
  • 网络cavalry regiment;life guards
  1. 他的儿子是骑兵团的一名战士。

    His son is a soldier in a cavalry regiment .

  2. 请看,骑兵团正在坚守通往梅肯的铁路嘛!

    And see how the cavalry is holding the railroad to macon !

  3. 他在阿尔及尔统率了一个骑兵团。

    He commanded a regiment of cavalry in algiers .

  4. 不到三个小时卡斯特的骑兵团全军覆没

    Within three hours all the men in Custer 's regiment are dead .

  5. 当卡斯特接管第七骑兵团后。

    When Custer took charge of the7th cavalry .

  6. 在现代化的军队中,骑兵团使用装甲车,只有在特殊的公共节庆场合才骑马。

    In a modern army , cavalry regiments use armoured vehicles and ride horses only on special public occasions .

  7. 精英骑兵团的一位士兵尽管已经退出部队,对哈利王子不刮胡子的行为依然非常不满。

    Despite no longer being a member of the armed forces , a serving military member in the elite cavalry regiment was unhappy that Prince Harry had not shaved for the occasion .

  8. 英国国防部一项声明说,身为“蓝军骑兵团”少尉的哈里王子,将在几个月后随英军部队换防到伊拉克服役。

    Defense ministry announcement says the prince , a second lieutenant in the blues and royals regiment , will begin service in Iraq in the next few months as part of a British troop rotation .

  9. 哈里王子在哥哥威廉王子的陪伴下步行来到教堂,他穿着皇家蓝军骑兵团的鹿皮长礼服,他从军校毕业后加入的就是这个骑兵团。

    Harry arrived at the chapel on foot , walking beside his brother , Prince William , in the doeskin frock coat of the Blues and Royals , the regiment he joined after graduating from military school .