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  • 网络Huangzhou;Hwangju;Hwangchow
  1. 苏东坡曾谪居黄州。

    At one time , su Dongpo was banished to huangzhou .

  2. “黄州萝卜”是湖北省优良的地方蔬菜品种。

    " Huangzhou radish " is a native vegetable variety to Hubei province .

  3. 问汝平生功业,黄州、惠州、儋州&仕宦经历与苏轼思想的转变

    Official Career and Change of Sushi 's Thoughts

  4. 介绍了黄州坝隧道进口无轨运输和出口有轨运输的施工方案。

    In this paper the construction plans of rail transport and trackless transport in Huangzhouba tunnel are introduced .

  5. 上述实验证明城镇生活污水和混合污水都具有较强的诱变活性。作者从遗传毒理学的角度评价了湖北黄州综合生物塘系统对污水诱变活性的净化效能。

    The micronucleus test was used to evaluate the efficiency of the Synthetic Biological Ponds System in Huangzhou city for reducing the mutagenic activity of city sewage .

  6. 谪居黄州时期,他的词作不仅数量多,艺术水平高,而且具有丰富的思想意蕴。

    When he lived in HUANGZHOU , he not only wrote a lot of excellent poems , but also provided the : readers with rich artistic connotation .

  7. 齐安公所俗称黄州馆、帝王宫,奉祀着主宰天官地官水官之神的“三元大帝”。

    Qi'an House , also called Huangzhou Hall and Kings Palace , worships " Three Eternity Emperor " in charging the god of heaven , earth and water .