
  • 网络The Caucasus;Caucasia;caucasus region
  1. 他们可恼地辩称,如果允许科索沃独立,那么南奥塞梯(southossetia)以及高加索地区亲俄的其他飞地也可以如此。

    They argue mischievously that if Kosovo is allowed to become independent , so should South Ossetia and other pro-Russian enclaves in the Caucasus .

  2. 俄罗斯独立军事专家AlexanderGolts说,情况表明北高加索地区的安全状况无法被控制。

    Independent Russian military expert Alexander Golts says the situation suggests that security in the North Caucasus cannot be tightened further .

  3. 莫斯科卡内基中心(MoscowCarnegieCenter)高加索地区问题专家马拉申科(AlexeiMalashenko)说,鉴于高加索地区的局势,本周的莫斯科袭击事件不会是最后一起。

    ' Given what 's happening in the Caucasus , the attacks in Moscow this week won 't be the last , 'said Alexei Malashenko , a specialist in the region at the Moscow Carnegie Center .

  4. 大高加索地区沙棘的生态生化特性

    Bioecological and Biochemical Features of Seabuckthorn Growing in the Great Caucasus

  5. 格鲁吉亚有高加索地区的小山村和黑海海滩。

    Georgia is home to Caucasus Mountain villages and Black Sea beaches .

  6. 在北高加索地区,还有的绵羊奶酪。

    Traditional sheep cheeses are found in the Northern Caucasus .

  7. 达吉斯坦是北高加索地区几个共和国之一。

    Dagestan is one of several republics in Russia 's North Caucasus area .

  8. 有些方面,格鲁吉亚和高加索地区的小,远,因此不重要。

    Some regard Georgia and the Caucasus as small , faraway and so unimportant .

  9. 格鲁吉亚共和国黑海高加索地区的东南欧苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟的一个有制宪权的共和国。

    A constituent republic of southeast European U.S.S.R.in the Caucasus on the Black Sea .

  10. 高加索地区的有许多枝杈的中等尺寸的树木,其翅果与其他胡桃树相区别。

    Medium-sized Caucasian much-branched tree distinguished from other walnut trees by its winged fruit .

  11. 高加索地区的俄罗斯沙皇赢,赢得名利与职称?

    Win the Caucasus for the Russian tsar , gain fame and wealth and titles ?

  12. 最近,反复无常的俄罗斯北高加索地区发生了一系列严重的致命袭击,此次爆炸是最近的一次。

    The bombing is the latest in attacks in Russia 's volatile North Caucus region .

  13. 而且,它增加了北高加索地区的动荡程度。

    And it has raised the spectre of unrest across the whole of the North Caucasus .

  14. 高加索地区的问题及症结

    The Crux of Problems in Caucasus

  15. 帕维尔.巴夫是挪威奥斯陆国际和平研究所研究高加索地区的反叛分子行动的专家。

    Pavel Baev studies the Caucasus rebel movement from the International Peace Research Institute in Oslo , Norway .

  16. 如果高加索地区的不稳定局势吓退欧洲投资者,这可能会给中国创造更多空间。

    If instability in the Caucasus scares off European investors , that could create more space for the Chinese .

  17. 世界上很少有地方有与北高加索地区相提并论的悲惨历史。

    Few parts of the world have as miserable a history as the north Caucasus ( see article ) .

  18. 俄罗斯官员表示,初步迹象表明,袭击是北高加索地区的好战组织所为。

    Russian officials say early indications are that the attacks were the work of militant groups from the Northern Caucasus .

  19. 在除酸性土壤以外的土壤中普遍生长;生长在欧洲大部(北极的高加索地区除外)和北非。

    Ubiquitous in all but very acid soil ; most of Europe ( except Arctic Caucasus ) and North Africa .

  20. 开菲尔是一种起源于高加索地区,具有轻微起泡性的酒精性饮料。

    Kefir is a kind of slightly sour taste and bubble feeling fermentation product which origins from the Caucasian region .

  21. 指挥室说他们过去的三天一直在用卫星扫面上高加索地区说是奉你之命

    Operations said they 've been running satellite sweeps in the High Caucasus for the past three days , your orders .

  22. 不过,有迹象显示分裂活动复燃,包括过去一年中北高加索地区激增的恐怖主义暴力活动。

    But there have been signs of a resurgence , including surging terrorist violence in the north Caucasus over the last year .

  23. 本文研究了高加索地区沙棘资源的分布、生物学特征、结果率以及生化性质。

    There has been studied the distribution , biological features , efficiency and the biochemical characteristic of seabuckthorn growing in the great caucasus .

  24. 今天,莫斯科的反移民抗议或移民抗议演变成暴力行为,抗议者对雇佣高加索地区移民工作者的商店进行打砸。

    Anti-immigrant demonstrations or migrant demonstrations in Moscow turned violent today as protesters vandalized stores , that employed migrant workers from the Caucasus region .

  25. 为解决北高加索地区的危机,参加第三轮国际会议的代表一致认为,已经取得了进展。

    Representatives attending a third round of international talks aimed at resolving the crisis in the North Caucasus region agree that progress has been made .

  26. 抗议者要求为被杀害的俄罗斯少数民族少年主持公道,目前普遍认为凶手来自高加索地区。

    The protesters are demanding justice over the killing of a young ethnic Russian , a murder widely blamed on a man from the Caucasus .

  27. 格鲁吉亚政权的变动有可能引发新的动荡,高加索地区局势仍难以稳定。

    The recent change of Georgia 's political power is likely to trigger off a new turmoil and the situation in Caucasus can hardly be stabilized .

  28. 比这些西部巴尔干国家和土耳其更为攸关的是:从长远来看从乌克兰到高加索地区的其它国家也将会申请入盟。

    More than the western Balkans and Turkey are at stake : watching in the wings are other would-be applicants , from Ukraine to the caucasus .

  29. 外高加索地区和乌克兰的局势具有较高的相似性,克里米亚冲突也将对外高加索地区的安全与稳定带来重大的影响。

    The situation in Transcaucasia and Ukraine have a high similarity , the Crimean conflict will also have an external impact on security and stability of Transcaucasia .

  30. 在高加索地区,土耳其政府已经与亚美尼亚签署了协议,凭借运气与努力,有望结束一个世纪的彼此敌对状态。

    In the Caucasus , the government has reached an agreement with Armenia that , with luck and effort , could end a century of mutual hostility .