
  • 网络Crocodilia;crocodylia
  1. 江苏晚新生代的几种鳄类化石

    Late Cenozoic Crocodilia fossils from Jiangsu

  2. 我国外来鳄类养殖现状及发展对策

    The Status and Developing Measures of Alien Crocodile Breeding in China

  3. 扬子鳄是23种鳄类最为濒危和受到的生存威胁最大的物种。

    Chinese alligator is the most endangered and threaten species among the 23 crocodilians .

  4. 研究表明:恐龙的繁殖行为有些方面类似于鳄类,有些方面又类似于鸟类,但又不失其自身显著的特征。

    It is apparent that dinosaurs shared some reproductive characters with crocodilians , some with birds , but also possessed their own unique features .

  5. 鳄类的人工饲养在世界上是一种新型产业,它有二种饲养方式,但都必须具备种群、食物、资金和技术四个基本要素。

    Crocodilian farming is a relatively new industry in the world , there are two ways of crocodilian farming which must contain the four principal resources of stock , food , money and technique .