
  • 网络maharashtra;Maharashtra State
  1. 这种做法在2009年遭到了抨击。当时,在马哈拉施特拉邦肖拉普尔一座名为巴巴乌默尔达加(BabaUmerDargah)的神庙录制的一段视频广为流传,招致印度国家儿童权益保护委员会(NationalCommissionforProtectionofChildRights)的介入。

    The practice came under fire in 2009 , when a widely circulated video recorded at the Baba Umer Dargah , a shrine in Solapur , Maharashtra , prompted the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights to intervene .

  2. 这两家总部都位于马哈拉施特拉邦(Maharashtra)浦那市(Pune)的公司,已经成立了一家合资企业,将在6个月内对他们所称的革命性电池动力技术进行商业化生产。

    The two companies , both based in Pune in Maharashtra , have formed a joint venture to produce what they have described as revolutionary battery-powered technology commercially within six months .

  3. 他们指出,她十分信任的助手、马哈拉施特拉邦的首席部长A.R·安杜雷已于最近辞职,他由于政治腐化而受到法律起诉。

    They point to the recent resignation of A.R.Antulay , a trusted lieutenant of Mrs Gandhi , as chief minister of Maharashtra after his judicial indictment for political corruption .

  4. 但是为什么由马哈拉施特拉邦杂交种子公司(Mahyco,美国大公司孟山都有25%的股份)开发的这种转基因茄子被推迟了?

    Why did Bt brinjal developed by Maharashtra Hybrids Seeds Company ( Mahyco ), in which the US giant Monsanto has a26 per cent stake get put on hold ?

  5. 德文德拉·法德纳维斯(DevendraFadnavis)是莫迪的盟友,也是孟买和浦那所在的马哈拉施特拉邦的首席部长。他前往中国和其他国家时,一直积极宣传该邦巨大的劳动力资源。

    Devendra Fadnavis , an ally of Modi who is the chief minister of Maharashtra state that includes Mumbai and Pune , has been aggressively marketing his state 's huge labor force in trips to China and elsewhere .

  6. 孟买所在的马哈拉施特拉邦的官员说,在死者中有6名外国人。

    State officials say six foreigners are among those killed .

  7. 这种争议在马哈拉施特拉邦并不是头一回。

    It is not the first time that Maharashtra state is facing such a controversy .

  8. 然而,该情况在印度西部的马哈拉施特拉邦城却不同,这里被比喻为猫吃狗的世界。

    In the state of Maharashtra in western India the situation is literally cat eat dog .

  9. 菜肴融合了印度和法国的口味,但红酒来自于马哈拉施特拉邦的浦那。

    The menu combines Indian and French flavours but the wine is from Pune in Maharashtra .

  10. 而且,欣德来自马哈拉施特拉邦,几个月后那里将举行邦选举。

    Besides , he hails from Maharashtra , where a state election is due in a few months .

  11. 马哈拉施特拉邦首席部长维拉斯拉奥.德斯穆克说,他愿意为显而易见的安全疏漏引咎辞职。

    Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilisrao Deshmukh says he is willing to quit to take responsibility for perceived security shortcomings .

  12. 雷娜说,马哈拉施特拉邦政府和印度政府没有对贾拉普尔核电站工程的反对意见给予重视,这加深了人们的怨气。

    Raina says the state and national government have fueled anger by failing to take opponents of the Jaitapur project seriously .

  13. 在这样的状态马哈拉施特拉邦,食物通常是两者的混合北部以及南部的烹调风格。

    In the states like Maharashtra , the food is usually a mix of both north as well as south cooking styles .

  14. 对马哈拉施特拉邦农村地区针对儿童死亡率的综合农村健康项目的长期效应开展首次严格的评估。

    To conduct the first rigorous evaluation of the long-term effect of the Comprehensive Rural Health Project on childhood mortality in rural Maharashtra .

  15. 上星期,在马哈拉施特拉邦就一个预计在贾拉普尔建造的沿海核设施不断举行的抗议演变成暴力,之后有一人丧生。

    Last week , one person was killed in Maharashtra when recurring protests over a planned coastal nuclear park in Jaitapur turned violent .

  16. 随后,降雨活动可能会增加对中央邦在明天和马哈拉施特拉邦,果阿邦和古吉拉特邦从27日开始。

    Subsequently , the rainfall activity is likely to increase over Madhya Pradesh from tomorrow and over Maharashtra , Goa and Gujarat state from27th onwards .

  17. 受影响的邦为安德拉邦、安达曼和尼科巴群岛、泰米尔纳德、卡纳塔克、马哈拉施特拉邦、古吉拉特邦、中央邦、喀拉拉邦和德里邦。

    The affected states are Andhra Pradesh , Andaman & Nicobar Islands , Tamil Nadu , Karnataka , Maharashtra , Gujarat , Madhya Pradesh , Kerala and Delhi .

  18. 在此之前,印度总理辛格,环境部长拉梅什和马哈拉施特拉邦总长查万举行了会谈。

    The announcement followed a meeting between Prime Minister Singh , Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh , and the chief minister of India 's Maharashtra state , Prithviraj Chavan .

  19. 马哈拉施特拉邦首席部长承认,军方和国家安全警卫队已经接过了控制当地局势的职责。国家安全警卫队是隶属于印度内政部的一个联邦反恐组织。

    The state 's chief minister acknowledged that control had been ceded to the military and National Security Guards , a federal counter-terrorism group under the Home Ministry .

  20. 这些农民称,这列火车本来应经过北方邦、拉贾斯坦邦和古吉拉特邦,最后到达马哈拉施特拉邦,但实际路线却在他们不知情的情况下发生了变化。

    The farmers said that the train was due to reach Maharashtra via Uttar Pradesh , Rajasthan and Gujarat states , but the route had been changed without their knowledge .

  21. 迪内希·拉托德和塔拉凯什瓦里·拉托德都是印度马哈拉施特拉邦的警察。二人被指控使用其他登山者的照片以取得尼泊尔旅游部颁发的登顶证书。

    Dinesh and Tarakeshwari Rathod , who are both police constables in the Indian state of Maharashtra , are accused of using another mountaineer 's photographs in order to gain official climber certificates .

  22. 这种仪式在马哈拉施特拉邦和卡纳塔克邦流行已久,可以追溯到大约700年前。那时,婴儿的死亡率很高,医疗知识匮乏,人们求助无门。

    The ritual , long popular in Maharashtra and Karnataka States , dates back almost 700 years , to a time when infant mortality was high , medical knowledge was scant and families had few places to turn for help .