
  1. 谢石等又率大军沿淮水前进,到淝水(安徽寿县淝河南)东岸与秦军隔河对峙。

    Meanwhile the main force of Xie Shi proceeded along the Huai River , reached at the east bank of Feishui ( now Feihe south of Shouxian county , Aihui ) , facing Qin army .

  2. 宰相谢安沉着冷静,派弟谢石为大都督,侄子谢玄为前锋,率八万北府兵、水军五千迎战。

    Nevertheless , Chancellor Xie An devised strategies in great composure by or-dered his one brother Xie Shi to assume the position of chief general to marshal in headquarters and his nephew , Xie Xuan as the vanguard in the battle field . The 80 000 opposing army and 5 000 navies were meeting their enemy in the south .