
  • 网络audio analyzer
  1. 基于虚拟仪器结构的虚拟式音频分析仪设计

    To Design an Virtual Audio Analyzer Based on Virtual Instrument Structure

  2. 本文介绍了如何在研究音频分析基本原理的基础上试图将虚拟仪器技术引入到音频分析仪器的设计中来,形成全新的虚拟式音频分析仪。

    Based on studying the fundamental theory of audio analysis , this paper puts emphasis on how to import virtual instrument technology into designing audio analyzer , and creates fire-new virtual audio analyzer .

  3. 最后从硬件集成化、软件对象化和应用网络化三个方面提出进一步加强虚拟式音频分析仪实用性的设想。

    Finally , the further assumptions are brought forward with three aspects , which are integration of hardware , object orientation of software and network based application .

  4. 基于单片机的音频信号分析仪的设计

    Design of Audio Frequency Analyzer Based on Single Chip Computer

  5. 基于声卡虚拟音频信号分析仪设计

    Virtual volume signal analyzer based on sound card

  6. 测量功率精确度高达1%,并且能够准确的测量周期信号的周期,是理想的音频信号分析仪的解决方案。

    Power measurement accuracy up to1 % , and be able to accurately measuring the periodic signal cycle is the ideal audio signal analyzer solution .

  7. 音频信号软件频谱分析仪设计

    The Development of a Soft Digital Spectral Analyzer for Audio Signals Software & Tools

  8. 论文研究了音频分析的测试内容和意义及所用到的各种方法,完成了智能控件化音频分析仪的功能建模。

    The contents , purposes and methods of audio analysis are studied in this paper .