
ɡāo lì
  • Korea
高丽 [gāo lí]
  • [Koryo] 朝鲜历史上的王朝(公元 918-1392)。我国习惯上多沿用来指称朝鲜或关于朝鲜的事物

  • 过了高丽界,海水竟似湖光,蓝极绿极,凝成一片。-- 冰心《寄小读者》

  1. 高丽大学商学院(koreauniversitybusinessschool)的emba课程是另一个新晋前25名的新秀。

    The Korea University Business School EMBA is the other debutant in the top 25 .

  2. 与我公司打交道的是高丽国际旅行社(KoreaInternationalTravelService),它虽然由政府运营,却也有着自己的一套经营规则。

    My company deals with the Korea International Travel Service ; it is government-run but it works in its own sphere .

  3. 目的:对同一组中国红参和高丽红参进行指纹谱(HPLCFPS)比较研究。

    Objective : To study comparatively the HPLC FPS of Chinese Red Ginseng and Korean Ginseng in the same group .

  4. 中国红参与高丽红参的指纹谱(HPLC-FPS)比较研究

    Comparative Study on HPLC-FPS of Chinese Red Ginseng and Korean Ginseng

  5. 去年,总部位于北京的高丽旅行社(KoryoTours)组织的两次到朝鲜东北部地区的旅游就包含了这座城市。高丽旅行社主要面向西方游客提供服务。

    Hoeryong was included on two tours of the country 's northeast region last year by Beijing-based Koryo Tours , which mainly caters to western tourists .

  6. 费雯丽(VivienLeigh)用的时间比李康生吃高丽菜的时间少得多,但传达出同样的绝望之感。

    In a tiny fraction of the time it takes for Mr. Lee to finish off that cabbage , Vivien Leigh conveys the same desperation .

  7. 邦纳的熟悉身影如今时常出没于自己所在的小区。每次骑车从自家到“高丽之旅”公司(KoryoTours)上班时,打招呼问候声不断。

    Bonner is a regular fixture in his Beijing neighbourhood , dispensing a cheery " hello darling ! " as he pedals from home to the office of Koryo Tours .

  8. 《郊游》(StrayDogs)是蔡明亮对亚洲愁苦主义忧郁而严肃的尝试,片中一个长达11分钟的场景是一个无家可归的男人狼吞虎咽地吞吃着一个画有人脸的高丽菜,把影片推向无法回头的境地。

    The point of no return in " Stray Dogs , " Tsai Ming-liang 's glum , humorless exercise in Asian miserablism , is an 11-minute scene of a homeless man smothering and devouring a cabbage with a face painted on it .

  9. 2000年10月25日,记者搭乘高丽航空公司航班前往平壤,对美国前国务卿马德琳·奥尔布赖特(MadeleineAlbright)的访问做报道时的登机牌。

    A boarding pass from an Oct. 25 , 2000 , Air Koryo flight carrying journalists to Pyongyang to cover the visit of former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright .

  10. 结果表明:立水桥附近区域的浅部(150m以内)地层为3层结构,黄庄&高丽营断裂是由多条断层组合而成的、至今仍在活动的隐伏断裂;

    The results indicate that there exists structure of three layers at the shallow part of the area , and the active fault consists of many concealed faults which remain active at present .

  11. 首尔高丽大学(KoreaUniversity)专家NamSung-wook表示:这反映出美国想对金正日和他的支持者施加压力,金正日就是通过奖赏鱼子酱、手表等一些高级物品来控制他们的。

    This reflects the desire of the Americans to put pressure on Kim Jong-il and his supporters , whom he controls by rewarding them with high-class goods such as caviar and watches , says Nam Sung-wook , a North Korean specialist at Korea University in Seoul .

  12. 论明初高丽王朝与明朝的关系

    Relationship between Korean and Ming Dynasty in the Early Ming Dynasty

  13. 高丽王室族内婚制及其变化

    The Marriage System between the Koryo Royal Families and Its Evolution

  14. 呜,我等尝进得若多物自高丽。

    Oh , we have imported so many things from Korea .

  15. 吉林延边红参与朝鲜高丽红参中无机元素的比较研究

    Studies on Inorganic Elements in Yanbian Red Ginseng and Korea Ginseng

  16. 朝廷想要高丽皇室成员臣服于我们。

    The royal court wants balhae 's royal family to cooperate .

  17. 从高丽文献看元代的回回人

    Humans The huis of Yuan Dynasty in the historical documents of Korean

  18. 古代蒙古与高丽的音乐文化交流

    Mongolian and Korean Musical Cultural Exchange in the Ancient Times

  19. 本文用等离子发射光谱法对吉林省延边红参与朝鲜高丽红参中无机元素进行了分析和比较。

    The paper analysed inorganic elements in Jilin red ginseng and Korea .

  20. 安西王阿难达对高丽政治势力的利用

    Study on Ananda 's Making Use of Korea Political Forces

  21. 元代入华高丽女子探析

    The Analysis on Korea Female in Yuan Dynasty in China

  22. 斯金纳:史高丽探员,你去哪里?

    SKINNER : Agent Scully . Where are you going ?

  23. 高丽文人笔下的陶渊明形象

    The Image of Tao Yuanming in the Eyes Koryo Scholars

  24. 亚裔的美国人不是使用高丽参的唯一人群。

    Asian-Americans are not the only ones who use ginseng .

  25. 朝鲜高丽文学的审美理想与追求

    Koryo Literature in Korea : Its Aesthetic Object and Pursuance

  26. 先秦时期朝聘场合的文化交流与传播元朝与高丽姻亲关系中的人员往来及其文化交流

    Personnel exchanges and cultural communications of affinity between Yuan Dynasty and Koryo

  27. 优兰达:高丽参是红参--比较温润。

    Korean ginseng is red -- it 's more warming .

  28. 现在却要我回去当高丽的国王?

    And I am to be the king of balhae , right ?

  29. 高丽参需要一个没有太多阳光的地方。

    Ginseng needs a place where it will not get much sunshine .

  30. 中国红参与高丽红参药理作用的比较

    A comparision of pharmacological actions between Chinese red ginseng and Korean red ginseng