
  • 网络the line of action;active line;acting line
  1. 从推导浮力的大小和方向入手,着重探讨浮力的作用线、作用点以及这个力的性质,从而加深对浮力概念的理解。

    The analysis is made of the strength and direction of the buoyancy and then more discussion is made on the acting line , acting point and the features of the buoyancy for the purpose of strengthening the understanding of this concept .

  2. 平面对物块支持力作用线位置分析

    Position Analysis of Supporting Force Active Line of Plane to Body

  3. 根据EC50,用等效线法相加作用线的6等分点设置配比,共毒因子法判断增效标准。

    According to EC50 , the five ratios were determined by the evidence of six equal-part points of additive action line , and synergism was judged by the method of co-toxicity factor .

  4. 沿推力作用线分布的作用力与反作用力大小相等、方向相反。

    Axial of thrust Action and reaction are opposite and equal .

  5. 荷载作用线通过桁架的节点。

    The action line of the load passes the node of truss .

  6. 关于集中力作用线下的几个位移特解及评论

    Several special displacement solutions and comments under concentrated force

  7. 点击中心圆点,沿着作用线旋转手臂。

    Click on the center dot to rotate the hand around the action line .

  8. 作用线增量法及其应用

    Functionary Line Increment Means and Its Application

  9. 动量作用线伸展得越远,角动量就越大。

    The farther out the line of the momentum extends the greater the angular momentum .

  10. 用作用线增量法求解机构位置误差

    Working out the position error of the mechanism using the method of action line increasement

  11. 单螺杆式水力机械螺杆和村套之间的摩擦阻力矩受诸多因素的影响,螺杆-衬套副的作用线(啮合线)难以用简单的计算式表达。

    The friction resistance moment acting on the screw and liner in single-screwed hydraulic machinery is affected by many factors .

  12. 火箭发动机工作过程中产生的推力向量是一个空间力向量,其实际作用线一般偏离发动机喷管几何理论轴线,这就是发动机的推力偏心。

    Rocket motor thrust rector is space vector and the practical thrust functionary line deviates from theory axis of motor nozzle .

  13. 三个力的作用线相互平行的例外情况,我们将在第三章讨论。

    There is an exceptional case , three forces with paralleled lines of action , which will be discussed in Chapter 3 .

  14. 让姿势更夸张,使身体作用线更强,还要令姿势更有力量感和说服力。

    Exaggerate the poses , push the lines of action in the body , and make the poses more dynamic and forceful .

  15. 在系统中提出以虚拟手指空间位姿代替实际力作用线方向上位移的计算和基于实际材料的虚拟力外推的方法。

    Using virtual finger 's position steading of real distance and extrapolation based on real material are also suggested in the system .

  16. 用齿轮几何偏心与啮合线增量关系的分析实例说明了作用线增量法的应用。

    It explained the applications of the functionary line increment means by the connection of the gear geometry eccentricity and the joggle line increment .

  17. 机器运转时,工作人员不能站立在惯性力作用线的范围内,电器开关的安装也要避免这个位置。

    When the machine working , workers should stand around inertia power process line , the installation of wiring should also avoid this place .

  18. 该方法通过机构中作用线、运动线研究原始误差传递的规律,建立误差分析模型,概念清晰,具有一般性,适用于平面与空间多种机构的位置误差分析。

    The model of errors analysis is established by applied force and transferring law of original errors . The modal with universality can be applied to position errors analysis of plane and spatial mechanism .

  19. 对于相同地质条件的不同观察点,距离荷载作用线越远的地方振幅越小,即振动具有明显的衰减性。

    For different observing points on the same ground condition , at more distant points from the load line , the less swings are found , that is to say , vibration possesses the obvious characteristic of attenuation .

  20. 首先,基于作用线增量法的基本原理,研究了机构的几何原始误差在运动中传递的一般规律,在此基础提出了误差传动矩阵法。

    The Errors Transferring Matrix is proposed in this dissertation on the basis of the study about the general law of geometry original errors , which is based on the theory of the Projection of Original error In The Direction of Applied Force .

  21. 尤其是在钢丝滚道轴承的滚压磨合方法中提出的递增加载原则、载荷作用线与轴承旋转轴线重合原则和刚度原则是工程设计和实践经验的总结。

    The principle of increasing progressively load , the principle of load action line coinciding with rotation shaft line and the principle of rigidity , put forward in roll extrustion running-in way of steel wire rolls track bearing are summary of engineering design and practical experience .

  22. 在这两种情况中,氦原子对氢分子的影响均是沿作用线内侧的氢分子特征轮廓半径及电子密度变化强于其它方向的半径及电子密度变化。

    It is shown that in the two cases , the effect on hydrogen molecule by helium atom along the inner side of the interaction line is stronger than in any other direction in respects of the radius of hydrogen molecular characteristic contour and the electron density .

  23. 冲击波荷载作用下拉线塔的非线性动力分析

    Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Guyed Tower Subjected to Air Blast Loading

  24. 提出了远场作用下场线耦合的时域有限差分计算模型,该计算模型不仅适用于均匀土壤,还可以用于水平分层土壤。

    Based on the FDTD , a time domain model which is applicable for both the homogeneous and multi-layer soil is put forward to research the far-field coupling to the transmission line .

  25. 堤坝的管涌渗漏通道可看作是一个持续作用的线热源,通过研究管涌渗漏水对地层温度的影响,利用热源法的原理建立了管涌渗漏的持续线热源模型。

    The piping leakage passage can be regarded as a continuous line heat resource . Through studying the influence of piping water on strata temperature , a continuous line-heat-resource model is proposed by using the heat resource theory .

  26. 将矩量法与传输线理论相结合,还提出了近场作用下场线耦合的频域计算模型,并用于计算变电站开关操作产生的空间电磁场对站内屏蔽电缆的电磁干扰。

    As a hybrid method of MoM and transmission line method , a frequency domain model is also put forward to research the near-field coupling to the transmission line and used for the numerical prediction of EMI on the shielded cable due to the switching operation in substations .

  27. 在磁泡材料中作用在BL线和BL串上的动力学反作用力

    The Dynamic Reaction Forces on One BL and A Cluster of BLs in Magnetic Meterials

  28. 目的:研究单链核糖体失活蛋白天花粉蛋白(TCS)诱导人类白血病细胞株HL-60细胞发生凋亡的作用及放线菌酮(CHX)对此作用的影响。

    AIM : To study the effect of trichosanthin ( TCS ), a type I ribosome-inactivating protein , on the induction of apoptosis in human leukemic cell line HL-60 cells and the influence of cycloheximide ( CHX ) on TCS-induced apoptosis .

  29. 高速列车作用在跨线天桥上风压力的数值模拟

    Simulation of Pressure on Overline Bridge Due to High Speed Train Passage

  30. 尺度相互作用对飑线区域功能平衡的影响

    Effect of scale interactions on the kinetic energy budget over the region of squall lines