
qiáo qū
  • buckling;bow and twist;warp
翘曲 [qiáo qū]
  • [warp] 平面弯曲或折叠,借喻发生曲解或偏向

  • 木板由于日晒雨淋而翘曲了

翘曲[qiáo qū]
  1. 本论文提出一种结构新颖的静电驱动、电容旁路式RFMEMS开关,利用双端固支薄膜在大于临界应力时的翘曲原理实现锁存功能。

    A novel electrostatic , capacitively shunt RF MEMS switch is presented . The switch utilizes the buckling effect of the clamped-clamped membrane under critical compressive stress to realize latching function .

  2. 一种考虑截面翘曲的剪力墙宏模型

    A macro-model of shear wall considering buckling of cross section

  3. 如果放在太阳下暴晒,磁带很容易翘曲或在磁带盒里黏结。

    Left out in the heat of the sun , tapes easily warp or get stuck in their cases

  4. 地板在潮湿的环境里会变得翘曲不平。

    The floorboards will warp in a damp environment .

  5. 翘曲,弯曲,裂开:翘曲、弯曲或裂开,如过强的外力引起

    A warping , bending , or cracking , as that by excessive force .

  6. 汽车零部件CAD中的新方法&翘曲造型法

    A new modelling method in CAD for automotive design

  7. 低翘曲玻纤增强PET复合材料的制备和性能研究

    Preparation and Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced PET with Low Warpage

  8. 基于Matlab的回归分析在注塑翘曲预测中的应用

    Application of regression analysis on warped forecast of plastic parts by using matlab

  9. 覆铜板和PCB翘曲度的检测方法

    Copper Clad Laminate and PCB Warpage Test Method

  10. 基于CAE技术的注塑件翘曲变形分析

    Based on CAE Technology to Analyze Injection Molding Warp

  11. CAE技术在薄壳注塑件翘曲变形分析中的应用

    Application of CAE Technique in analysis of warpage deformation of thin-wall plastic parts

  12. 其次,利用仿真软件Moldflow对该注塑件进行充填、流动、冷却、气穴、熔接痕、翘曲等数值模拟。

    Second , numerical simulation of filling , flow , air pocket , fusion trace , and warp were performed with simulation software Mold flow .

  13. 工艺参数对注塑制品翘曲影响的CAE分析

    CAE analysis of the effect of process parameter on Warpage of injection molding part

  14. 依据降低翘曲的机理,选用不同降低翘曲的方法,制备了系列低翘曲玻纤增强PET复合材料。

    Series of glass fiber reinforced PET with low warpage have been prepared according to the mechanism and different methods of reduction of warpage .

  15. 研究表明,所选择的工艺参数对X、Y、Z方向上的翘曲变形有不同程度的影响。

    The research results showed that the selected processing parameters had certain extend influence on the warp variation in X , Y and Z axis .

  16. 注塑模cAE技术是对塑料注塑过程进行模拟分析,包括充模流动模拟、保压过程模拟、冷却过程模拟及翘曲模拟分析。

    The CAE technology for the injection mould simulates the injection process , including filling , packing , cooling and warpage analysis .

  17. 最后对塑料四边引线扁平封装(PQFP)IC翘曲的测量值与预测值进行比较。

    At last , compared the measured data with prediction for the warpage of PQFP IC .

  18. PBGA固化后产生翘曲的有限元模拟分析

    Finite element simulation analysis on warpage after solidifying process of PBGA

  19. 目前,PoP的可靠性分析主要集中在翘曲分析和跌落测试,但在热循环和湿热环境下的可靠性研究比较少。

    So far , the reliability issues mainly focus on the warpage analysis and drop test , but seldom on the reliability subjected to thermal cycling or damp & hot environment .

  20. 考虑翘曲影响的Bernoulli-Euler薄壁梁的弯扭耦合振动

    Coupling bending - Torsional Vibration of Bernoulli-Euler thin-walled beam including warping effect

  21. 该产品生产工艺简单,适应性强,与普通PP树脂相比,其弯曲强度、弯曲模量和热变形温度可显著提高,制品的收缩率和翘曲率明显降低。

    Comparing with PP resins , these two composites had much higher flexural strength , flexural modulus , heat deformation temperature , better aging properties and lower shrinkage the processing technologies were simple .

  22. 模拟表明,KINK效应使器件的输出特性曲线在饱和区出现向上的翘曲,漏极电导出现不稳定的现象。

    The simulation indicated that the output characteristic curve was warped in the saturation region and the drain conductance was unstable .

  23. 分层实体制造(LOM)是一种典型的快速成形(RP)技术,该文对分层实体制造中的层间应力和翘曲变形进行了深入研究。

    The laminated object manufacturing is a representative rapid prototyping technology . The interlaminar stress and warpage deformation of LOM are researched and analyzed deeply .

  24. 方法采用转换B3样条函数模拟杆件横截面的翘曲位移场,并考虑了杆壁中面上剪切变形的影响,能很好地描述剪力滞后现象。

    A transformed B 3 spline function was used to simulate the warping displacements along the cross section of the thin walled members .

  25. 基于以上程序,分析了翘曲衰减因子k1、横隔板、曲率对翘曲作用的影响。

    Based on the above procedures , the warpage attenuation factor kl , diaphragm , curvature effect on warping torsion are analyzed . 3 .

  26. 重点是应用MPI软件对六个塑料制品的注射成型过程进行流动、保压、冷却、翘曲变形模拟分析,预测制品可能出现的缺陷。

    This paper emphases on analyzing filling , packing , cooling and warpage in the course of the injection moulding process of six plastic products , and predicting the possible defects .

  27. 因此,将CAE技术应用于注塑成形,进行翘曲变形预测,以优化注塑成形工艺参数设置,从而提高生产效率和成形质量,是解决翘曲变形问题的新思路。

    Therefore , a new thought has been put forward that we can apply the CAE technology in this field . By CAE we can forecast the warping to optimize the parameter of injection molding .

  28. 在工艺参数取值范围内,采用ANN模型代替CAE软件数值模拟试验,并结合正交试验法,对工艺参数进一步优化使得翘曲变形量更小。

    Within the range of process parameters , ANN model , as the substitute of CAE numerical simulation test , combined with orthogonal test is introduced to further optimize the process parameters to decrease the warp distortion .

  29. 结果表明,烧结件与基板结合层处σz、τzx、τzy的过大是造成烧结件翘曲变形的主要原因。

    The results show that the σ z ,τ zx ,τ zy between the sintered part and the base plate are the main cause of the sintered warping .

  30. Si-SiO2薄膜的翘曲度及应力分布测试分析

    Test and Analysis of Stress Distribution and Warping Degree of Si-SiO_2 Thin Films