
  • Avocado;avocado pear
  1. 她总是很期待鳄梨旺季。

    She always looked forward to the avocado season .

  2. 鳄梨是有价值的一种食物。

    The avocado is a valuable food .

  3. 火腿鳄梨非常好吃。

    The ham is delicious with avocado .

  4. 在职业生涯之初,法兰特研究了“顽拗性种子”,比如鳄梨、咖啡豆和荔枝。

    At the start of her career , Farrant studied recalcitrant seeds , " such as avocados , coffee and lychee .

  5. 虽然美味,但这些种子非常娇弱——如果干枯了,它们就不能发芽生长(如果你曾尝试过用鳄梨核来种树,你就可能知道这一点)。

    While tasty , such seeds are delicate -- they cannot bud and grow if they dry out ( as you may know if you 've ever tried to grow a tree from an avocado pit ) .

  6. 或者用红薯、豆子和鳄梨做一份素食早餐。

    Make a vegan breakfast bowl of sweet potatoes , beans and avocado .

  7. 绿色蔬菜:试试用鳄梨和水煮蛋做早餐沙拉。

    Greens and vegetables : Try a breakfast salad with avocado and hard-boiled eggs .

  8. 鳄梨中含有丰富的维他命E和对皮肤有益的脂肪。

    Its full of vitamin E and full of all good fats for your skin .

  9. 鳄梨是维生素E非常好的来源,维生素E对皮肤很有好处。

    Avocados are a good source of vitamin E , which is also great for skin .

  10. 这两个都是好的,但有鳄梨富含维生素B,这也有助于保持你的肌肤活力和平衡。

    Both are good , but avocados have the added bonus ofB vitamins , which also help to keep your skin looking vibrant and smooth .

  11. 鳄梨(PerseaamericanaMill.)花的生物学特性观察

    Observations on biological characteristics of avocado ( persea Americana mill . ) flowers

  12. 与此同时,美国的寿司生产商已经发明了自己的主打产品,例如加利福尼亚卷(Californiaroll)&这是一种由鳄梨和螃蟹混合制成的寿司,如今在日本的时尚寿司店也占领了一席之地。

    US sushi makers , meanwhile , have devised their own masterworks , such as the California roll , an avocado and crab concoction that is now gaining a foothold in trendier sushi bars in Japan .

  13. 鳄梨是全世界公认的最健康的水果,它营养丰富,含有维他命K,食物纤维,钾,叶酸,维他命B6,维他命C和铜。

    Avocado is considered the world 's healthiest fruit , because of its nutrient contents such as vitamin K , dietary fiber , potassium , folic acid , vitamin B6 , vitamin C and copper .

  14. 曼谷墨西哥菜连锁饭店SunriseTacos的老板格雷格•兰格(GregLange)说,他最大的难题是弄到鳄梨。

    Greg Lange , owner of Sunrise Tacos , a Bangkok chain of Mexican-food restaurants , says his biggest problem is getting avocadoes .

  15. 那里供应的墨西哥烤猪肉(Cochinitapibil)三明治、墨西哥鳄梨色拉和薯条等食物都是用很大但是方便食用的纸盒装的。

    Dishes like Cochinita pibil sandwiches and guacamole and chips come in bulky but easy-to-eat-from cardboard boxes .

  16. 我还种植了一种更小、更娇羞的红花鼠尾草“一串红唇”(S.coccineaLadyinRed),它生长在一片芫荽当中。我种芫荽是因为它那蕨类般的叶片能为鳄梨沙拉酱增添一丝辛辣的风味。

    I have a smaller , more demure salvia , S. coccinea Lady in Red rising out of the middle of a patch of cilantro , which I grow for its ferny leaves , to lend a pungent kick to guacamole .

  17. 我点了龙虾沙拉,格雷则要了份麦卡锡沙拉(mccarthysalad),它用甜菜、鸡肉、鸡蛋、西红柿、奶酪、腊肉与鳄梨而成,名字就取自波罗餐厅老板,也是由他首创。

    I choose a lobster salad while grey asks for the McCarthy salad a mix of beets , chicken , eggs , tomatoes , cheese , bacon and avocado named for the Polo lounge patron who created it .

  18. 好消息:俄亥俄州立大学的研究人员最近发现,从Hass鳄梨中淬取的植物化学物质,能杀死口腔癌细胞或阻止其生长。

    The good news : Researchers at Ohio State University recently found that phytochemicals extracted from Hass avocados could kill or stop the growth of oral cancer cells .

  19. 平心而论,寻求上市的公司往往会把所能想到的所有风险因素都列举出来(比如Chipotle最近就将全球变暖作为威胁该公司鳄梨色拉酱供应的一个潜在因素),但这些公司总会在其中透露一些真实情况。

    To be fair , companies are inclined to throw in the entire kitchen sink of imaginable risks when listing these factors -- Chipotle recently cited global warming as a potential threat to its guacamole supply -- but they always make for a revealing read .

  20. MA-gal片段的氨基酸序列与芦笋、草莓、番茄、芒果及鳄梨等果实相应基因的相似性分别为85.8%、80.9%、80.5%、79.1%和76.3%。

    The amino acid sequence of MA-gal is similar to those of the corresponding gene fragments of asparagus , strawberry , tomato , mango and avocado with their homologies standing at 85.8 % , 80.9 % , 80.5 % , 79.0 % and 76.3 % , respectively .

  21. 用苜蓿粉进行油梨(鳄梨)根腐病的生物防治

    Biological Control of Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocado With Alfalfa Meal

  22. 这是胡萝卜、牛奶及鳄梨的混合物。

    This is a combination of carrot , milk and avocado .

  23. 当我吃鳄梨我一直吃的种子。

    When I eat the avocado I always eat the seed .

  24. 据说艾伯特准备了新鲜的鳄梨酱。

    Gameshmame . There 's a rumor Albert made fresh guacamole .

  25. 明虾、龙虾、蟹、鳄梨沙拉,29.00美元

    Salad with prawns , lobster , crab and avocado $ 29.00

  26. 可另一方面,你想要那个该死的鳄梨沙拉酱

    On the other hand , you want the damn guacamole .

  27. 鳄梨为本调味料加入一种坚果的味道。

    The Avocado adds a nutty taste to this dressing .

  28. 把鳄梨去皮切薄片,和豆瓣菜一起放入碗中。

    Peel and slice the avocado and add to bowl with watercress .

  29. 番茄凉菜汤,清蒸扇贝,鳄梨和莱姆沙拉。

    Chilled tomato gazpacho , poached scallop , avocado & lime salad .

  30. 鳄梨会使人发胖。

    The crocodile pears can make man put on weight .