
  • 网络Large prescription;overprescribing
  1. 中国医疗市场上普遍存在着大处方等不良现象。

    Abstract : There are a lot of bad phenomena in China 's present medical market .

  2. 相信在全社会的共同努力下,大处方问题一定能够得到有效解决。

    I believe the joint efforts of the whole society the big prescription issue will be able to be effectively resolved .

  3. 大处方、看病贵这一问题已经成为制约我国健康水平的重要影响因素。

    " Large prescription and expensive to see a doctor " has been the important factor restricting the improvement of the health level in China .

  4. 根治以大处方为特征的不合理用药时弊,有必要学习诊断相关组/预付款制度(DRGS/PPS)。

    In order to overcome the irrational drug-use characterized by polypharmacy , we should learn something from the Diagnosis Related Groups / Prepayment System ( DRGS / PPS ) .

  5. 大处方普遍存在,药价虚高,医德下降等不良现象,造成了医疗市场的混乱,和看病难,看病贵的现实。

    The phenomenon such as big prescription , widespread high prices , bad ethics , cause the confusion in medical market of China and the reality of difficulty and cost .

  6. 结果:我院门、急诊抗感染药物在用药方面较为合理,无擅自开大处方现象,基本无滥用抗生素现象,符合国际用药趋势。

    Results : It is reasonable in anti-infective medication in dispensary for outpatients of general hospital of PLA , and no excess recipes phenomenon happened . No antibiotics abuse phenomenon happened basically , consistent with international medication tendency .

  7. 山东省的县、乡、村三级医疗机构分别有22.7%、8.0%、3.8%的处方为百元以上的大处方,宁夏的县级医疗机构一百元及以上的处方占抽样处方的19.3%。

    In the three levels of medical institutions in Shandong , 22.7 % , 8.0 % and 3.8 % of the prescriptions sampled were over 100 RMB , while in Ningxia county hospitals 19.3 % of prescriptions sampled exceeded 100 RMB . 1.2 .

  8. 尽管20元以内的处方占抽样处方的78.04%,但不合理的大处方并不少见,费用超过50元的处方占4.74%,而超过100元的大处方占0.88%。

    Although the prescriptions of less than 20 yuan accounted for as high as 78.04 % , the unreasonable exorbitant prescriptions are not rare . Of all the prescriptions , the fee over 50 yuan accounts for 4.74 % , while those with over 100 yuan accounted for 0.88 % .

  9. 很好的是,1985年,贾维克的发明获得了美国加利福尼亚大学的专利,但直到1992年,处方药尼古丁贴剂才在各大药店处方柜销售。

    Jarvik 's discovery led to a 1985 patent request from the University of California , but prescription nicotine patches didn 't actually hit store shelves until 1992 .

  10. 这些调查结果显示个人房颤中应争取更大的努力开处方和监测适当的抗血栓治疗,以防止中风。

    These findings should encourage greater efforts to prescribe and monitor appropriate antithrombotic therapy to prevent stroke in individuals with atrial fibrillation .

  11. 在治疗方面,均采用大剂量的抗生素和高费用的大处方,实验室诊断普遍采用PCR方法,试验过程存在污染的可能。

    The STD treatment prescriptions with high dosage and cost of antibiotics were written out by them . PCR , which has been prohibited by Ministry of Health to be applied while doing STDs diagnosis , was very popular at Changsha 's STD clinics for making cost-benefit .