
yì mó
  • patagium;ala
翼膜[yì mó]
  1. 飞鼠可以通过活动腕关节及调整翼膜的松紧度来稍微改变滑翔方向。

    The squirrel can steer somewhat by moving its wrists and adjusting the tautness of its patagium .

  2. 这种壁虎拥有翼膜,可以让自己从树顶的巢降落或滑翔下去。

    The gecko has a patagium that allows it to parachute or glide down from its treetop home .

  3. 它没有翼膜,但可以通过伸直身体来扩大体表面积跳出去在树顶间滑翔。

    It has no patagium , but glides from the treetops by flattening its body out to maximizesurface area .

  4. 因此研究人员用飞鼯猴——一种来自东南亚的哺乳动物,当它们滑行时会伸展出四肢,变成一张巨大的翼膜。

    So researchers tested that idea using colugos - mammals from Southeast Asia that turn into giant skin sails when they stretch out their legs .

  5. 鼯猴利用它们的翼膜在树之间滑翔,该翼膜是它们前后肢之间并一直延伸到尾部和颈部的片状悬垂物。

    Colugos glidebetween trees using their patagium , or flaps of skin between their front and hind legs and extending to the tail and the neck .

  6. 这种外形奇特的生物身上有着小而短的僵硬羽毛,两只腕部各有一个棒状长骨,并覆盖着一层像蝙蝠翅膀的翼膜。

    The strange-looking creature had small stiff feathers on its body and long finger-like bones extending from each wrist that were covered in a membrane like a bats wing .

  7. 他们把手脚展开,向下坠落几百英尺。他们四肢之间的翼膜和翼装的遮护物充满了空气,使他们的坠落变成滑翔。

    They would drop hundreds of feet with their arms and legs spread , the webbing between their limbs and the baffles inside their suits filling with air until falling turned to soaring .