- 名High voltage wire;hight-ension wire

Some say there is evidence to support the growing anxieties . David Carpenter , a professor of environmental health sciences at the University at Albany , in New York , thinks there ` s a greater than 95 percent chance that power lines can cause childhood leukemia .
Putting power lines underground would be a possibility .
TOKYO & Something many visitors to Japan notice is the abundance of overhead powerlines .
TOKYO - Something many visitors to Japan notice is the abundance of overhead powerlines .
New studies are indicating that electropollution from high power lines can actually cause cancer .
What is the first step in dealing with an accident involving high-voltage power lines ?
The link between overhead power lines and cancer was first made in America in1979 .
The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire .
It is the first time a British government body has accepted the link between cancer and power lines .
It could also reopen campaigns by local groups to have power lines buried underground or moved away from homes .
To do geology radar exploration in city area , the disturbing signal of high-voltage line is found on radar profile .
The Bury Way and Bury Spacing of Ground-Source Heat Pumps System in Chengdu ; Putting power lines underground would be a possibility .
The accident of tower cranes collision happened just after the accident of tower crane collapse , impact with the high-voltage wires and weight decoupling .
The Falcons inhabiting in the mountain meadow steppe and artificial coniferous forest were influenced by the high voltage wires of the wind generating electricity factory .
Worse , they could inadvertently disperse any buried chemical or biological agents into the surrounding areas-with lethal effect . Putting power lines underground would be a possibility .
This week a man was admitted to hospital in northern England after being electrocuted cutting through a live wire carrying 11,000 volts trying to steal the copper it contained .
In traditional electric fence systems , the high voltage wires are interleaved with earth wires up to the height of the fence line , which means that every second wire provides no deterrent .
Design and Application of a Broadband IP Communication Scheme on High Voltage Power Distribution Lines
Using FDTD to study the medium Magnetostrictive Guided Wave Characterization for Anchor Rod Corrosion of High-voltage Transmission Tower
A RST-based Improved NN Model for Fault Diagnosis of High Voltage Transmission Line System
However , this system is very flawed . Generally , the special PT is relatively large , expensive and inconvenient to install , especially in the high-voltage transmission lines .
Measurement Result and Analysis of Electromagnetic Environment of 500 kV Extra High Voltage Power Lines
Study on Distribution and Control of Power Frequency Electric Field under 500 kV EHV Transmission Lines
Evaluations of Several Audible Noise Predicting Formulas for 1 000 kV UHV AC Transmission Lines
The M-UPFC needs high power rate because it is generally used in high voltage transmission lines .
A new idea is presented to introduce the linear temporal logic ( LTL ) technology and analog information into a fault diagnosis system for high voltage ( HV ) transmission lines .
There is a strong single frequency interference wave around 50 Hz in seismic records when a high tension line crossed over a seismic line in the process of field seismic data acquisition .
Based on the sequence of events ( SOE ) based data mining ( DM ) fault diagnosis model for the fault diagnosis of high-voltage transmission line system ( HVTLS ), the model and the functions are described in this part .
There are 220 kV kilovoltage superhigh voltage transmission lines , 275 kV kilovoltage electrified lines and some nearby buildings above cutting excavation blasting . The blasting vibration and flying rock control are strictly required , so blasting design and implementation is very difficult .
Field Measuring and Calculation of Tension of High Voltage Transmision Line