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音分[yīn fēn]
  1. 韶音科技的分公司VoxLincLLC今年1月将该产品引入美国。VoxLinc位于纽约州东锡拉库兹(EastSyracuse)。

    A Voxtech unit , VoxLinc LLC of East Syracuse , N.Y. , introduced the product in January .

  2. 该模型把资产收益率的变动主要分成两部分,一部分是由平缓的一般市场信息进入造成的GARCH音(?)分,另一部分是由市场中的重大或者异常信息造成的跳跃部分。

    In this model , changing in the rate of return on assets is mainly divided into two parts : the GARCH part which results from the flat general market information , the jump part which caused by the signification or unusual information .

  3. 第一次比较是在音调的数目之间,因为比较七分音序列和二分音序列是没有意义的。

    The first comparison is between the number of tones , as there is no point comparing a seven-tone sequence to a two-tone sequence .

  4. 这个词常用于提示最后两个音的和谐,分为完全终止,变格终止,半终止和伪终止。

    The word is generally used to indicate the harmonization of the two final notes , classified as authentic or perfect , plagal , half or imperfect , and deceptive or interrupted .