
  • 网络high frequency electromagnetic wave
  1. 探地雷达技术是上个世纪七十年代随着高频电磁波应用于无损检测而发展起来的一门新技术。

    The GPR way was a new technology with the development of high frequency electromagnetic wave used in the non-destructive testing .

  2. 对称化测量高频电磁波测井的理论研究

    The theoretical research of high frequency electromagnetic wave logging by symmetrical measurement

  3. 该文从麦克斯韦(Maxwell)两个旋度方程出发,分析了地质雷达二维TM高频电磁波的特性,运用K。

    In this paper , from the two vortices equation of Maxwell equation group , the authors analyze the characteristics of the ground penetrating radar two-dimensional TM electromagnetic wave , apply K.

  4. 该频散关系即考虑了FDTD法的收敛性和稳定性,也考虑了高频电磁波在Yee氏网格中的传播特点。

    Except stability and astringency of FDTD , propagation characteristic of EM wave in Yee 's grid is also taken account in ideal numerical dispersive relation .

  5. 根据传输线中高频电磁波的传播理论及网络理论分析了射频(RF)激励CO2激光器中的阻抗匹配问题,获得了等效阻抗匹配网络的设计方法及计算有关参数的普遍表达式。

    The basic issues of impedance matching in a radio frequency discharge excited CO 2 laser are theoretically discussed in detail . A general and very applicable formula for selecting the parameters of the equivalent matching network is obtained .

  6. 但电离层中另一个天然谐振腔-电离层阿尔芬谐振器(IAR)是否对高频电磁波同样存在调制作用的问题并未得到重视。

    However , the same attention has not been paid to the modulation of the ionospheric Alfv é n resonator on HF waves .

  7. 为研究高频电磁波在电离层等离子体中激发的等离子体线的涨落,一组电离层加热实验完成于波多黎各的Arecibo射电天文台。

    A series of ionospheric modification experiments were conducted at the Arecibo Observatory to research the fluctuation of the plasma lines enhanced by the high frequency electromagnetic waves .

  8. 由于结构转变后的Fe3O4/ZnO核壳纳米棒呈铁磁性,二者存在异质结界面,ZnO壳层在纳米量级,导致它们具有较强的电磁响应特性,可以用来吸收高频电磁波。

    Because the core / shell nanorods are ferromagnetic , the heterointerface presented between core and shell region , and the thickness of ZnO shell is in nanometer scale , the core / shell nanorods have very strong electromagnetic response , which can be used as absorber for electromagnetic wave .

  9. 文章从波动场对电离层电子温度变化的影响出发,在理论上分析了IAR调制高频电磁波的可能性并讨论了IAR调制高频波的可能机制。

    To start with the dependence of the ionospheric electron temperature variation on the Alfv é n resonant field , the possibility and potential mechanism of the modulation of the ionospheric Alfv é n resonator on HF waves are analyzed in this paper .

  10. 高频电磁波水分测量精度影响因素的研究

    Study on Effect Factor of High-frequency Electromagnetic Wave Moisture Content Instrument

  11. 高频电磁波传感式电弧焊全自动防护面罩的研发

    Development of an Automatic Arc-protection Helmet with the High Frequency Electromagnetic Wave

  12. 甚高频电磁波层析成像及在岩土工程中应用研究

    Application Research on electromagnetic wave tomography of very-high frequencies for geotechnical engineering

  13. 空圆隧道中高频电磁波传播特性

    The Attenuation Characteristics of High Frequency Radio in Circular Tunnels

  14. 两个水平界面正交方向上的高频电磁波场曲线

    The vertical direction high frequency electromagnetic field for two horizontal boundary plane

  15. 高频电磁波数学信号处理研究&在层状介质雷达信号处理中的应用

    Research on digital signal processing for GPR in layer media

  16. 高频电磁波测井资料反演的优选调参子空间方法

    Optimization Method of Parameter Adjustment Subspace for High-frequency Electromagnetic Well Logging Data Inversion

  17. 高频电磁波多次散射的数值求解

    Numerical calculation of multiple scattering of highfrequency electromagnetic wave

  18. 基于超高频电磁波测量的变压器局部放电在线监测的研究

    Research on PD On-Line Monitoring of Transformer Based on UHF Electromagnetic Wave Measurement

  19. 本文分析了高频电磁波驱动等离子体电流的效应,指出,波的电场力和洛仑兹力都对驱动电流有贡献;

    The mechanism of rf-driven currents by high frequency electromagnetic waves is discussed .

  20. 高频电磁波在有损地面上的传播特性

    Transmission Characteristics of HF Electromagnetic Wave on Lossy Ground

  21. 变压器局部放电超高频电磁波的传播特性

    Study on the Propagation Characteristic of E-M Wave Emitted by PD in Transformers

  22. 巷道内粉尘对特高频电磁波传播特性的影响

    Influence of mine dust on propagation characteristic of UHF electromagnetic wave in tunnel

  23. 利用高频电磁波测井反演地层介电常数和电阻率

    An inversion of dielectric constant and resistivity by using high frequency electromagnetic wave logging

  24. 平界面高频电磁波正常场理论值的计算

    Calculation of the Theoretical Value of High Frequency Electromagnetic Normal Field for plane Boundary

  25. 超高频电磁波在灰岩中的透射与反射试验

    An experiment on the transmission and reflection of ultra-high frequency electromagnetic waves within limestone

  26. 阻尼型高斯-牛顿法及其在高频电磁波测井反演中的应用

    Damping Gauss-Newton method and its application to the inversion of high frequency electromagnetic wave logging

  27. 高频电磁波驱动等离子体电流

    Currents driven by high frequency electromagnetic waves

  28. 高频电磁波调制电离层产生ELF/VLF辐射的研究进展

    Research Progress of ELF / VLF Radiation Generation from Ionosphere Modulated by Powerful HF Waves

  29. 探地雷达技术是本世纪70年代以来迅速发展起来地一门新技术,它利用高频电磁波的反射来探测目的体及地层结构。

    Ground-Penetrating Radar ( GPR ) is a new technique which develops rapidly from the 1970s .

  30. 本文提供了一种监测变电站局放的新型方法,该方法基于超高频电磁波理论。

    This paper presents a novel method based on this principle for PD monitoring of substations .