
  • 网络binding energy of nucleus
  1. 原子核结合能的微观解释

    The microcosmic explanation of the binding energy in nucleus

  2. 从低能核物理出发,利用原子核结合能的半经验公式给出了原子核稳定的条件;

    Based on half experienced formula of nucleus boundary energy in low energy physics , the conditions of nucleus stability are given .

  3. 原子核的结合能确实大得惊人!

    Nuclear binding energies are indeed amazingly large !

  4. 速度有关的作用势与原子核的结合能

    The velocity dependent potential and the binding energies of nuclei

  5. 原子核的结合能是极大的。

    Nuclear binding energies are strikingly high .

  6. 我们看过波函数,我们知道解,薛定谔方程的其他部分,就是解对于原子核的电子结合能,所以我们来看一看。

    We looked at the wave functions , we know the other part of solving the Schrodinger equation is to solve for the binding energy of electrons to the nucleus , so let 's take a look at those .

  7. 原子核的统计理论&原子核的比结合能

    The statistical theory of atomic nuclei-nuclear binding energies

  8. 与原子核中的质量差相对应的能量叫做原子核的结合能。

    The energy equivalent of the mass discrepancy in a nucleus is called binding energy .

  9. 本文对有关原子核能量的计算做了一个比较系统和全面地讨论,以爱因斯坦的质能方程为主线索来讨论原子核的结合能,衰变能,以及反应能。

    In this paper , we discussed about the calculating of nuclear energy by system tidy , then , based on by using the mass-energy equating of Einstein , discussing the nuclear binding energy , disintegration energy and reaction energy .