
  • 网络Music Road;music way
  1. 社会转型期的中国音乐之路

    The Road of Chinese Music During the Period of Social Transmission

  2. 为了维持自己的音乐之路,她找了一份清洁工的工作。

    To support herself as a musician , she took jobs as a cleaner .

  3. 直到遇见知名制作人昆西-琼斯,他的音乐之路才开始转变。

    However , when he met producer Quincy Jones , the musical landscape changed .

  4. 这是让他踏上音乐之路的动机同样也是他的哲学。

    This was the motivation that set him on his path in music as well as philosophy .

  5. 然而好景不长,渐渐长大的杰克逊在20多岁时一度陷入低潮。直到遇见知名制作人昆西·琼斯,他的音乐之路才开始转变。

    The spotlight began to dim when he entered his late teens.However , when he met producer Quincy Jones , the musical landscape changed .

  6. 当时并不知未来会怎样,可你们给了我机会,于是我踏上了乡村音乐之路。

    I didn 't know what my future would hold , But you gave me a chance , So I set out on the road .

  7. 更重要的是,格兰德知道如何掌控自己有力却敏感的嗓音并使之帮助自己拓宽音乐之路。

    More importantly , Grande knows how to control her voice , which is at once strong and sensitive , and use it to expand her musical territory .

  8. 再后来的发展当中,也是经历了很多的磨难与曲折,为了让我们中国的音乐之路更加迈进和发展,一定要更加的了解与探索。

    Later development , also experienced a lot of hardships and twists and turns , in order to make our Chinese road of music more forward and develop , must be more understanding and exploration .

  9. 民族音乐复兴之路探索

    The Exploration in to the Revival of National Music

  10. 音乐:敢问路在何方?

    Music : Where is the road ?

  11. 他们不能再耽搁时间了,斯内普大概已经在奏音乐,哄路威入睡了。

    They couldn 't afford to waste any more time , Snape might even now be playing Fluffy to sleep .

  12. 地方民间音乐传承新路探索&临川戏曲音乐引入视唱练耳课堂教学

    A New Way of Inheriting Local Folk Music & Introducing Linchuan Opera Music to the Teaching of Sight-singing and Ear Training

  13. 兴趣引领柴科夫斯基走上音乐创作之路及意志是柴科夫斯基音乐创作的重要保证。

    The Interest leads him into the career of the composition of music and the will is the important assurance of his music creation .

  14. 谭盾的作品有其合理存在的理由,也是与世界的向前发展一脉相承的,对中国今后音乐创作之路也有着启示作用。

    His works has its reason for a reasonable existence . It has a direct line of succession to the world forward development , and plays an enlightening role to Chinese musical creation path in future .

  15. 有人说从贝多芬以后音乐就走下坡路了,但我不很同意。

    Some people say that music has gone downhill since Beethoven , but I don 't really agree .

  16. 通过教师、家长及学生这三个重要环节的协调配合,使学生掌握科学的练琴方法,引导他们走上通往音乐的艺术之路。

    It is essential for teachers , parents and students to cooperate in helping students grasp scientific playing techniques and leading them to the way of music .