
xū xiàng
  • virtual image
虚像 [xū xiàng]
  • [virtual image] 光线只是从像那里发散开而不是真正地会聚到那里成像的一种光学像

虚像[xū xiàng]
  1. 分析衍射发散光波所成虚像的一种方法

    A Method of Analyzing the Virtual Image of Divergent Diffracted Light Wave

  2. 意图以心灵空间深度取代三度空间距离的虚像。

    Intend to show a spiritual depth instead of the virtual image of three-dimensional distance .

  3. 对于B帧和P帧中由于错误匹配而产生的块虚像,通过优化运动估计和视差估计来去除。

    For blocking effects in P-frames and B-frames , a new method of optimizing motion estimation and disparity estimation algorithms is proposed .

  4. 全息照相再现虚像光信息与原物光信息比较

    Comparing light information of hologram reappear virtual image and its original object

  5. 所谓的选择只是个未曾存在的虚像。

    So-called choices are just illusions which have never existed .

  6. 一点透视图中正面斜镜的虚像画法

    Drawing Method of Virtual Image of Front Oblique Mirror in One-point Perspective Drawing

  7. 虚像相位阵列的研究进展及应用

    Progress and Application of the Virtually Imaged Phase Array

  8. 离轴型虚像成像显示系统研究

    Research on imaging display system of off-axis virtual image

  9. 我靠虚像生活&媒介环境的影像阐释

    " I Live on Virtual Image ": An Imagery Interpretation of the Media Environment

  10. 几乎所有的人都认为海市蜃楼是一个虚像,但我却持不同意见。

    Almost all people think a mirage is an illusion , but I disagree .

  11. 偶然间拍了一张镜子中自己的虚像。

    And I happened to catch a reflection of myself in this mirror here .

  12. 飞行模拟器视景光学虚像显示广角无限显示系统的技术及应用

    Technologies and Applications of Wide-Angle Infinity Display Equipment System for Collimated-image Displays of Flight Simulator

  13. 解读线性空间中植物意境审美的实像与虚像

    Analysis of the real image and the ideal image of plant artistic conception in linear space

  14. 符号-物、虚像与大众文化批判&巴特《流行体系》解读

    Symbols Thing , False Image and Criticism of Popular culture Interpretation of Fashionable System by Barthes

  15. 对于I帧图象中的三类块效应:块虚像、角异点和环状噪声,给出了三种相应的滤波方案。

    For the three types of blocking effects in I-frames , three filtering schemes are proposed .

  16. 在飞行模拟器视景显示系统中,常用的显示方式有实像显示方式和虚像显示方式两大类。

    In visual display system of flight simulator , there are two display means : real-displays and collimated-displays .

  17. 介绍了离轴型虚像显示系统的性能、结构设计和成像原理。

    This paper introduces the function , structure design and imaging principle of display system of off-axis virtual image .

  18. 论文还提出了在频域进行相位补偿以消除这种成对回波虚像的简单方法。

    A phase compensation method in frequency domain to eliminate these pairs of echo is proposed in the paper also .

  19. 从这个意义上看,中日贸易的扩张又反映了某种程度的“虚像”。

    From this point of view , the expansion of the Sino-Japanese trade has also reflected a virtual image in certain degree .

  20. 选取参数应考虑清晰度、分辨率、信噪比,避免虚像出现在有效记录范围内;

    Definition , resolution and signal-noise ratio should be considered during the selection of parameters , to avoid virtual image present into effective recording range ;

  21. 然后采用将零速度法和广义虚像法相结合的方法来处理自由边界,并在自由边界上采用四阶精度差分格式;

    Second , the free-boundary is handled by using combination of the zero-velocity method with the general ghost-image method and fourth-order difference format is used in free-boundary .

  22. 您可以创建物理机器和虚像的数据,搜索带有特定构造的资源,管理实验室资源的请求和保留。

    You can create data for physical machines and virtual images , search for resources with specific configurations , and manage requests and reservations for lab resources .

  23. 本论文采用半银镜作为虚实像结合的成像元件,并用两种方法生成具有真实感知的虚像。

    In this paper , a half-silver mirror is used as the imaging component for combination of virtual and real images , and two methods to generate a real perceptual illusion are adopted .

  24. 根据射影几何和透视理论,探讨了在正面斜镜中画虚像方法,进一步完善了关于虚像的画法。

    According to the projective geometry and perspective theory , this pager presents a method for drawing the virtual image in front oblique mirror . It further perfects the drawing method of virtual image .

  25. 面对殖民资本主义造成的上海等中国大中城市的繁华虚像。韩国文人表现出特殊的误读现象,即故意的误读。

    Facing with the false prosperity of Chinese big cities like Shanghai that was built up with colonial capital , the Korean literati showed a special kind of misreading , that is , deliberate misreading .

  26. 本文借助于在棱镜后面所观察到的在缝平面上的缝光源之二虚像,并通过把它们调至对缝严格对称,迅速达到系统的共轴要求。

    Aided by the two virtual images of the seam light source on the seam plane observed at the back of the prism , it can reach the systematic coaxis by regulating them to symmetrize the seam .

  27. 应用全息理论,分析了全息图的记录和像的再现规律,分析了虚像与实像(共轭像)的关系,虚像与虚像的关系,实像与实像关系。

    By using holographic theory , the analysis of the law of recording and reconstructing was made , the relationship of virtual image and real image ( Conjugate Image ), real image and real image , virtual image and virtual image was given .

  28. -1级衍射光可成实像,也可成虚像.成像情况下再现光源、参考光源和被摄物到干板的距离有关;

    For the - 1 diffraction light , a real or virtual image can be formed , and its configuration depends on the distances between the positions of the source of the recurrent light and the reference light , and the position of the optical film ;

  29. 分析了在不同条件下产生0级、+1级、-1级衍射波的情况,解释了全息图再现时产生虚像和实像的机理以及像点位置坐标的变化情况。

    Some situations of producing diffraction wave of grade 0 , + 1 , - 1 are analyzed in different conditions . The mechanism of producing real image and virtual image is explained as reconstructing hologram , and the variation of these images ' coordinate is explained .

  30. 采用计算机对普通离轴计算全息图及博奇型修正离轴参考光计算全息图进行数字化滤波操作,可在频域将零级及孪生像消除,从而得到单一的清晰实像或虚像。

    Digital filtering method for frequency domain is employed to process conventional and modified off-axis reference beam computer generated holograms , then the spatial spectra of zero order image and one twin image can be eliminated , and single clear virtual image or real image can be reconstructed numerically .