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  • 网络gai;Yellowfin Sole;hg-sgzh
黄盖 [huáng gài]
  • [Huang Gai--a famous general in ancient times] 字公覆(与名同义相释),东吴老将

  1. 黄盖站在第三艘船上,他仅仅穿着胸甲带着一把利刃。

    Huang Gai took his place on the third ship .

  2. 在他的旗上写着四个大字“先锋黄盖”。

    On his flag were written four large characters " Van Leader Huang Gai " .

  3. 光照对黄盖鲽仔鱼生长、发育及摄食的影响

    Effects of light on growth , development and feeding of larval Lim and a

  4. 结果在他迎接黄盖的船队的时候,黄盖引火船冲入曹营,一起一场大火。

    When he welcomed Huang Gai 's boat , he set fire to Cao Cao 's camp .

  5. 比目鱼,孙鲽一种比目鱼,主要是黄盖鲽属和拟庸鲽属的鱼类,与鲽鱼有关而且很相似。

    Any of various flatfishes , chiefly of the genera Limanda and hippoglossoides , related to and resembling the flounders .

  6. 同时,黄盖装作吴国的叛徒,企图将吴军的顶级机密告诉曹操。

    In the mean time , Huang Gai faked himself a turncoat , seeking giving top secret of Wu 's army to Cao Cao .

  7. 一日深夜,老将黄盖来到帐中,商议破曹以火攻为好。

    One night , Zhou Yu was thinking hard in his tent about how to defeat Cao Cao 's army , when Huang Gai came in .

  8. 除非你想学周瑜打黄盖,她愿打你愿挨,否则你最好投入更多精力去搞好自己的友谊、兴趣和人生理想。

    Unless you want to sign up for either of those scenarios , focus filling your time with your own friendships , interests , and goals .

  9. 黄盖的好友阚泽,根据周瑜的安排,带着黄盖早已写好的投降书前去诈降。

    Zhou Yu let Kan Ze , Huang Gai 's friend , to deliver the letter of surrender to Cao Cao , which Huang Gai had prepared .

  10. 挨了打之后,黄盖就让好友阚泽投降书去曹操那里诈降。

    After his punishment , Huang Gai let his friend Kan Ze send a letter of surrender to Cao Cao , pretending that he was going to surrender .

  11. 东白令海的刺黄盖鲽渔场海洋学与渔业生物学特征论渔业资源、捕捞生产和渔政管理的关系

    THE CHARACTERISTICS OF FISHING GROUND OCEANOGRAPHY AND FISHERY BIOLOGY OF YELLOWFIN SOLE IN EASTERN BERING SEA A Study on the Relation . Between Fishery Resources , Fishing Production and Fisheries Administration

  12. 作战之夜,黄盖假装从扬子江南边的吴军营地溜到了北边的魏军营地。

    At the night of the battle , Huang Gai fabricated his escape from the South side of the Yangtse River where Wu 's camp is to the North side where Wei 's base is .

  13. 结果在赤壁一战中,黄盖引火船冲入曹营,大江之上一片通红,把曹操用铁链连起来的几千条战船烧成灰烬。

    In this way , Huang Gai was able to set fire to Cao Cao 's camp . When the red current of fire passed through the surface of the river , Cao Cao 's ships , linked with chains , turned into ashes .