
  1. 信号灯发出的微弱闪光告诉我们,我们的部队做好了进攻准备。

    The soft gleam of the signal lamp told us our troops were ready for the attack .

  2. 武装部队已作好击退任何进攻的准备。

    The armed forces were prepared to repulse any attacks .

  3. 约翰的手下正在为最后的进攻做准备。

    John 's soldiers were readying themselves for the final assault

  4. 士兵们都做好了向敌人进攻的准备。

    The soldiers were all ready to be at the enemy .

  5. 可能在为新一轮进攻做准备

    Could be the first step in launching a new offensive .

  6. 许多足球队没有做好进攻的准备。

    Many football teams are not geared up to attack .

  7. 部队正在为叛乱分子的新一轮进攻做准备。

    The army is girding itself for a renewed assault by the rebels .

  8. 他们已做好应付进攻的准备。

    They had already provided against the attack .

  9. “留在后面,卢娜!”罗恩命令道,他的魔杖作好了进攻的准备。

    " Stay back , Luna !" Ron commanded , his wand ready for it to attack .

  10. 另外,以色列继续在加沙周边地区集结地面部队,为可能发动地面进攻做准备。

    And , Israel continues to amass ground troops around Gaza in preparation for a possible ground offensive .

  11. 他将这更推进一步:他要美国为一次僵尸进攻做好准备。

    He takes it one step further : he wants America to be prepared for a zombie attack .

  12. 以色列在加沙周围集结军队、坦克和装甲运兵车,为可能发动的地面进攻做准备。

    Israel has amassed troops , tanks and armored personnel carriers around Gaza for a possible ground offensive .

  13. 欧洲战争结束后,武装军队转移到了太平洋为日本内陆的进攻做准备。

    When the war ended in Europe , army troops there were transferred to the Pacific in preparation for the planned invasion of the main islands of Japan .

  14. 如果熊还跟着你,你可能得做好主动进攻的准备了,因为“装死”恐怕很难让你顺利脱身。

    If the bear continues to follow , you 'll likely have to go on the offensive . There are limited circumstances in which " playing dead " can help you .

  15. 防御,是直接为了保存自己的,但同时也是辅助进攻或准备转入进攻的一种手段。

    In defence the immediate object is to preserve yourself , but at the same time defence is a means of supplementing attack or preparing to go over to the attack .

  16. 他们作好了应付可能进攻的防御准备。

    They armored themselves against the possible attack .

  17. 谈足球运动进攻中的准备行动

    Preparation of the Attack of Football Sports

  18. 这是准备用来交付支票的存款余额。他们作好了应付可能进攻的防御准备。

    This is the balance to cover the check . They armored themselves against the possible attack .

  19. 如果这些进攻性军事准备继续下去,对西半球的威胁就进而增大了,会有进一步的行动。

    Should these offensive military preparations continue , thus increasing the threat to the hemisphere , further action will be justified .

  20. 法军困惑之馀,起了戒心,以为德国步兵会在烟雾掩护下进攻,下令准备迎敌。

    Puzzled but suspicious , the French thought that the cloud masked an advance by German infantry , and ordered their men to stand to .

  21. 敌人总是在两种情况下发动进攻:当他们准备好的时候和当你没准备好的时候。

    The enemy invariably attacks on two occasions : when they 're ready & when you 're not .

  22. 他提前把这些需求明确出来,因为他了解必须在进攻发起之前就准备好资金(不是在项目开始过程中或开始之后)。

    He makes these needs well-known in advance , because he understands that funds must be available before the attack is launched ( not during or after the start of the project ) .