

  9. 她也定期为《泰晤士报高等教育增刊》写专栏文章。

    She also writes a regular column for the Times Educational Supplement .

  10. 我为他代写《电讯报》每周的橄榄球专栏。

    I ghosted his weekly rugby column for the Telegraph .

  11. 烹调专栏主笔莫伊拉·弗雷泽会带您了解幕后的故事。

    Cookery Editor Moyra Fraser takes you behind the scenes .

  12. 他的名字频繁地出现在各种小报社会专栏的显著位置上。

    His name features frequently in the social columns of the tabloid newspapers

  13. 他根本不了解苏格兰橄榄球队,却在自己的专栏上对其大加抨击。

    He used his column to spout ill-informed criticism of the Scots rugby team .

  14. 他将在《每日电讯报》的个人专栏上登一则启事。

    He will place an announcement in the personal column of The Daily Telegraph .

  15. 报纸专栏充斥着丑闻故事。

    Newspaper columns were full of scandalous tales

  16. 迈茜以其怪趣的食品专栏闻名芬兰,该专栏在全国多家报纸均有刊登。

    Myssi is well known in Finland for her quirky food column , which is syndicated across the country .

  17. 我经常在当地的报纸上读他的专栏文章。

    I often read his column in the local paper .

  18. 那位报纸专栏作家从不放过取笑市长的机会。

    That newspaper columnist derides the mayor whenever he can .

  19. 他浏览了一下专栏。

    He glanced his eyes down the columns .

  20. 在她即将刑满释放之际,一位著名专栏作家写道,她正在"偿还她的债务","任何人都没有理由试图剥夺她重新开始的权利"

    As she neared the end of her prison sentence , a well-known columnist wrote that she was " paying her dues , " and that " there is simply no reason for anyone to attempt to deny her right to start anew . "

  21. 辛迪?亚当斯(专栏作家):他无意成为德兰修女

    Cindy Adams ( Columnist ) : He 's purporting to be Mother Teresa .

  22. 节目主持人正在同一位当地的专栏作家交谈。

    The host was interviewing a local columnist .

  23. 专栏作家们杜撰出一个新词“布罗德里克”意思是“动武”、“打架”

    The columnists coined the phrase \\ " to broderick \\ " , meaning to rough up .

  24. 这种小聚会的势头一直延续到2013年,为四处寻觅猛料的狗仔队和明星八卦专栏提供了更多素材。

    The after-party continues to thrive in 2013 , providing yet more fodder4 for hungry paparazzi and celebrity gossip columns .

  25. 在上一期中,我开始编写一个新的专栏系列,介绍ORDERBY的新内容。

    In the last issue , I began a series of columns concerning new aspects of ORDER BY .

  26. 本文标志着“使用XML”专栏中一个新项目的开始。

    This article marks the beginning of a new project for the " Working XML " column .

  27. 旧的Server/WorkstationExpert中有一个精彩的关于存储器概念和实践的专栏,它仍然是有价值的读物。

    The old Server / Workstation Expert had a great column on storage concepts and practice that remains valuable reading .

  28. 既然阅读本专栏,就说明您至少对xml数据绑定有一定的兴趣。

    The fact that you re reading this column tells me that you re at least mildly interested in XML data binding .

  29. 我在本月专栏中分析的Axis代码包含许多提供了这种特殊信息的日志语句。

    The Axis code I analyzed in this column contains many logging statements providing this type of specific information .

  30. 而且,并非只有女人才这样。本专栏和《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)都报导过,男人也有类似的生物钟。

    It 's not just an issue for women ; as the Juggle and the the New York Times have reported , dads have biological clocks , too .