
  • 网络special approval
  1. 焊割工具、电焊钳制造(凡涉及许可证或专项审批的凭有效证件经营)。

    Hange tools , welding tongs manufacturing ( involving permits or special approval to operate with valid documents ) .

  2. 五金建材,机电产品(专项审批除外),灯塔具,防火材料的销售。

    Metal building materials , machinery and electronic products ( except special approval ), a beacon , fire materials sales .

  3. 地方性法规、部门规章和地方性规章及其他规范性文件规定的行业归口管理部门的专项审批,不作为公司登记的前置条件。

    Special examination and approval by the competent departments in charge of the relevant industries as stipulated in local regulations , departmental rules , local rules and other normative documents shall not be taken as prerequisite requirements for company registration .