
yīn yuè yán jiū
  • Music Research;research in music;musicology
  1. 近似串匹配技术在网络信息搜索、数字图书馆、模式识别、文本挖掘、IP路由查找、网络入侵检测、生物信息学、音乐研究计算等领域具有广泛的应用。

    Approximate string matching technique has been widely applied to many fields such as network information retrieval , digital library , pattern recognition , text mining , IP routing searching , network intrusion detection , bioinformatics , and computing in musicology .

  2. 摘要基于cssci及其“引文分析仓库”对于2000-2004年间整个艺术学研究论文所进行的主题词调查分析显示,电影研究是此间艺术学研究较有深度的热点,其次是音乐研究。

    Based on the CSSCI and " citation analysis ", the analysis of the key words appeared in research papers in the science of art indicates that cinema studies is the one that is heated and has some depth , and next to it is music studies .

  3. 太湖地区民间信仰音乐研究

    Music for the Folk Beliefs of Taihu Lake District , China

  4. 湖南靖县多声部民歌音乐研究

    On the Ballad Music with Multi-voice Part of Hunan Jing County

  5. 西方音乐研究在中国(1980-2000)

    A Study of Western Music Research in China ( 1980-2000 );

  6. 口述史及其在流行音乐研究中的应用

    Oral History and Its Application in the Research of Pop Music

  7. 电脑在古琴音乐研究中的初步应用

    Preliminary application of the computer technique to guqin music research

  8. 进入十九世纪下半叶,心理学的理论逐渐被应用于音乐研究。

    Since the 19th century psychology theory was applied to music research gradually .

  9. 国际计算机音乐研究与我国相关专业学科建设管见

    Studies of World Computer Music and the Development of Related Subjects in China

  10. 国际民间音乐研究协会

    International Association for the Study of Popular Music

  11. 鄂西土家族丧葬仪式音乐研究的再思考

    The Research into Tujia Funeral Ritual Music Reconsidered

  12. 他们从事音乐研究。

    They engage in the study of music .

  13. 历史的批评批评的历史&当代音乐研究学科构想之我见

    Historical Criticism & Critical History : The Viewpoint of " Modern Music Research " Construction

  14. 音乐研究性学习之研究

    The Research of Music Explorative Study

  15. 北京大学音乐研究会

    Music Research Association of Beijing University

  16. 北欧音乐研究学会理事会

    Nordic Council of Music Research Societies

  17. 计算机音乐研究初探

    A Survey of Computer Music

  18. 加勒比文化间音乐研究所

    Caribbean Intercultural Music Institute

  19. 电影音乐研究是电影艺术理论探讨中,不容忽视的一部分。

    The study of film music which could not be neglected is the part of the film theory .

  20. 如何指导学生的电子音乐研究:其中包括什么内容,以及最佳的引导方式?

    Educating students in electroacoustic music studies : what does this consist of and how can we best deliver it ?

  21. 从研究性学习的特征,民族音乐研究性学习及研究性学习中的教师评价等问题进行阐述、分析。

    It elaborates the characteristic of the know-how study , the know-how study of national music and the teachers ' evaluation in the know-how study .

  22. 中国现当代音乐研究的基石&庆贺《二十世纪中国音乐期刊篇目汇编》出版

    A Foundation Stone for Studies in Chinese Modern-Contemporary Music Edited by LI Wenru & Congratulate the Publication of the Compiled Contents of the Chinese 20th Century Musical Periodicals

  23. 本论文的研究试图尝试打开对汤姆森专业音乐研究领域的缺口,以弥补目前国内在研究美国专业音乐上的这个空白。

    And this thesis tries to initialize the study of the professional music field of Thomson , to fill in the blank of domestic studies on American professional music .

  24. 城市音乐研究是自上世纪80年代以来音乐人类学兴起的一个热点,大众媒体也在城市音乐文化发展进程中发挥重要作用。

    Urban music culture study has risen up as a new hotspot in contemporary ethnomusicology since the 1980s . Mass media also plays an important role in the development process of the urban music culture .

  25. 中国艺术研究院音乐研究所所长田青表示,龚琳娜的作品是传统民族音乐领域的突破,并给予大众了解这种音乐类型的机会。

    Tian Qing , director of Research Institute of Music of the Chinese Academy of Arts , calls Gong ` s works " a breakthrough in the field of traditional Chinese folk music " and " a chance for the public to get to know this music genre " .

  26. 通过对比不同媒体的差异,回顾以往有关暴力音乐的研究,结合一般攻击模型(GAM)来分析带暴力色彩的歌曲对攻击的影响。

    By comprising the difference of different media and reviewing the past research of violent music , we analyzed the effects in the sight of the " general aggression model " .

  27. 对于这些问题,文中的论述都基于本人长期对电脑音乐的研究,也可以说是本人长期在MIDI音乐制作方面实践经验的总结。

    The description about these problems are all based on the longtime study of the computer music by myself , and it can also regards as a experience summary of the longtime MIDI music producing by myself .

  28. 本论文属于中国传统音乐形态学研究领域。

    This dissertation belongs to Chinese traditional musical morphology research area .

  29. 中国大陆对美国流行音乐的研究(1983-2003)

    American Pop Music Research in Chinese Mainland ( 1983 & 2003 )

  30. 中国音乐史学研究的现状与方法

    On the Situation and Approach of Chinese Music History Study