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  • music TV
  1. 通用汽车(GeneralMotors)、美国电话电报公司(AT&T)、迪士尼(Disney)和音乐电视(MTV,全球两大音乐台之一)等都是在经济衰退时创建的。

    It includes General Motors , AT & T , Disney and MTV , all founded during recessions .

  2. 作为证据,不妨看看这个组合今年在MTV音乐电视大奖(MTVVideoMusicAwards)颁奖典礼上唯一的一次亮相。

    As proof , witness the group 's only live appearance this year , at the MTV Video Music Awards .

  3. 杰克逊还打破了MTV(著名音乐电视频道)的种族隔阂。

    Jackson broke MTV ` s color barrier .

  4. 音乐电视(MTV)是乡村音乐和黑人音乐模仿者;

    Music Television ( MTV ) and its coun-try music and soul music imitators ;

  5. 音乐电视段片MTV与外语视听教学

    MTV and Foreign Language Audio-Visual Teaching

  6. 今年的歌曲名为爱在晨曦中(LoveatFirstLight),并配有音乐电视片展现新加坡最新热点,如在滨海湾(Bay)建设的耗资上十亿美元的公众公园Gardens等。

    This year , it is called ' Love at First Light , ' and comes with a music video highlighting Singapore 's newest attractions , like a new billion-dollar public park called Gardens by the Bay .

  7. 从周四开始,一直到8月23日,粉丝可以投票选出MTV音乐电视大奖共15个不分性别的奖项的获奖者。

    Starting Thursday through Aug. 23 , fans can vote for VMA winners across 15 gender-neutral categories here .

  8. 第一次是11月11日MTV音乐电视大奖颁奖礼上,推出她的新专辑《Artpop》,

    first at the MTV Video Music Awards , promoting her new album Artpop , out November 11th ,

  9. 2009年的音乐电视大奖,碧昂丝输给了泰勒·斯威夫特,没能获得年度最佳MV大奖,当时维斯特也如法炮制。

    Kanye had pulled a similar stunt when Beyonce lost Video of the Year to Taylor Swift at the MTV Music Awards in 2009 .

  10. 音乐电视即MTV是20世纪末出现的一种文化现象。

    The emergence of MTV ( Music Television ) form can be regarded as a culture phenomenon in the end of 20th century .

  11. 新的电视网络——音乐电视,或是MTV(音乐电视频道)的出现,带动起一股音乐录像带的潮流。

    A new television network called Music Television , or MTV , launched early in the decade and gave rise to the popularity of music videos .

  12. 即使对音乐电视网MTV来说,它也太败坏风俗了。它是如此低俗,我们不得不对广告做了改动,然后才能播出。

    Even for the music video network MTV it 's too risque , so risque , we had to alter the commercial to show it for this story .

  13. 在推出音乐电视(MTV)的一代人时间之后,全球主要唱片公司正希望通过为自己旗下艺人的唱片创建一个单一的数字平台,重振在线音乐视频业务。

    A generation after the launch of MTV , major record labels are hoping to revive the music video business online by creating a single digital destination for their artists ' output .

  14. 此次演出将是防弹少年团在MTV音乐电视大奖颁奖典礼上的首秀,也是他们计划于8月21日发行的英文单曲《Dynamite》的电视首秀。

    The show will mark BTS ' first-ever VMAs performance and the TV debut of their upcoming English-only single , " Dynamite , " set to be released on Aug. 21 .

  15. 音乐电视段片MTV是一种世界上广为流行的音乐形式,它在法国的外语视听课堂教学中得到了广泛的应用,起到良好的教学效果。

    The MTV is a very popular musical form in the world and is well applied in French foreign language audio visual teaching ; it brings good teaching effect and can be used for reference .

  16. MTV音乐电视大奖颁奖典礼将于8月30日在布鲁克林巴克莱中心直播,增设两个新的奖项反映目前的疫情时期:最佳家庭制作录影带奖和最佳隔离表现奖。

    The VMAs , to air live on Aug. 30 from the Barclays Center in Brooklyn , introduces two new categories reflecting the current pandemic times : best music video from home and best quarantine performance .

  17. 小天后麦莉•塞勒斯(MileyCyrus)在MTV音乐电视颁奖礼上的表演不仅迅速传遍了社交网络,也证明了这位之前在迪斯尼(Disney)频道热播情景喜剧《蒙塔娜》中担纲主角的童星毫无疑问已经长大成人了。不止于此。

    The performance from Miley Cyrus at MTV 's Video Music Awards not only quickly lit up the social Web but also proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the former Disney star is all grown up .

  18. 随着CD唱片的日益普及,随着立体声及数字式音乐电视迈开咄咄逼人脚步,随着,尤其是随着仿佛无所不能的计算机网络势力的高速扩张,新世纪音乐广播和音乐广播人还能有所作为吗?

    With the ever increasing popularization of CDs , with the agreesive march of stereo and digital musical TV , with , and espeacially with the rapid extention of the almighty computer network force , what else can be done on the part of the music broadcasting industry and music broadcasters of the new century ?

  19. 上个月针对“有所作为网”上的请愿书,苹果公司的一名发言人在接受MTV音乐电视网采访时表示:“我们正在与统一码联盟进行紧密合作,努力更新已有标准。表情字符集确实需要多样化。”

    In response to the DoSometing.org petition , an Apple spokesperson last month told MTV that " we have been working closely with the Unicode Consortium in an effort to update the standard . There needs to be more diversity in the emoji character set . "

  20. 她的女儿Meghana(穿着她自己设计的氯纶紧身连衣裤)是模特,而且是音乐电视频道VTV的前主持人。

    Her daughter Meghana ( in a PVC catsuit of her own design ) is a model and former host on the music video channel VTV .

  21. 周四早上在KIIS-FM电台的一档访谈节目中,希尔顿说她头天因拍摄音乐电视而工作了一整天后参加了一个慈善捐款人派对,在派对上也就喝了杯马格利塔酒。

    She told KIIS-FM radio in an interview on Thursday morning that she had been to a charity fund-raiser party after a long day shooting a music video and had just one margarita .

  22. 音乐电视著作权中存在两个非常棘手的问题。

    There are two very difficult issues in music television copyrights .

  23. 她有可能在国际音乐电视颁奖礼

    It 's possible she 's at the lnternational Music Video Awards

  24. 音乐电视是最流行的、放映音乐录像的电视频道。

    MTV is the most popular television channel that shows music videos .

  25. 企业音乐电视对企业形象的塑造与传播

    Enterprise MTV as a Pattern of Creation and Communication in Corporate Image

  26. 十大最具影响力的流行音乐电视作品如下

    Following is the list of the top10 most influential pop music videos

  27. 我们可以从三个不同的角度来对音乐电视做分析。

    We can analyse it in three different view-angel .

  28. 2001年,她领衔主演了音乐电视版的《卡门》;

    In 2001 she starred in MTV 's Carmen .

  29. 当她向观众介绍音乐电视时,观众也同时得以熟悉她的可爱的表演。

    Viewers became familiar with her acting all cute while introducing music videos .

  30. 这代人是在音乐电视前长大的。

    This generation has grown up on MTV .