
shùn kǒu liū
  • doggerel;jingle;patter
顺口溜 [shùn kǒu liū]
  • (1) [doggerel]∶民间的一种口头韵文,句子长短不等,纯用口语

  • 他还把美好的理想编成个顺口溜。--《太行青松》

  • (2) [patter]∶街头叫卖小贩或马戏团叫喊招揽观众的人讲的一种口头韵文

顺口溜[shùn kǒu liū]
  1. 中医养生顺口溜:常吃一点蒜,消毒又保健;

    Traditional Chinese medicine health doggerel : eat a little garlic , disinfection and health ;

  2. 这是人们给我编的顺口溜。

    This is the jingle that people writes to me .

  3. 女人们无疑会觉得他很迷人。这肯定是因为他的顺口溜,因为他长得一点儿都不好看。

    There 's no doubt women found him charming . It must have been his patter because he 's certainly not at all good-looking

  4. 有时锅里的食物能待上很长时间,因而出现了顺口溜:Peasporridgehot,peasporridgecold,peasporridgeinthepotninedaysold(热豆粥,凉豆粥,锅里的豆粥九天喽!)。

    in it , that had been there for quite a while -- hence the rhyme , " peas porridge hot , peas porridge6 ) cold , peas porridge in the pot nine days old . "

  5. 这样可以让字顺口溜出嘴。

    It helps the words to flow right off your tongue .

  6. 为广告写顺口溜而折辱才华的诗人。

    Poets prostituting their talent by writing jingles for advertisements .

  7. 你喜欢听歌曲、诗歌、顺口溜和笑话吗?

    Do you enjoy songs , poems , rhymes , and jokes ?

  8. 顺口溜马是还年轻的心。

    Jingle Ma is still young at heart .

  9. 对奇风异俗类顺口溜的文化学解读

    Cultural Interpretation on the Doggerels about Unusual Custom

  10. 这顺口溜可真迷人!

    What a captivating jingle it is !

  11. 有时我对它像对待一个生病的孩子那样,给它念顺口溜或者赏它糖果。

    At times I would treat it like an ailing child whom you offer rhymes or candy .

  12. 将计划改写成在比赛时便于您复述的顺口溜,比如,起步缓慢,撞线有力。

    Turn it into a mantra you can repeat during the race , such as Start slow , finish strong .

  13. 既有古诗词的韵律美,又有顺口溜的通俗性,还有格言警句的哲理性。

    His poems have not only the rhythmic beauty of Chinese ancient poetry but also the popularity of doggerels and philosophic thoughts of adages and epigrams .

  14. “玛丽,丽兹,愚蠢詹姆斯,查理,查理,又是詹姆斯”小学生把英国君王顺序编成顺口溜来背诵。

    " Mary , Lizzie , James the Vain , Charlie , James Again ": schoolchildren learn rhymes to help them remember the sequence of British monarchs .

  15. 我是要告诫读者朋友们,当你遇到那种毫无意义的顺口溜时,一定要躲开它——要像躲避瘟疫一样躲开它!

    It was to warn you , reader , if you should came across those merciless rhymes , to avoid them -- avoid them as you would a pestilence .

  16. 这首顺口溜的来源已无从考证,可能是某些私塾小顽童的集体创作。

    There 's no way to do textual research on this jingle 's origins , but it might have been written by a group of little rascals at some private school .

  17. 你知道“一三五七八十腊,三十一天准不差,其余月份三十天,只有二月二十八”这首顺口溜帮助很多人记住了哪些月份有三十天。

    Do you know the rhyme " Thirty days has September , April , June , and November ... " ? It helps many people remember which months of the year have 30 days .