
  • 网络Customer Satisfaction Research;Customer eQTM
  1. 此结论丰富了现有顾客满意度研究的相关结论,同时有助于为铁路客站商业开发相关部门制定政策提供参考。

    This conclusion enrichs the existing customer satisfaction research conclusions , and it is propitious to provide directions for correlation departments to establish business service development stratagems .

  2. 同时顾客满意度研究也是一条纽带,把企业和顾客联系起来,企业以此来体现其社会责任。

    Customer Satisfaction is a bond , to link businesses and customers , enterprises in order to demonstrate their social responsibility . As the current BRT system in Guangzhou is still at an experimental stage , the BRT system to conduct customer satisfaction research is the first time .

  3. 基于期望差异模型的RBD顾客满意度研究&以广州市北京路步行商业区为例

    A Conceptual Model of Expectancy Disparity Theory : A Case Study on Visitors ' Satisfaction of Beijing Road Business District in Guangzhou

  4. 油田社区物业管理的顾客满意度研究

    Research on the Customer Satisfaction in Property Management of Oilfield Community

  5. 服务企业基于成本的顾客满意度研究

    Research on Customer Satisfaction of Service Industry Based on Quality Costs

  6. 某院后勤社会化服务的顾客满意度研究

    Study on Customer Satisfaction of Socializing Logistics Service Quality in a Hospital

  7. A礼仪公司服务质量管理与顾客满意度研究

    Research on Improve Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of A Etiquette Company

  8. 饭店顾客满意度研究

    Study on the Degree of Hotel 's Customer Satisfaction

  9. 高等院校图书馆顾客满意度研究

    The Study on Customer Satisfaction Degree of University Library

  10. 因此,在高等教育内部进行顾客满意度研究是非常必要的。

    Therefore , the research of customer satisfaction in higher education is very necessary .

  11. 介绍了顾客满意度研究中的“重要性绩效”分析模型,并建立了因果模型;

    The paper introduces the importance-performance analysis model in the research on customer satisfaction .

  12. 大规模定制型产品的顾客满意度研究

    Study on Customer Satisfaction Model of Mass Customization

  13. 呼叫中心的顾客满意度研究

    A Study on Customer Satisfaction of Call Center

  14. 旅行社顾客满意度研究

    A Research on Customer Satisfaction with Travel Agency

  15. 财产险服务质量顾客满意度研究&以中华财产保险公司为例

    A Study on the Customer Satisfaction of the Property Insurance 's Service Quality of China United Property Insurance Company

  16. 首先,本论文阐述了研究动机,介绍了国内外顾客满意度研究现状。

    Initially , this paper states the motivation of the research , described the status of domestic and foreign customer satisfaction researches .

  17. 本文试图从以下两个方面有所创新:1、在立意上,尝试将顾客满意度研究引入商业银行贷款营销;

    I tried some innovations in my thesis : ( 1 ) I tried to introduce CS theories into loan marketing for commercial banks ;

  18. 略论高职院校后勤管理社会化的特殊性某院后勤社会化服务的顾客满意度研究

    On the Specific Characteristics of Rear-service Management Socialization in Vocational & Technical Colleges ; Study on Customer Satisfaction of Socializing Logistics Service Quality in a Hospital

  19. 第二章为相关理论和技术概述。对基本概念、国内外顾客满意度研究理论模型和技术方法进行界定分析,为测评研究开展做了理论和技术准备。

    Chapter II defined and analyzed the basic concepts , domestic and international customer satisfaction models and technical methods which serve as the theoretical and technical preparations .

  20. 首先,结合相关理论和酒店实施收益管理的具体策略,构建了基于收益管理的酒店顾客满意度研究模型,并提出相应的研究假设。

    First of all , combining related theories and specific hotel revenue management measures , this research establishs customer satisfaction model based on revenue management and proposes appropriate hypothesis .

  21. 最后,对服务失败和服务补救下的顾客满意度研究进行述评,在此基础上提出本文的建议、研究不足及对未来研究方向。

    Finally , we make a comment on service failure and customers ' satisfaction about service remedy . Thus , suggestions are proposed for the limitations and the further study .

  22. 顾客满意度研究起源于西方发达国家,是伴随着经济高速发展而逐步形成的管理和营销思想,各项研究表明顾客满意状况直接影响着企业的顾客回头率,利润与市场占有率。

    Customer Satisfaction originated in Western countries , is accompanied by rapid economic development and evolving management and marketing ideas , investigations indicate that customer satisfaction has a direct impact on customers ' repeated purchase , profit margin and market share .

  23. 根据顾客满意度研究的相关成果、结合社区信息服务的特点,提出了社区信息服务顾客满意度的内涵,并对顾客满意度的形成机理进行了分析。

    According to the research of customer satisfaction index model , union the characteristic of community information service , proposed the connotation of community information service customer satisfaction index model , and carry on analysis to the mechanism of customer satisfaction .

  24. 虽然目前国内外顾客满意度研究的文献很多,但由于旅游目的地游客满意度远比单项服务或产品的顾客满意度复杂,关于世界遗产地游客满意度的研究文献并不多。

    At present , there are many researches on the satisfaction of the tourists at home and abroad , but there is little researches on the satisfaction of the world heritage because the research on the satisfaction in tourism destination is more complicated than that of single service or product .

  25. MC模式下基于个性化需求的产品顾客满意度评价研究

    The evaluation research on customer satisfaction to individual requirement products under the mode of mass customization

  26. 物业管理企业顾客满意度测评研究&基于改进的TOPSIS法

    Study on Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction Index of Property Management Enterprises : Based on Improved TOPSIS Method

  27. 把质量功能展开(Qualityfunctiondeployment,QFD)方法引入到顾客满意度测评研究中,建立了顾客满意度测评的质量功能展开模型。

    First , we introduce Quality Function Deployment ( QFD ) into the evaluation for customer satisfaction index ( CSI ) . Then a customer satisfaction measurement model based on the QFD is set up .

  28. 本文通过对客户关系管理理论和顾客满意度的研究,阐述了客户关系管理对中国酒店业发展的重要性,并通过对酒店行业环境的分析,提出了酒店CRM信息系统的构建方案及实施方案。

    This article explains the importance of customer relationship management in Chinese hotel industry on the basis of CRM theories and the CS theories and finally proposes to set up an information system for CRM in the context of hotel industry in China .

  29. 顾客满意度测评研究及实例分析

    Research and a Case Study on the Measurement of Customer Satisfaction

  30. 服务产业顾客满意度测度研究

    The Research on the Estimate of Service Industry 's Customer Satisfaction