- Early Cretaceous Epoch

Volcanic activities and stratigraphic division of volcano-sedimentary rocks during late period of Early Cretaceous epoch in Zhejiang
The evolution history of oil potential in Chang-2 and Chang-6 oil layer sets since early Cretaceous can be divided into two stages , which are early cretaceous epoch and late cretaceous epoch to now .
The term is used at various localities in North africa , includes beds ranging from Carboniferous to early cretaceous .
Early Cretaceous Lithospheric Thinning of Northern Margin of the North China Craton : Evidence from Pb Isotope of Shoshonite
Early Cretaceous Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb Age of the Trachyte and Its Significances of the Gan-Hang Belt
SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating indicate that the suite was formed in the early Cretaceous ( 130 ~ 132 Ma ) .
U Pb age determinations of single zircon show that the Tonglu volcanic intrusive rocks are the products of Early Cretaceous volcanic activities ( 134 4 ~ 134 9Ma ) .
The 40Ar / 39Ar values of the mylonite series from the Tan-Lu fault belt demonstrate that the fault belt has experienced sinistral strike-slip movement in the Early Cretaceous .
K-Ar dating of Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks along the Tan-Lu fault zone and its tectonic significance
The U Pb dating of zircon from the volcanic rock is ( 129.2 ± 2.6 ) Ma , belonging to Early Cretaceous .
The main structures of Early Cretaceous in the area are NE and NW faults , which control not only the major boundaries of the basins , but also some volcanic edifices .
There has been three sedimentary cycles developed from Cretaceous to Quaternary . AG Formation lacustrine facies shale and claystone deposited during early Cretaceous is of organic rich , which is rated as good to excellent source rock .
During the activity of the fault zone in the Early Cretaceous , it extended further north and had left-lateral displacement of ca. 200 km .
The Yixian formation was formed during the period of 135 to 120 Ma , i.
The mylonite and ultramylonite in the ductile shear zones yield whole-rock 40Ar / 39Ar ages of 120 . 48 Ma and 118 . 75 Ma respectively , which suggest that large-scale sinistral displacement in the Tan-Lu fault zone took place in the Early Cretaceous .
Based on the temperature-dividing model of the AFT curve with temperature constraints from fluid inclusions , the estimated geothermal-gradient of the Hefei wrench-compressive basin during the Early Cretaceous was about 67 ℃ / km .
The tectonic stress regime changed to extension during the Early Cretaceous and the Muping Jimo fault zone was dominated by normal faulting which resulted in formation of deep and narrow fault-down troughs . The direction of extension during this period was NW SE to W E.
Zircon U-Pb isotopic dating for different petrographic rocks gives similar emplacement ages ( 130 ~ 120 Ma ), i.e. , the Early Cretaceous , not the Triassic as previously thought .
But under the control of NE-SW tensile stress field of Early Cretaceous , in the eastern part of Ergun Block sag belt was formed and the basement tectonics is NE-NNE direction .
The single zircon U-Pb of 133.7Ma ~ 131Ma for monzonite-porphyry in the orefield make clear that the magma was intruded after mineralization during Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Period .
The fission track ages and the AFT curve break age , as well as the regional uplift-erosive time , reveal that the uplift-cooling process following the tectonic-thermal event has developed since 104 Ma and a later rapid uplift-cooling event occurred mainly around ± 55Ma .
Results Large thrust nappe structure was developed along ZW1 seismic survey line , and it was formed during Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous .
It is suggested that the lithospheric thinning took place in the Late Mesozoic , and maximally thinned in Early Cretaceous ( 120 ~ 130 Ma ) .
In early Cretaceous the basin was developed as the fault basin with NNE direction in the environment of regional extension , and the coupling relationship of basin-mountain still was the shallow level one ; the high place was denuded and the low place was filled .
The SHRIMP U-Pb dating results of zircons from porphyritic granodiorite ( TW1530 ) and granitite ( TW1637 ) are 117.2 ± 1.6 Ma and 121.2 ± 1.7 Ma , respectively , suggesting that Sangba granitoids were formed in early Cretaceous .
The Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous activity produced basaltic and basaltic andesitic lavas ( 146Ma , 137Ma ), followed by gabbro intrusion ( 135Ma ) and aplite dyke ( 129Ma ) .
Sporo-pollen assemblages of Middle Jurassic and early Cretaceous in Bohai region
Some early Cretaceous marine and brackish-water gastropods from Eastern Heilongjiang Province
Early Cretaceous Ostracoda from the Western eren basin , Nei Mongol
And the late early Cretaceous was the key accumulation time .