
  1. 2021年建设1亿亩旱涝保收、高产稳产高标准农田。

    The construction of 100 million mu of high-standard farmland with high and stable yields regardless of drought and flood will be complete this year .

  2. 要加强高标准农田、农田水利、农业机械化等现代农业基础设施建设,提升农业科技创新水平并加快推广使用,增强粮食生产能力和防灾减灾能力。

    In this regard , efforts will be made to optimize modern rural infrastructures including high-yield farmland and water conservancy and agricultural mechanization projects , raise agricultural technological innovation capability and speed up promotion and application , and enhance the capability of grain production and disaster prevention and mitigation .

  3. 同时实施新一轮高标准农田建设规划。

    The plan of a new round of high-standard farmland development will be implemented .

  4. 农地整理是加快高标准农田建设、推进农业机械化、提高土地利用效率的重要举措。

    Land consolidation is the fundamental way to quicken high-standard farmland construction , accelerate mechanization of agriculture and improve land utility efficiency .

  5. 为我国高标准农田的建设和粮食生产能力的提高提供借鉴和参考。

    The current status of agricultural lands was analyzed in order to develop a highly standard farmland and to enhance food production in China .

  6. 大力兴修水利,开展农村土地整治,建设高标准农田,耕地面积保持在18.2亿亩以上。

    We built more water conservancy projects , improved rural land , developed high-grade farmland , and kept the country 's total area of farmland over 121.3 million hectares .

  7. 综合分析、对比常规评价方法,选择采用层次分析法计算各评价指标的权重分配,并结合模糊综合评价法来对高标准农田项目进行后评价。

    Comprehensive analysis , by comparing with conventional evalution method , using step analysis method to calculate the weight of every evaluation index distribution , and calculate with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to high standard farmland project evaluation .

  8. 最后,以江苏省涟水县高标准农田建设示范工程为例,对高标准农田后评价的理论和方法进行了具体的应用,详细介绍了评价过程,并对其结果进行了具体分析。

    Finally , LianShui county in jiangsu province high standard farmland construction demonstration project as an example , the high standard farmland evaluation theory and method of the specific application , detailed appraise course of it , and the results are analyzed in detail .

  9. 以农田水利为重点,加强农业基础设施建设,加快大中型灌区的配套改造,扩大节水灌溉面积,建设高标准农田,完成大中型和重点小型病险水库除险加固任务。

    Focusing on water conservancy , we will improve agricultural infrastructure , accelerate related upgrades of large and mediumsized irrigated areas , expand the area in which water-conserving irrigation methods are used , create high-grade cropland , and finish reinforcing dilapidated large , medium-sized , and key small reservoirs .

  10. 利用GIS技术获得各项评价因子,并进行标准化处理,采用层次分析法和熵权系数法求得各评价指标的综合权重,构建出高标准基本农田评价体系。

    Acquire the comprehensive weight of each evaluation index by analytic hierarchy process and entropy Coefficient Method . Structure the evaluation system of high standard basic farmland .

  11. 本文以重庆市南川区为例,基于GIS的方法与技术,以第二次土地调查数据中耕地地块为研究对象,对研究区域的高标准基本农田时空布局与工程规划设计进行了研究。

    This paper took Nanchuan in Chongqing as example , the high standard basic farmland in researched area was designated and planned based on the method and technology of GIS and focused on the farmland in second land survey data .

  12. 提高耕地质量建设高标准基本农田

    Improving Cultivated Quality and Constructing High-standard Basic Farmland

  13. 国内学者对高标准基本农田的研究也处于初步阶段[1]。

    Domestic scholars ' research on high standard basic farmland is also at a preliminary stage .

  14. 说明其数量少、质量较差、分布不均、人地矛盾明显,建设高标准基本农田势在必行。

    It shows that the number is small and quality is poor , distribution is uneven and apparent contradiction between people and land .

  15. 实际工作过程中,由于研究理论的缺乏,高标准基本农田建设缺乏足够的参考依据,各地区尚未出台具体的高标准基本农田细则。

    In Practical work , the construction of high standard basic farmland lack of adequate theoretical basis , all regions have not yet introduced specific rules for construction of high standard basic farmland .

  16. 综合潜力分级表明长寿区适宜高标准基本农田建设区域主要集中在二级、三级潜力区,少数集中在一级潜力区。

    The results have indicated that Changshou requires an integrated , appropriate and high standard construction of basic farmlands mainly in relation to secondary and tertiary potential area and a few in first potential areas .

  17. 高标准基本农田的建设有利于提高耕地质量,保证粮食安全,促进国家经济与生态环境的稳定性和可持续性。

    The construction of high standard basic farmland is benefit for the improvement of quality of farmland , the assurance of food safety , the stability and persistence of the economy and environment of the country .

  18. 同时,根据项目区达到高标准基本农田建设要求的程度以及重要性、示范性、资金到位等情况,确定高标准基本农田项目建设的时间顺序,主要从建设方式和建设年份两个方面进行研究。

    Meanwhile , based on different requirement of the construction of high standard basic farmland and combined the significance , demonstrative , fund of project area , confirm the sequence of construction of high standard basic farmland .

  19. 高标准基本农田建设不仅是新形势下对耕地保护制度的一个创新,也是实现耕地保护由数量保护向数量、质量保护并重的一个重要途径。

    Constructing of the high quality basic farmland is not only an innovation of farmland-protection system in the new situation , but also an essential way to transform the pattern of protecting farmland from assuring the quantity to assuring both the quantity and quality .

  20. 如何科学合理地进行高标准基本农田的时空配置和工程规划设计,是建设高标准基本农田的重要环节,也是土地整治规划的主体任务,日渐成为解决我国突出的粮食问题的重要途径。

    It is an important chain in constructing high standard basic farmland and main task in land reclamation and reallocation to configure and design the high standard basic farmland scientifically and reasonably . It has become an important method to solve the food problem in our country .