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  • cis-trans isomerism
顺反异构[shùn fǎn yì gòu]
  1. Gemini表面活性剂间隔基作为偶氮化合物的顺反异构的开关

    Spacer of Gemini Surfactant as the Switch for cis-trans Isomerization of Azobenzene compound at air-water Interface

  2. PPV中双键顺反异构过程及衍生的物理性质变化

    Cis-trans Isomerization of Vinylenes in PPVs and the Subsequent Change of Physical Properties

  3. 西安市文化景观的历时性与异质性过程分析PPV中双键顺反异构过程及衍生的物理性质变化

    The Study of Historical and Heterogeneous Evolution on Urban Cultural Landscape of Xi an ; Cis-trans Isomerization of Vinylenes in PPVs and the Subsequent Change of Physical Properties

  4. 利用二茂铁重氮酮1a和5个亚胺2进行[2+2]环加成反应,得到了一系列空间上存在顺反异构的β-内酰胺化合物3a-e,产率为50-86%。

    Ferrocenyl diazo ketone 1a was reacted with five imines 2 via the [ 2 + 2 ] cycloaddition reaction , giving a series of β - lactam diastereoisomers 3a-e , with yields of 50-86 % .

  5. 对十四种取代乙烯(XX′CCYY′)顺反异构体进行了DFTB3LYP/631G(d)水平的几何全优化的总能量、总键能的计算。

    The fully-optimized molecular geometries and the total energies as well as the total bond energies of cis - and trans-isomers in substituted ethylenes ( XX ′ CCYY ′) have been calculated using DFT method at B3LYP / 6-31G ( d ) and STO-3G lever .

  6. 烯烃顺反异构的拓扑方法研究

    Study on the Cis / trans-isomerism of Alkenes by Topological Approach

  7. β-胡萝卜素顺反异构体分离鉴定的研究

    Study on Separation and Determination of β - Carotene Isomers

  8. 色谱法分离与检测丙环唑顺反异构体板形自动检测及闭环控制技术的应用

    The application of shape automatic inspection and closed-loop control technique

  9. 从光谱发现它有顺反异构体互变现象与变色效应。

    Spectroscopic experiment found the cis-trans-tautomerism and the color change effect of basic blue .

  10. 磷酸化对肽脯酰胺键顺反异构影响的研究

    Studies on the Effect of Phosphorylation on the Peptidyl-prolyl Imide Bond Cis / trans Isomerization

  11. 双核钼硫原子簇顺反异构体的定域化分子轨道研究

    Studies on the Localized Molecular Orbital Properties for Syn and Anti Isomers of Dinuclear Mo-S Clusters

  12. 确定溶液配合物顺反异构体构型的新方法

    A new method of determining the configuration of geometrical CIS , trans - isomers of complexes in solution

  13. 光致变色反应主要分为以下两类:顺反异构和电环化反应。

    Photochromic reactions can be divided into the two following catalogues : cis-trans isomerization and electrocyclic ring cyclizations .

  14. 本文在细菌视紫红质构象模拟的基础上提出了一个视黄醛顺反异构模型。

    A model of trans 13-cis isomerization of Retinal in BR is proposed based on conformational simulation for BR .

  15. 有机农药的红外光谱定量分析研究Ⅵ.杀虫剂灭蚜净的顺反异构体含量测定

    Study of Quantitative Analysis of Organic Pesticide by Infrared Spectroscopy ⅵ . The Determination of cis-and trans-Isomers Contents of Insect-Analogue of Phosdrin

  16. 同时对产物双键的异构化进行了研究,可利用控制异构化反应条件得到不同比例顺反异构体的产物。

    Some studies deal with the olefin isomerization , and diverse proportional cis-and trans-isomerization can be obtained by controling the reaction conditions .

  17. 研究结果证明,材料三阶非线性主要源于光致顺反异构过程中偶氮分子的重新取向。

    It is demonstrated that third order nonlinearity of the samples is produced mainly from molecular reorientation of photoinduced cis trans isomerization .

  18. 利用偶氮苯的光致顺反异构特性并结合体外抑制大肠杆菌的筛选实验,初步建立了这类二聚胆甾酸衍生物的生物活性构效关系。

    Depending on the trans-cis photoisomerization of azobenzene moiety , the structure-activity relationship of these dimeric bile acid derivatives was preliminarily established .

  19. 偶氮苯类化合物具有独特的光学顺反异构特性,在异构化转变过程中会伴随着一些物理化学性质的改变。

    Recently , azobenzene derivatives have been intensively studied due to their trans-cis isomerization properties and the accompanied change of their physical properties .

  20. 首次发现并证实了在4,4′-二硝基二苯乙烯-2,2′-二磺酸稀溶液中存在顺反异构现象。采用紫外吸收光谱对其稀溶液的光致顺反异构进行了研究。

    The photo-induced cis-trans isomerism in dilute DNS solution was discovered and confirmed for the first time , and was studied by UV absorption spectra .

  21. 在所选择的操作条件下,氯氰菊酯中α-氯氰菊酯的最小分离度达1.10,胺菊酯、氯菊酯的2对顺反异构体也得到完全分离。

    The configuration isomers of tetramethrin and permethrin were seperated completely . The resolution of alpha-cypermethrin from cypermethrin isomers was 1.10 . internal standard was used for quantitation .

  22. 并结合尿素与硫脲的催化反应过程,讨论了氢键复合物两种可能的顺反异构并分析比较了顺反式构象的异构体之间的稳定性大小。

    Two possible hydrogen bonding complexes conformations , cis and trans , were discussed and the energy gaps between them were analyzed , in combination with the catalytic reactions .

  23. 具体内容如下:1.构建了离线式离心柱色谱系统,应用该系统获得了一对顺反异构体在离心色谱柱内的谱带展宽情况。

    The detail is as follows . 1 . An off-line centrifugal column chromatography system was installed . With this system , the band broadening of two cis-trans-isomers was obtained .

  24. 该产物为顺反异构体的混合物(顺反异构体的摩尔比为4∶3),表明重排反应不涉及协同历程。

    This product was a mixture of cis and trans isomers with a molar ratio about 4 ∶ 3 , demonstrating that the reaction does not involve a concerted process .

  25. 日光照射对荧光增白剂VBL顺-反异构现象影响的研究

    A Study on the Effect of Sunlight Radiation on Fluorescent Brightening Agent VBL

  26. 本文从构象分析角度合理解释了1,2二甲基1,2环已二醇顺、反异构体发生Pinacol重排反应的实验结果。

    The paper , from the angle of conformational analysis , explains the experimental result of the reaction of pinacol rearrangements of cyclohexan_diol reasonably , which is caused by the cis and trans isomer of 1,2-dimethyl cyclohexan_diol .

  27. 顺、反异构的二羟基二苯并-18-冠-6的方便合成

    A Facile Synthesis of cis , trans-Dihydroxy dibenzo-18-crown-6

  28. 灭多威顺、反异构体的电子结构和生物活性

    The electronic structures and biological ? Activities of methomyl ′ s cis ? ? and trans ? Isomers

  29. 此结果适用于多数偶氮类染料,很好地解释了光致顺-反异构引起的折射率变化。

    This result may explain the index change induced by trans-cis isomerization in most of azo-dye-doped liquid crystal films .

  30. 苯甲酰苯胺激发态质子转移反应的理论研究Ⅰ.酰胺、亚胺酸的顺、反异构和二聚

    A Theoretical Study of Proton-Transfer Reaction of Benzanilide ⅰ . The cis , trans Tautomerization and Dimerization of Amide and Imidic Acid