
  • 网络HVDC;UHVDC;VSC-HVDC;High Voltage Direct Current, HVDC
  1. 特高压直流输电;控制保护系统;可靠性。

    Ultra HVDC Transmission , Reliability , Control and Protection System .

  2. 高压直流输电系统在一定条件下可能引发系统的次同步振荡。

    The HVDC transmission system may lead to subsynchronous oscillation under certain circumstances .

  3. 高压直流GIS中绝缘子的表面电荷积聚的研究

    Study of charge accumulation on insulator surface in HVDC gas-insulated switchgear

  4. 基于DSP的飞机高压直流电源数字调压器研究

    Research on Digital AVR based on DSP in HVDC Power System

  5. 高压直流输电系统的H2/H∞附加控制器设计

    Design of H_2 / H_ ∞ supplementary controller for high voltage direct current transmission system

  6. N2O脉冲高压直流放电的光谱研究

    Spectral Study of N_2O under Pulsed DC Discharge

  7. 轻型直流输电技术(HVDCLight)是一种基于电压源型换流(VoltageSourcedConverters-VSC)技术的新型高压直流输电技术。

    HVDC Light is a new-type HVDC based on Voltage Sourced Converters ( VSC ) Technology .

  8. 高压直流(HVDC)输电系统交流侧的谐波抑制

    The Harmonic Compensation on AC Side of HVDC

  9. 本文研究高压直流电源系统中的二次电源DC/DC变换器。

    This dissertation is devoted to theoretical study and engineering practice on DC / DC converter of secondary power supply in HVDC power system .

  10. 这种晶闸管是为高压直流输电(HVDC)而开发的。

    These type of thyristors were specially developed for high voltage direct current transmission ( HVDC ) .

  11. 基于CCC换流器的高压直流输电的比较研究

    Comparing Research on HVDC Transmission Systems with the Capacitor Commutated Converters

  12. 高压直流XLPE电力电缆预制式接头的设计

    Design of Prefabricated Joints for HVDC XLPE Power Cables

  13. 基于电压源换流器(voltagesourceconverter,VSC)的高压直流输电系统具有运行控制方式灵活的优点和相对成本较高的缺点。

    Voltage Source Converter ( VSC ) based HVDC ( VSC-HVDC ) has the advantages of flexible operation and control and the disadvantages of high cost .

  14. 在过去,要远距离输送大功率电力几乎无一例外地采用了高压直流(HVDC)输电。

    In the past , HVDC links have been used almost exclusively to transmit huge power over long distance .

  15. 在三相电压不对称的情况下,电压源换流器(voltagesourceconverter,VSC)的传输功率会发生波动,从而影响高压直流系统的稳定运行。

    The transmitted power of Voltage Source Converter ( VSC ) will fluctuate under unsymmetry of three phase voltage , which affects the operation of VSC-HVDC system .

  16. 我国第一个高压直流(HVDC)输电工程&舟山工程,其特点是具有一个弱受端交流网络。

    The first China HVDC project , Zhoushan Project , is characterized by linking with a weak ac receiving network .

  17. 在华中-华东多回高压直流(HVDC)输电系统上加装辅助功率/频率控制器具有显著的经济效益。

    A HVDC link with an auxiliary power / frequency controller has many advantages in both technical and economic aspects .

  18. 提出一种基于广域测量系统的多馈入高压直流(HVDC)模糊自适应协调阻尼控制器。

    A wide-area measurement system ( WAMS ) based fuzzy adaptive coordinative damping controller is developed for multi-infeed HVDC system .

  19. 旋弧式SF6断路器开断高压直流电流性能的实验研究

    An Experimental Investigation into the Use of an SF_6 Rotary Arc Circuit Breaker as an HVDC Switching Element

  20. 通过对高压直流输电和交流输电的对比分析,确定ZERO系统采用金属导线回路方式实现高压直流输电。

    Based on comparative analysis of direct current and alternating current high-voltage power transmission , metal conductor loop mode was chosen for high-voltage direct current power transmission of ZERO system .

  21. 滤波装置的设计是高压直流输电(HVDC)的关键技术之一。

    The design of filtering equipments is one of the key technologies of the High Voltage Direct Current ( HVDC ) system .

  22. 提出平波滤波网络,把高压直流输电(HVDC)系统直流侧的平波电抗器和直流滤波器综合起来加以研究。

    The smoothing and filtering network proposed in this paper is integrated smoothing reactor and DC filters on DC side of HVDC system .

  23. 高压直流输电极控系统的RTDS模型

    The RTDS Model of HVDC Pole Control System

  24. 电压源换流器高压直流输电(VSC-HVDC)是基于电压源型换流器的新型高压直流输电技术。

    VSC-HVDC is a new type of HVDC transmission technology which is based on voltage source converter .

  25. 加拿大500kV高压直流输电线路间隔棒减振器带电更换技术

    Change-Out of Spacer-Dampers on Energized 500 kV HVDC Lines in Canada

  26. 实时数字仿真系统与HVDC原型模拟换流器构成的混合实时仿真系统在天&广高压直流控制与保护系统测试中得到了成功应用。

    The application of HVDC real-time hybrid simulator for AC / DC interconnection for the testing of control and protection system of Tian-Guang HVDC project is introduced .

  27. 随着电力系统新技术的发展,多种电力电子设备如高压直流输电系统(HVDC)和各种灵活交流输电(FACTS)装置引入电力系统。

    With the rapid development of modern power systems , many new power electronic devices such as HVDC links and FACTS devices have been widely applied in system operations and control .

  28. 通过电路设计,参数优选,研制了整流滤波电路,使开机浪涌电流得到了抑制,把交流电变换成了高压直流电,供给DC/DC变换器;

    The rectifier filter 's circuit is developed through current design and parameters optimization , the surge current is quenched and the AC voltage is transferred into high DC voltage to supply the DC / DC converter .

  29. ±800kV特高压直流输电系统用直流断路器研究

    Study on DC Circuit Breaker for ± 800 kV UHV DC System

  30. 传统高压直流输电(HVDC)系统具有技术成熟、成本低廉的优点和需要吸收大量无功功率以及存在换相失败的危险等缺点;

    Conventional HVDC has the advantages of mature state of art and lower cost and the disadvantages of absorbing large reactive power and the danger of commutation fault .