
zhàn shù yì shí
  • tactical awareness;tactical sense
  1. 战术意识是影响散打运动员获取优异成绩的重要因素。

    Tactical awareness is a major factor influencing the Sanshou players performances .

  2. 作为一个军事家,必须有战术意识。

    As a militarist , he must have tactical awareness .

  3. AⅠ型和AⅡ型对学生掌握足球和排球基本技术秀一定的促进作用,但在培养实战能力和战术意识方面的教学效果不如BⅠ型明显。

    Type AI and Type A_ ⅱ could help the students with the mastery of the basic technologies of football and volleyball , but the teaching effect was not as obvious as in cultivating the actual combat ability and tactics consciousness .

  4. 球类运动的战术意识及培养

    On the Sense of Tactics and its Cultivation in Ball Games

  5. 论排球运动战术意识与培养

    A Study of Strategical Awareness and Its Development in Volleyball Games

  6. 实战总结法与散打初学者战术意识的培养

    On the Actual Combat Summary in the Cultivation of Tactics Awareness

  7. 而支配这个过程的核心就是足球的进攻战术意识。

    However , the controlling core is the football attacking awareness .

  8. 足球战术意识发展的年龄特征

    Research on Age characteristics of Constructing Football Players ' Tactic Consciousness

  9. 本文就提高控球后卫战术意识培养的意义、方法进行了探讨。

    This article discusses how to improve organizing back fielder tactics .

  10. 足球战术意识包括进攻意识和防守意识。

    Tactics consciousness of football includes consciousness of attacking and defending consciousness .

  11. 而培养战术意识是警务实战技能训练的中心环节。

    The key link lies on the training of consciousness of tactics .

  12. 对网球运动战术意识培养策略的探讨

    On the Approaches to Foster Tennis Players ' Strategy Awareness

  13. 论篮球战术意识的培养与提高

    An Opinion of Training and Improving Basketball Players Tactical Thinking

  14. 论现代篮球竞赛个人战术意识及自信心的培养

    Study on Individual Tactics Awareness and Trainning Self-confidence in Modern Basketball Contest

  15. 试论足球战术意识结构及其形成机制

    On the Structure and Forming Mechanism of Soccer Tactic Awareness

  16. 足球战术意识在竞赛中占有重要的地位,它对比赛胜负起着至关重要的决定性作用。

    Football tactics consciousness occupies important status among contest .

  17. 对散打比赛中运动员战术意识的理论探讨

    The Theoretical Research on Tactical Awareness of Sanda Competition

  18. 排球二传手战术意识的培养

    On the fostering of volleyball setters ' tactical awareness

  19. 排球运动员的战术意识培养方法的研究

    How to Develop the Volleyball Players ' Strategy Awareness

  20. 对足球战术意识若干问题的分析

    An Analysis of Some Problems for Football Tactics Consciousness

  21. 试论如何培养篮球运动员的战术意识

    On How to Cultivate Basketball Player 's Tactical Consciousness

  22. 试论大学体育篮球选项课战术意识培养

    Discussing How to Culture the Tactics Consciousness of the Professional Class of Basketball

  23. 论高校排球运动员战术意识及其培养

    On Developing the Tactical Awareness of University Volleyball Athletes

  24. 浅谈击剑运动中的战术意识

    Discussion on the Awareness of Tactics in Fencing Matches

  25. 论高校排球教学中对学生战术意识的培养

    On the Cultivation of Students ' Tactic Consciousness in Volleyball Teaching of University

  26. 论排球赛场上战术意识的培养方法

    Methods of Fostering the Tactical Awareness on Volleyball Courts

  27. 浅谈足球技战术意识的培养

    Cultivation of Techniques and Tactics Awareness in Football Playing

  28. 对冰球运动员进行战术意识训练的探讨

    Discussions on Ways to Improve the Tactical Awareness of Chinese Ice Hockey Players

  29. 男子少年足球运动员战术意识发展水平研究

    A Research on the Level of Tactical Awareness of Junior Male Soccer Players

  30. 谈竞技训练中个人战术意识的培养

    Development of individual tactical awareness in competitive athletic training