
yīn yuè jié
  • festival;musical festival;music day
  1. 音乐节是青年音乐家展现才华的场合。

    The festival was a showcase for young musicians .

  2. 主要由于爵士音乐节的缘故,在夏季这里的人口几乎比平时多一倍。

    The population almost doubles in summer , mainly because of the jazz festival .

  3. 我参加过伍德斯托克摇滚音乐节——那说明我老了,是不是?

    I was at the Woodstock festival ─ that dates me , doesn 't it ?

  4. 音乐节一直是新秀展示才华的宝贵机会。

    The festival remains a valuable showcase for new talent .

  5. 亚洲艺术音乐节将安排两天的现场表演。

    The Festival Of Asian Arts & Music will include two days of live performances .

  6. 这个音乐节最重要的节目以演奏20世纪的作品和新作为主。

    The core of the Festival 's programme centres round performances of new and 20th century work .

  7. “那闹哄哄的究竟是在做什么?”她问道。“是流行音乐节,”他回答说。

    ' Whatever is that row ? ' she demanded . ' Pop festival , ' he answered .

  8. 最近在北京举行的迷笛音乐节上,有照片拍到一群年轻人在遛白菜。

    A group of youths were recently photographed walking cabbages at a music festival named the Midi Music Festival in the Chinese capital Beijing .

  9. 这个公园也是每年V音乐节的演出场所。

    The estate is also the venue for the annual V Festival .

  10. 不过,这次大会根本没有像美国得克萨斯州举行的西南偏南大型音乐节(SouthbySouthwest)那么轰动爆棚,甚至也赶不上像知名科技博客网站TechCrunch举办的Disrupt这种更正统的会议。

    Or even a more modest confab like a techcrunch disrupt .

  11. Orange公司将会在本周开幕的格拉斯顿伯里音乐节上进行现场测试。

    Orange will be conducting live testing of the gadget on site at the Glastonbury Festival this weekend .

  12. n.节日;庆祝,纪念活动每年八月该市都举办夏季音乐节。

    festival Every year the city has a summer music festival in August .

  13. 在MemorialDay周末,我去Moab山玩山地自行,在沙漠摇滚音乐节上hadablast。

    For Memorial Day Weekend , I went mountain biking in Moab and had a blast at the Desert Rocks Music Festival .

  14. 相反,百威啤酒认为,与联合劝募会(UnitedWay)联合打造的百威美国造音乐节不仅是一次反馈社区的机会,也是一种在个人层面连接消费者的方式。

    Instead Budweiser saw an opportunity to give back to the community via the Budweiser Made in America 's festival partnership with United Way , but it was also a way to connect with consumers on a personal level .

  15. 在229位员工的帮助下,他们在179个国家已售出了1亿张门票,包括“西南偏南音乐节”(SouthbySouthwest)和“湾区马拉松”(BayAreamarathons)活动的门票。

    With the help of 229 employees , they have sold over 100 million tickets in 179 countries to events like South by Southwest after-parties and bay area marathons .

  16. 这部作品是受新西兰弦乐四重奏团委约创作的,于2007年1月在新西兰亚当姆斯国际室内乐音乐节中首演,并出版成CD。

    The composing of this piece was commissioned by New Zealand String Quartet . It debuted during the New Zealand Adams International Indoor Music Festival and was published to CD .

  17. 在取消了四月份科切拉谷地音乐节的表演后,Reed进行了肝脏移植手术。

    After canceling a scheduled appearance at April 's Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in Indio , Reed underwent a liver transplant .

  18. 2013年拜罗伊特音乐节,他指挥演奏的华格纳(Wagner)“指环(Ring)”系列也掌声不断,尽管原作不属上乘。

    And in 2013 , his conducting of Wagner 's " Ring " cycle at Bayreuth was applauded , even if the production was not .

  19. 在2009年英国举行的WOMAD音乐节上,他们成为了所有演出乐队中在现场销售CD最多的一支。

    At WOMAD UK in2009 , they sold more CDs at their show than any other band .

  20. 上周三霉霉在BillboardMusicAwards上面的表演剽窃了碧昂斯2018Coachella音乐节演唱会?

    Did Taylor Swift 's Billboard Music Awards performance on last Wednesday night rip off Beyonc é 's 2018 's Coachella show ?

  21. 8月29日和30日的雷丁利兹音乐节上,除了“北极猴子”,Radiohead和KingsOfLeon乐队也将大放异彩。

    Arctic Monkeys will headline the festivals alongside Radiohead and Kings Of Leon on29 and30 August .

  22. 对表演者和某些特定地区而言,这些音乐节就是吸引旅行者的磁石和美妙的促销手段,比如在加利福尼亚州举办的蒙特雷爵士音乐节(MontereyJazzFestival)。

    These gatherings operate as tourist magnets and fantastic promotional devices for performers and particular locations , such as the Monterey Jazz Festival in California .

  23. 虽然twitter在去年夏季已经公开推出,但它的火爆应用却是在今年3月中旬、参加得克萨斯“南南西音乐节”(southbysouthwest)的科技类博客作者采用它之后。

    Though launched publicly last summer , use of twitter started to take off in the middle of March after it was adopted by technology bloggers attending the south by Southwest conference in Texas .

  24. 今年JVC音乐节回归

    They brought back the JVC Fest this year .

  25. 比如奥斯汀每年举办的“西南偏南”音乐节(SouthbySouthwestfestival)最开始是一项纯粹的音乐活动,后来衍生出了一个小型多媒体峰会,去年仅其科技活动便吸引了20000人参加。

    Consider this : the annual south by Southwest Festival , which started as a music event and later spawned a small multimedia summit , attracted some 20,000 attendees last year to its tech affair alone .

  26. 最近几天,他一直在为卡斯尔顿音乐节(CastletonFestival)进行排练。该音乐节在他的农场举行。

    In recent days , he had been rehearsing for the Castleton Festival , which takes place on his farm .

  27. 曾经另类、非消费主义的Glastonbury音乐节,已经演化成了另一次时尚公关机遇。

    Once-alternative , non-consumerist Glastonbury has evolved into another fashion PR opportunity .

  28. 涉足音乐节对于百威啤酒(Budweiser)来说是一项非常容易做出的决定。

    For Budweiser ( BUD ) , getting into the festival business was an easy decision .

  29. 这些成功不仅让他在美国拉斯维加斯大型电子音乐节ElectricDaisyCarnival上独占鳌头,同时在全球音乐盛会Coachella音乐节上也独挑大梁。

    That kind of popularity has him playing headline gigs not only at EDM-focused events like the Electric Daisy Carnival , but also at festivals like Coachella .

  30. 再看看一大批正在火人节(BurningMan)欢度春假的人群中穿梭,或者在西南偏南音乐节(SouthbySouthwest)袒露健美体格的科技工作者(其中包括投资人、加密货币传道者泰勒o文克莱沃斯那犹如奥林匹斯山诸神的强健身躯)。

    Look at the hordes of young tech workers navigating the Spring Break crowds at Burning Man and South by Southwest baring their toned physiques ( including the literally Olympian torso of Tyler Winklevoss , the investor and cryptocurrency evangelist ) .