
  1. 而顾恺之则是这一过程中里程碑式的人物。

    And Gu Kaizhi is the milestone artist of the course .

  2. 顾恺之形神理论的文本逻辑初探

    On the Textual Logic of GU Kai-zhis Image-Spirit Theory

  3. 这儿写着顾恺之非常擅长人物绘画。

    It says here that Gu Kaizhi is quite good at painting figures .

  4. 顾恺之美学观的形成具有划时代的意义。

    The form for the aesthetical view of Gu Kai 's has epoch-making significance .

  5. 顾恺之却把这三根汗毛画得特别突出,裴楷非常满意。

    Gu laid great emphasis on the three hairs , and Pei was very satisfied .

  6. 这个年青的画家就是顾恺之。

    The young man was Gu kaizhi .

  7. 顾恺之的著作《论画》是谈论绘画技巧的杰出之作。

    His work , On the Art of Painting , was a masterpiece on painting techniques .

  8. 据说原本出自公元4世纪的画家顾恺之的手笔。

    It is said to go back to the painter Ku K'ai-chi , who lived in the fourth century AD.

  9. 可见顾恺之还善于用环境衬托人物的个性特征。这些都表现了顾恺之的绘画天才。

    This story demonstrates that Gu was skillful at drawing surroundings that enhanced the characteristics of the painted figures .

  10. 顾恺之(345——406)以具有极度传神的眼睛的人像画而闻名。

    Gu Kaizhi ( 345 - 406 ) was noted for his portraits of human figures with highly expressive eyes .

  11. 顾恺之画论包含的美学思想颇为丰富,迄今仍然很有借鉴价值。

    Gu Kaizhi 's theory of painting is quite rich in aesthetic thinking , and with a very useful reference value today .

  12. 那时活动于南京一带的学者,如王羲之和顾恺之,为中国独特的书法和绘画技艺奠定了基础。

    Nanjing scholars such as Wang Xizhi and Gu Kaizhi were laying the foundations for the unique style of Chinese paintings and calligraphy .

  13. 在绘画上,被尊为画祖的顾恺之和他的卷轴画最具有代表性。

    Gu kaizhi , known as the founder of traditional Chinese painting , and his scroll paintings , represented the painting style of the period .

  14. 根据记载,顾恺之的作品有七十多件,他画过历史故事、神佛、人物、飞禽走兽、山水等。

    According to historical records , Gu created more than 70 paintings based on historical stories , Buddhas , human figures , birds , animals , mountains and rivers .

  15. 东晋顾恺之在《论画》里提出了真实地表现对象的要求:不是只要求外表、动作、姿态等外形相似;

    In the Eastern Jin Dynasty Gu Kaizhi " On painting " Lane made a real target performance requirements : not only for appearance , movement , gesture , shape similar ;

  16. 《洛神赋图》的母本无疑都是出自一人之手,并且有着鲜明的魏晋南北朝时期的绘画风格,它即便不是顾恺之所画。

    The thesis concludes that it is not doubtful that the original of the painting is created by one painter , and it shows a vivid painting style of the Wei-Jin-South-North Period .

  17. 本文以现代美学理念,主要从三个方面分析与探讨了顾恺之传神论绘画美学思想的形成与特点。论文首先分析了顾氏绘画艺术实践的美学倾向;

    Based on modern aesthetic idea , this article analyses and discusses the formation and characteristic of Gu 's painting aesthetic idea of " spirit-giving " theory in such three aspects : first , Gu 's aesthetic inclination of painting practice ;

  18. 顾恺之、陈洪绶、傅抱石是各自所属时代人物画艺坛的杰出代表,他们既受传统的洗礼成为传统的缩影,又呈现出独特的个人风格,代表了时代的精神。

    Gu Kai-zhi ; Chen Hong-shou ; Fu Bao-shi , Panting is an outstanding representative of their respective era portraits art scene , well received by traditional baptism into the traditional microcosm , showing a unique personal style , and represents the spirit of the times .

  19. 歌曲创作者所要关注的古画包括《千里江山图》、五代十国画家顾闳中的《韩熙载夜宴图》、东晋画家顾恺之的《洛神赋图》。

    The paintings that the songwriters have to focus on include A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains ; Night Revels of Han Xizai by Gu Hongzhong , a painter of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms ( 907-960 ) and Nymph of the Luo River by Gu Kaizhi , a painter of the Eastern Jin Dynasty ( 317-420 ) .