
  • 网络Malan loess
  1. 常规三轴的CU剪切试验表明,非饱和马兰黄土的应力应变关系呈现出弱软化的特征。

    Routine tri-axial CU shear test results indicate the stress-strain relationships of the unsaturated MaLan loess are softening with increasing strain .

  2. 通过对采自陕西各地马兰黄土上部样品中8种形态铁和全铁含量以及碳酸盐、有机质、pH等有关因素分析,发现黄土中不同形态铁的含量差异很大。

    Eight species and total contents of iron in Malan loess were analyzed by sampling from different occurrences in Shanxi Province , China , and also carbonate , organic matter and pH were determined .

  3. 马兰黄土对Cr(Ⅲ)吸附的试验研究

    Experimental research on adsorption of Cr (ⅲ) onto Malan Loess

  4. 通过对212块马兰黄土样品的分析,获得了其微量元素Zn、Cu、Mn、Co、Ni的常见含量范围和自然背景值。

    212 samples of the MaLan loess were chemically analyzed for the normal and natu-ral background values of the trace elements Zn . Cu , Mn , Co , and Ni .

  5. 通过试验,得到了在荷载作用下Q3马兰黄土、Q2离石黄土土体中孔隙被压密各个阶段清晰的CT照片及土样剪切过程中各阶段的CT数据。

    Through test , CT images and values including the whole process of Q_3 Malan loess and Q_2 Lishi loess under the different states were obtained .

  6. 剖面由第一层古土壤(S1)、马兰黄土(L1)和全新世古土壤(S0)组成。

    It consists of the First paleosoil ( S1 ), Malan loess ( L1 ) and Holocene paleosoil ( S0 ) .

  7. 甘肃华池马兰黄土中的哺乳动物化石

    Some mammalian fossils from Malan loess , huachi , Gansu

  8. 马兰黄土沉积速率及其地质意义

    Depositional rate of the Malan loess and its geological significance

  9. 在马兰黄土中,影响三氮转化的主要作用有硝化作用和反硝化作用。

    In Malan Loess , the three nitrogen transform by nitrification and denitrification .

  10. 通过研究,计算出不同含水量情况下马兰黄土的黏滞系数。

    The coefficients of viscosity of Malan loess with different water contents are achieved .

  11. 马兰黄土中与三氮有关的微生物的分布及其反硝化能力

    Distribution of microorganisms related to nitrogen transfer and denitrification ability of the Malan Loess

  12. 甘肃马兰黄土热释光年龄

    TL dating of Malan Loess in Gansu Province

  13. 兰州马兰黄土的水敏感性特征

    Water sensitivity of Malan loess in Lanzhou

  14. 马兰黄土与离石黄土的年代分界线在125±138kaB.P.。

    The era boundary of MaLan loess and LiShi loess lies between 125 ± 138ka .

  15. 黄河中游地区马兰黄土微量元素分布图

    Maps of trace element distribution in the Malan loess from the middle reaches of the Yellow River

  16. 而且,固定铵态氮的分布在马兰黄土中也能体现出三次小的低-高值的波动特征。

    In addition , there are three low high value fluctuations of fixed N in the Malan loess .

  17. 陇西黄土高原马兰黄土划分与末次冰期气候快速变化研究

    High Resolution Record of Malan Loess in the Longxi Loess Plateau and Rapid Climate Changes during the Last Glaciation

  18. 中原邙山黄土地层以巨厚的马兰黄土为特色。

    Loess strata at Mangshan in the China Central Plains are characterized by the Malan loess with a huge thickness .

  19. 川西亚高山针叶林土壤的硝化和反硝化作用研究在马兰黄土中,影响三氮转化的主要作用有硝化作用和反硝化作用。

    Nitrification and Denitrification in Subalpine Coniferous Forest Soil of Western Sichuan , China ; In Malan Loess , the three nitrogen transform by nitrification and denitrification .

  20. 通过马兰黄土的直剪试验及对试验结果的分析,提出一种简单实用的方法来测定马兰黄土的黏滞系数。

    Lots of shear relaxation tests on Malan loess are conducted ; and a simple and practical method is introduced to measure the coefficient of viscosity of Malan loess .

  21. 采用不同的原位及室内测试方法,分别在兰州和欧洲两地对兰州地区马兰黄土的物理、力学及水理性质进行了系统测试。

    The physical , mechanical and hydrogical properties of Malan loess had been tested by different methods both in the field and laboratory of Lanzhou city and of Europe .

  22. 他吓得没敢回答。虽然他也知道第四纪的黄土,知道马兰黄土,离石黄土等概念。

    He was too frightened to answer , although he did know about fourth-level loess , about " Malan loess ," " Lishi loess " and other such concepts .

  23. 测试结果表明,马兰黄土的主要粘土矿物为伊利石/蒙脱石混层矿物(相对含量为60%-70%),而不是以往所认为的伊利石。

    The quantitative analysis results indicate that the dominant clay mineral in the Malan loess is I / S mixed-layer mineral , and not illite as reported by former researchers .

  24. 北京西山马兰黄土中的两次暖期气候条件较好,尤其是早期可能已经较为接近现代气候环境。

    The weather condition of the two warm period in Malan loess are preferable , particularly the condition of early warm period is already near to the modern weather environment .

  25. 为了研究湿化后的黄土剪切特征的变化,进行了对马兰黄土未经扰动和重塑土样的直接剪切盒测试。

    In order to investigate changes in the shear characteristics of loess soil when wetted , direct shear box test using the undisturbed and remolded samples of Malan loess soil was conducted .

  26. 由于马兰黄土结构特殊,垂直节理发育。采用室内土柱实验会破坏马兰黄土的结构,影响渗透系数,仿真模拟性较差。

    Because the structure of Malan Loess is very special , it developed advanced vertically , using soil pillar in lab would break the natural structure of Malan Loess and influence the filter coefficient .

  27. 在甘肃武都县城北第四纪地层剖面中,马兰黄土之下发育有一套以大量碎屑和部分粘土组成的混杂堆积体。

    In the profile of quaternary stratum , near Northern Wudu county seat , Gansu province , there was a set of diamicton , covering by the loess , containing a lot of clastic fragment and partly clay .

  28. 陕北黄土地貌南北纵向分异与基底古样式及水土流失构造因子研究马兰黄土底界或第1古土壤层的发育是穿时的。

    The relationship Between the Loess Landform and Its Bedrock Type and the Impact of the structure on Erosion in Shaanbei ; The bottom boundary of Malan loess or the development of the first paleosol is chronologically different from place to place .