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  • 网络Phonological Studies;Studies in Phonology
  1. 广西钦州钦廉片方言音韵研究

    Study on the Phonology of Qinlian Dialect in Qinzhou of Guangxi

  2. 湖南客家方言音韵研究

    Phonological Studies of Hakka Dialects in Hunan Province

  3. 粤语音韵研究

    The Study of the Prosody of Cantonese Opera

  4. 第一章简要概述了《史记》三家注的音韵研究面貌,介绍论文的研究思路。

    The first chapter gives a brief overview of the phonological study the face of " Historical Records "," three annotations " to introduce the idea of the paper .

  5. 构拟与诠释:汉语音韵史研究的两种对立观点

    Reconstruction or Interpretation : Two Conflicting Views on the Study of Chinese Historical Phonology

  6. 之后,笔者将嘉庆朝的《诗经》文献分为传说类研究、文字音韵类研究、博物类研究、三家《诗》研究四类,分别论述。

    After that , I will be divided into the Jiaqing toward the " Book ofSongs " literature legends the text the phonological class research , naturalist class research , three " poetry " four categories , respectively discourse .

  7. 学术界关于《中原音韵》入声研究的一个方面,是探讨在《中原音韵》时代的汉语通语中入声是否存在。

    One aspect of the academic study on entering tone in Central China Phonology was to find out whether entering tone existed at that time .

  8. 本文在搜集整理大量的湘方言历史文献、比排现代湘方言读音语料的基础上,利用文献考证法和历史比较法对湘方言音韵特征进行研究;

    Based on the historical literature and modern phonetic material about Xiang dialect collected , this thesis studies Xiang dialect 's phonology characteristics by way of textual research and historical comparison .

  9. 本文从历史演化和区域接触两个角度着眼,对江苏方言共时音韵差异中所反映的历时面貌和接触方式做音韵个案研究。

    From the views of both historical evolvement and areal communication , this thesis is in fact a case study of chronological appearance and contact manner reflected by the difference among the phonological structure of various dialects in the area of Jiangsu Province within the same time period .