
  • 网络Static energy;rest energy
  1. 质量就是静能量

    Mass does be static energy

  2. B组静滴能量合剂。

    BG were dripped energy mixture .

  3. 其它治疗如静滴白蛋白、能量合剂、水溶性维生素,注射重组生长激素等,疗效短暂且有限,并不能从本质上改善CRF患者的蛋白质合成,使用受限。

    The efficacy of other treatment , such as intravenous albumin , energy mixture , water-soluble vitamins , recombinant growth hormone , is short-term and limited . So their adverse reactions unavoidably limit their clinical application .

  4. 半刚性护栏的静载实验及能量吸收特性

    Experiment of Semirigid Guardrail and Energy Absorption Features under Static Loads