
  • 网络squadron;Cavalry Squadron;Cavalry barracks;stable;Horse Guards
  1. 骑兵营车行经理、活动主持人肖先生安排活动规划。

    Cavalry car business manager , activities planning activities Moderator Shaw .

  2. 佳木斯骑兵营自行车俱乐部09年开骑仪式。

    Jiamusi cavalry battalion bike riding club opening ceremony in2009 .

  3. “神六”队的女队员与骑兵营的女车友合影留念。

    " Shenzhou VI " the female team members with the cavalry camp and took a photograph of women riding friends .

  4. 骑兵营是三个月前佐治亚州脱离联邦那天成立起来的,从那以后那些入伍的新兵便一直在盼望打仗。

    The troop of cavalry had been organized three months before , the very day that Georgia seceded from the Union , and since then the recruits had been whistling for war .

  5. 我是游骑兵第六营的上尉。

    I was a captain with the6th Ranger battalion .