首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 看到无人骑的马令我们担心。

    The sight of the riderless horse worried us .

  2. 普莱斯小姐,真不好意思让你久等了,我衷心希望你骑得快快活活的,也看望这匹心爱的、讨人喜欢的、漂亮的马样样令你满意。

    Miss Price , I give way to you with a very bad grace ; but I sincerely hope you will have a pleasant ride , and that I may have nothing but good to hear of this dear , delightful , beautiful animal .

  3. 复合全身板甲或哥特战甲,以及沉重骑枪和坚固马铠,令这些精锐骑兵成为彻头彻尾的杀戮机器。

    The combination of full plate armour , and later magnificent gothic armour , a fully armoured horse and a lance , make these elite warriors mobile killing machines .

  4. 这些马正在等待起跑令。

    The horses are now under starters orders .