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Climatic changes and timberline responses over the past 2000 years on the alpine zone of Mt. Taibai
As a result , the average runoff is only about 31.1 mm . Precipitation distribution is quite different from place to place in Northwest China . In inland river basins , annual precipitation more than 300 mm appears only in the high mountain areas .
Impacts of climate change on alpine vegetation on Wutai Mountains
Characteristics of Alpine Physical Environment on Taibai Mountain
There are abundant traces of ancient glaciation distributed on the high mountain belt of the Mount Tai-Bai and its near areas .
Furthermore , the relationship between vegetation distribution pattern and the above factors in the study area was analyzed by ANOVA at the landscape scale .
Based on the introduction of some theories about mountain research , the demarcation of landscape boundaries near alpine belt was discussed in this paper .
That heating effect will induce dramatic effects on these subalpine meadows , causing loss of plant seed we especially value here , the flowering plants .
On the characteristics of glacier fluctuations during the last 30 years in Urumqi River Basin and the estimation of temperature rise in the high mountain area
The change of regeneration density of seedlings and saplings in gaps with different sizes reflects the relationship between updating strategy of coniferous species and gap size .
Further calculation demonstrates that glacier shrinkage in the last 30 years corresponded to an air temperature rise of about 0.35 ± 0.27 ℃ in the high mountain region of the Urumqi River .
These plant communities occupy the alpine belts between the upper line of forest and the permanent snow-line , and they distributively have horizontal regional differentiation from the southeast to the northwest of the Plateau .
The subaerial cyanophyceae of tundra zone of Changbai Mountain
This paper deals with recent advances in plant breeding system of alpine life zone .
Because of its high pollination efficiency , the bumblebee has become a dominant pollinator in alpine life zone .
Alpine bush and meadow belt at alt. 3450m .
Gold mineralization belt and its significance in the high mountain area , Altay
Research about the Vertical Change in the Climatic Zones of Desert Oasis to Alp Ice-snow
In alpine meadows , 7 species were recorded in summer and7 species in autumn .
High mountain permanent snow-ice zone . The aim of the thesis offeres scientific basis for research on mountainy climate in Tianshan Mountains and development of local economy .
Sub alpine shrub meadow climatic zones ;
The turnover rates of species were gradually hoisting from the centre of timberline to sub alpine meadow and forest zones , and highest at the edge of timberline .
The species similarity between mountain desert and mountain grassland belt was the highest ( 0.6809 ), while that between mountain forest and alpine cushion belt was the lowest ( 0.1342 ) .
Alpine belts are ideal sites for monitoring climate change because species in mountain habitats are especially sensitive to climate change .